
Inside the life of a billionaire teen

Give this book a try, don't judge it by the first chapter or the second one, it keeps on getting interesting chapter to chapter . Her existence was like a bone stuck in the neck . Nothing was good about her life, only bad memories filled with regret and anger . No one knew her pain apart from herself. Her life seemed good to viewers but only herself knew how messy it was. Heaven's only happiness was spending money like water , changing boyfriends like clothes, fighting and causing troubles.

ZoeTinnah · 若者
42 Chs

The order.

"It has been ages since you take everything that belongs to me bitch but not this time, not Thor not anymore," warns Mirror.

She shameful gets up on her feet and walks out of the place and can feel millions of eyes on her as well as cameras.

"Did it have to end like this ?" mummers Mirror.

"If Thor can ditch the school queen bee, What about me butterfly." says a girl with glasses

"Isn't this funny?" asks another

'How is that even funny?" yells the first girl as she walks away.

Jessica Smith.

Sixteen years old.

Goes to Marco high school.

Heaven's classmate.

Computer genius.

Wears glasses

Had a crush on Thor Cooper since Kindergarten.

"What's wrong with her ? she was fine just now hump that's her problem." mutters the other girl.

Ashley Smith.

Seventeen years old.

Goes to Marco high school.

A class ahead of Heaven.

Has a voice of an angel. ( singer and songwriter).

A vocalist who plays piano.

Party animal.

Jessica's elder sister.

As soon as Mirror reached home, she hoped to grab a bottle of red wine and get a good sleep but was just in her imagination.

Hi, you are back? asks a man with dark brown hair.

Something is off mutters Mirror as she looks around the house.

It was strange for Mr. Joe the business tycoon to be at home at that hour, he always spent most of his time at work and in bars as well as clubs and only came back home when he needed something or when his business isn't doing well.

"Anything from us?" asks Mirror furiously.

"Get married to Justin Gutter," says Joe.

"What is this even possible, Dad You know I never loved him, and never will I get married to the person I don't love ?" replies Mirror in disbelief.

" Do I look like someone who is asking for your opinion?" asks Joe Stephanie.

"That's an order."

"Dad...., That book warm is a cheater, there is no way am getting married to that piece of trash, tell me you are joking." nags Mirror

"Zip it Mirror and let me rest in peace "

"Mom... please beg him for me, I don't want to get married to that moving dead jerk, please mom do it for the sake of your daughter please." cries Mirror

"Is this the only way to save your business dad, please don't marry me off to that bookworm, please ." pleads Mirror.

"Yes, this is the only way Mirror, please help me this once," replies Joe with teary eyes.

He was standing at the index of the dining table facing the wall, turning his back against Mirror, and dared not to look at her even for once.

Laura hugged her daughter tight as she sobbed, why ?.... mom, don't you love me anymore.... why do you hate me this much.... why do you let me be that sicko, psycho as she cried for minutes.

As Laura was embracing her daughter, she remembers the way her parents had married her off to this family for the sake of their business not caring about her feelings the same thing is happening to her daughter but had nothing to do about it other than watching the air.

"So my daughter is taking after me," thought Laura as she looks at her son who was playing video games.

Joe Stephanie Junior

Carefree little cutie boy.

His only problem was missing food and Video games.

Shabby but a genius.

Dreamt of taking over the family business.

"Do this for your brother?" whispers Laura as she pulls herself from the hug.

As Mirror sat in her room looking through the window, resting her chin on her hand.

"This world is awful and unfair, especially this day is one of the days I will never forget in my life." At first, I was pushed into the pool and ditched by my so-called boyfriend and now my family is telling me to marry that good-for-nothing jerk, a womanizer of all people.

"Did you have to do this to me?"; Mirror asks coldly.

[Mirror's POV]

She vaguely pictured Justin leaning closer sucking her lower lips," Let's do this babe since we are a married couple." says with a smirk on his face. The next thing is taking off his shirt

No... Mirror screams covering her ears.

An idea popped into her mind, "I can stop this, yes I can stop it"

Back at the party.

Everything was going well until Mirror showed up in a nightgown together with sandals.

Moving straight to where Justin was with his pals enjoying the day without any worries.

"Follow me." orders Mirror as she drags Justin away from the crowd.

"You knew all along that my family and yours are making business through marriage but never told me," asks Mirror.

"Why isn't good for you to be my wife?" replies Justin.

"You sicko ..... I thought you hated me ?" asks Mirror leaning closer.

"Yes, but the more I hate you the more I love you," replies Justin.

One year ago,

Justin Gutter and Mirror Stephanie were so-called inseparable.

They dated for four good years but Justin was dumped for Thor.

Thor was just a newbie at that time.

"Help me please, I don't want to get married at this age am only seventeen," begs Mirror.

"Don't worry I will treat you well, My wife to be," replies Justin as he looks at her.

You came from your home in a nightgown and sandals to beg me to call off the marriage, interesting comments Justin before she moves away.

"You are not calling off this marriage? okay you will regret it sooner or later," warns Mirror.

Goddamn it!!!!!!! this jerk is unbelievably cursed Mirror.

Have the lost her mind after being dumped says a girl.

Am sure my account is going to get more followers and likes after posting all these videos says.

The school Queen bee is being dumped she adds.

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