
Innate Beasts

In a world of cultivators, beasts, demons and gods, a holy lord by the name of Alaric is reincarnated hundreds of years into the future as a teen boy. His experience leads to incomprehensible potential but it also harbours an infinite responsibility. On the planet of Wariath, blessed humans are born with an extra soul, the soul of a beast. Some might awaken the innate beast ‘Bloodscale Wyvern’ while others awaken a ‘Water Elk.’ Life is not fair but it would be boring if it was.

Cheese_Cheese_7505 · ファンタジー
2 Chs


Overseeing a continent named Black Star, were a religious group by the name "Order of Origin" which is based off the energies of everything and nothing within all existence.

Compared to Origin and it's paramount influence on the universe, this extravagant religious order is comparatively insignificant.

Even so their matters are not trifling by any means.

The order of Origin has been prevalent through the entire world let alone continent for hundreds of thousands of years. They had become an everlasting and untouchable pillar of purity and righteousness. Constantly keeping the lands from falling under evil influences while staying out of the lands politics and wars unless necessary.

Unfortunately time is unstoppable and change is inevitable. The time of prominence which the Order of Origin held is already a miracle.

After so many years, countless secret demonic cults and evil individuals, wormed their way into the Order and corrupted it from the inside out.

Numerous internal and external struggles later, the Leader of the Order and the continents most powerful Sage was nearing his life's end.

He was known as Holy Lord Alaric to anyone not living under a rock. He stopped countless invasions, prevented unnecessary extinctions and enforced respected ideals and lines which no evil has ever broken until now.

His body lay limp on the floor, holding up his blood bathed face with his chin as he spits his final words to the traitorous scum standing over him.

"I have no anger, no sadness and no fear… Only dissatisfaction and disappointment. Each one of you were my trusted aids and my trust isn't cheap. I'm certain there's someone pulling the strings but I'm not sure who and I'm not sure how. So I will practice forgiveness as I watch my underlings poison me…. But not you…. No, not you. I know your listening right now, so stay focused for this threat carries behind it, the truth of the universe. The call of Origin assures me that all will be fine. Your little journey is but a mere ripple among the flow of the universe."

Alaric who was starting to look his real age of 300 due to the poison, started breathing heavily as his consciousness wavered.

An arrogant and upset tone of voice echoed in Alarics mind, "Holy Lord Alaric, your strength and prowess are indeed unmatched but you are let down by the old order you committed yourself to. The order of Origin is nothing but a philosophical delusion! It's god is based on a myth for heavens sake!"

The voice seemed to pull back it's aggression before continuing, "The Order of Origin is a outdated and incompetent religion. It's name is only remembered as the great Holy Lord Alaric serves as it's devout follower and leader."

Alaric rushed out some words along with some coughs of blood as he understood he would soon die, "Origin has no need for fame, proof, explanations or reasons as it is merely an omnipotent flow of life, death, space, and time. Nothing you do or say can influence this flow in the least. You can temporarily disrupt it but never stop it or even shift it. Thus the Order of Origin has no need to spread their faith and call for followers. Everything will proceed within the flow of Origin, much like fate. Therefore you have nothing to be proud of, your current achievements and future achievements are comparable to a bump in the road."

Somewhere not too far away, a tall pale man with blazing blonde hair stood still as his jaw clenched until his teeth started chipping, "Preposterous! The Sin of pride chose me and even the gods have granted me never before seen blessings. What would you call that if not surpassing fate and this so called Origin you believe in?!… Answer me you fool!"

Time passed in silence as Alaric had long since passed away. Even during Prides righteous bragging, Alaric never once frowned in fear for the future of his world. They may suffer some rough times but for some reason he feels the power of Origin more than ever. He can clearly feel it assuring him of the futures safety.

The warm embrace of origin transitioned to the coldness of death.

"I can feel the frost of death chilling my bones. I can almost hear a howl as wind is felt lashing my skin all over…. Ummm, I haven't died before so I'm not sure but why can I still think so clearly?"

A blinding flash encompassed all of Alarics conscience then started slowly fading.

The cold temperatures felt colder and the winds howls became clearer as his eyes adjusted from the bright flash, slowly revealing multiple blurred figures.

"WHAT IS THIS!?!" Alaric trembled as his nerves, muscles and blood were stimulated.

"This, this… I-I can feel it, My heart is pumping, I'm alive!"


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