
Infinityverse God Power

Returning from school, Akuro Kenshin, in his mind a normal boy, walks quietly to his house. Arriving, as soon as he opens the door and puts his foot inside, suddenly a light surrounds him and he disappears.

KuroNoKenshi2020 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 07

Forest around the Church.

Returning to the church, Akuro senses presences not far from him, still in the forest.

Akuro ( Think ): " These presences... "

Rias and Akeno.

Both were present in that forest around the church, to defeat the three fallen angels present there.

These fallen angels, known as: Dohnaseek, Kalawarna and Mittelt.

Dohnaseek : Sorry to say, but it looks like you're in big trouble, Gremory. - he says arrogantly.

Kalawarna : I have a score to settle with that servant of yours. -she says remembering Issei, who defeated her when she awakened her Boosted Gear for the first time.

Akeno: Ara, Ara. Good to have you all gathered here. That way, it gets easier. -she says with her typical sadistic smile with her eyes closed.

Dohnaseek : Those who challenge us, like you, will be condemned.

Kalawarna : Prepare to fall! - shouts.

Having said that, Dohnaseek and Kalawarna spread their fallen angel wings and lunge at Rias and Akeno.

Rias: Akeno. - says with a confident smile.

Akeno : Of course, President.

Akeno was ready to attack them, however...

Dohnaseek : AGHRRRRRRRRR!!! - screams in pain. Thus, violently falling to the ground.

Kalawarna who was with Dohnaseek advancing towards the two girls, stops in mid-air, surprised by her companion who had fallen out of nowhere.

Apparently this was not the doing of the two girls.

Kalawarna: But what—

??? : I make your words mine. The same goes for those who mess with us! - says responding to what Dohnaseek had said earlier.

This person calmly walks up to them. Standing with an indifferent look, with your hands carefree in your pockets and with a serene atmosphere.

Kalawarna and Dohnaseek look at the person in front of them in surprise.

As far as all indications were concerned, this person was responsible for attacking Dohnaseek. However, what intrigued them the most was...

Kalawarna: A human?! What is a human doing here?!

Rias and Akeno, also seemed to be surprised by this person in question:

Rias/Akeno : Huh?! You...!

Rias: Akuro!

Akuro: Yo. - responds making a sign of peace and love.

Rias: What are you doing here?

Akuro: Oh. I was passing by, and I ended up feeling some presences. So I decided to come take a look. - he says indifferently, walking with his hands in his pockets.

Akeno: Akuro-kun. You know, we were hearing some bangs just now, not far from here. It looked like there was someone in combat. However, these rumblings suddenly stopped. Would you know anything?

Akuro : Maybe, who knows. - continues walking, this time, to Dohnaseek - Oh, by the way, I'll take care of that old man. -indifferently, he points to Dohnaseek.

Dohnaseek : Hey kid! Who are you calling old?!

Rias : Well, I don't see any problems. That way, it ends faster.

Dohnaseek : Boy, tell me. Who are you?

Akuro : Huh? Ah, excuse my manners. My name is Akuro Kenshin. The one that will kick your old ass! Is a pleasure!

Dohnaseek looks enraged, having heard that:

Dohnaseek : A mere human, dare you look down on me?!!

Kalawarna: It's a shame that such a handsome boy has to die.

Akuro, for his part, resolves to ignore her, and her earlier comment:

Akuro : So, shall we begin? - asks Dohnaseek.

Kalawarna: You dare ignore me?! -she says advancing on him to attack him.

However, it is prevented when a yellow ray comes towards it, where luckily, it manages to deflect.

Akeno : Didn't you hear anything he said? He will take care of that grandpa. So I ask you to be content with me, please. Huhuhuhum.

Kalawarna: Damn it...!

Rias: You too! Don't think you'll escape! - says pointing to Mittelt.

Mittelt : As if I would run away from a damn demon like you! - says the hitherto forgotten Mittelt.

Rias: Good. Now come to me to punish you properly. -she says covering her hand with her Power of Destruction .

With that, the following matches begin: Akeno vs Kalawarna and Rias vs Mittelt.

Akuro and Dohnaseek.

Akuro was facing Dohnaseek, still with his hands in his pockets, without the slightest concern.

Akuro ( Think ): "Seriously. The way this guy looks at me, it's with total contempt! For him, it's unthinkable that a simple human can hurt his ego. It's because of this idiotic pride, that many members of all factions die It's because they think that the human race is inferior and that if it weren't for the Sacred Gears, they wouldn't have the slightest chance of fighting against them. Therefore, they deeply despise them."

Dohnaseek, who was staring back at the boy in front of him, puts a sudden cocky smile on his face.

Dohnaseek: You foolish human. I will teach you not to discredit a race superior to yours, with your hands in your pockets!! -With an arrogant smile, he creates a spear of light.

He then flies with his wings, up to Akuro.

Akuro : Man, I'm starting to think you're better with your mouth shut!

Dohnaseek : Shut up, human! DIE!!! - he shouts, launching his spear of light at Akuro.

However, nonchalantly, Akuro holds that spear with his left hand.

Dohnaseek : Huh?!! H-How...?!

Akuro : What is it? Won't you say that... that's all? - says already hitting a cross kick on Dohnaseek.

Dohnaseek, due to the kick, is dragged back a little.

Dohnaseek : That kid... He... held my spear with his bare hands?!

Akuro : Come on, there's no way this is all you've got.

Dohnaseek: Miserable!

Akuro : You only use words? Well, I guess it's only natural for someone as weak as that.

Dohnaseek : You...!!

Akuro : Jutsushiki Tenkai... Hakai Satsu: Rashin! - Akuro manifests a light blue snowflake-shaped compass underneath him with numbers ranging from 1 to 12 - You've already said too much, don't you think?! Haa!! - attacks Dohnaseek.

Dohnaseek : Don't think too much, brat!! - creates another spear of light, which he carries with both hands.

The two soon collide. Dohnaseek frantically attacks Akuro with coordinated attacks, which he defends with his bare fists.

Exchanging blows, Akuro comments:

Akuro : This is really boring. Is that all they have?

Witnessing this comment coming from the boy in front of him, Dohnaseek scowls:

Dohnaseek : "If that's all I have, is it"? Well done, you brat! I will show you!

Next, Dohnaseek creates several arrows of light in the air, all of which are redirected towards Akuro.

Dohnaseek : I want to see you dodge them all!!

Akuro: Huh? - looks indifferently at all of them.

Dohnaseek : Take this!! - with a wave of your hand, they are all sent to Akuro.

Akuro : Hmm... - Indifferent.

Dohnaseek : Hahahaha!! Get lost!!

All of them were inches away from hitting Akuro. However, time seemed to stop for him, because of what he was about to say:

Akuro : Jutsushiki Hanten Aka!! - a small red sphere forms on his index finger, soon repelling and destroying all those arrows.

Dohnaseek : ( Surprised ) But who is this boy anyway?!

Akuro : ( Sighs ) I'll ask again and for the last time... Is that all?

Dohnaseek: ( Speechless ) ...

Akuro : That silence alone says it all. So, I think it's time to end this!

Akeno and Kalawarna.

Akeno who had already transformed, changing clothes in the middle of the battlefield. Thus wearing her priestess clothes. This step requires the person to temporarily strip naked, much like Raynare did when she revealed herself to be a Fallen Angel to Issei.

Akeno then thought that Akuro was going to peek at her while she was transforming, but to her surprise, Akuro wasn't even paying attention.

While confronting Kalawarna, Akeno notices that the fight between Akuro and Dohnaseek was being easily controlled by Akuro.

Akeno : Ara, Ara, it looks like our dear ally is subduing his partner. -he says with a sadistic smile, his cheeks slightly flushed.

Kalawarna : To be allying with a human, it seems that the Gremory Clan has fallen a lot! - he says mockingly.

Akeno : If I were you, I wouldn't underestimate him. After all, he could endure a fight against Kiba-kun who is a demon, and one of the best knights in the underworld. Apparently, he wasn't fighting with all his strength either.- sadistic smile.

Kalawarna: Bullshit!

Attacks Akeno, once again, with a spear of light. She is being defended by your Lightning Demonic Power .

Rias and Mittelt.

This fight was clearly in favor of the side of the heiress of the Gremory Clan, Rias Gremory, who had a huge advantage. While Mittelt who created spears of light and attacked Rias, she simply destroyed the spears with her Power of Destruction , as if it was nothing.

Rias : It looks like Akuro is already wanting to end his fight against that Fallen Angel. So I should end up here too. -he says, indifferent to the spears of light that were being launched towards him.

Mittelt: Damn! Why?! Why can't I hit her?!

Rias : Could you stop, and accept once and for all that there is no way to win this fight, please?

Mittelt: Shut up! Damn it!! Take this~~!! Aaahhhhhhh!!! - He shouts throwing a flurry of spears, hoping for some to hit.

Akuro and Dohnaseek.

Akuro : If you don't have anything else to show, I'll end things here!

Dohnaseek, he couldn't believe his powers had no effect on the boy in front of him. He then, with his eyes fluttering in surprise, tells her:

Dohnaseek : D-Don't say nonsense! A boy... A human... Would never... Never defeat me...!

Akuro : Do you really believe that?

Dohnaseek: ...

Akuro : Well, it's because... your legs are shaking. - points to his legs.

Dohnaseek ( Think ): " What?! What's going on?! Why the hell are my legs shaking?!! Don't tell me, what... is it out of fear of this boy?! Ridiculous! Impossible! I would never fear one boy, let alone a human!! "

Akuro: Got it. You...

Dohnaseek, redirects again to Akuro.

Akuro : ... is nothing but a coward!

Dohnaseek : But what?! What did you say, boy?!

Akuro: After realizing that her powers wouldn't work on me, her body subconsciously started to feel fear. That's what I meant, you coward!

Dohnaseek : Tch...! How dare you...

Akuro ( Think ): "Karma!" - he thinks with black marks appearing on his left hand, then expanding down his arm to his face, covering his left eye.

Dohnaseek: What is it? What... marks are those?

Akuro : You don't need to know. And now... Karma: Destruction!! - fires a beam of linear, red energy.

Dohnaseek was not understanding anything that was happening:

Dohnaseek : B-But what is it...?!! N-No... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! - he screams being swallowed by that attack.


After a few seconds, Dohnaseek was lying on the floor. His garments all torn and singed from the blow he had suffered. From his injured body, black smoke was drawn.

The surroundings had been harmfully damaged. The trees had been obliterated and the ground heavily burned. From the ground, torrents of hot steam rose from the ground to the sky. The trees that remained were spread out on the ground, with only their branches, in view of the fact that their leaves evaporated with that attack.

Akuro : Looks like he's still alive. - he says examining his body - Well, I'll take him. Maybe I can use it to our advantage.

Having decided this, Akuro simply picks him up and puts him on his back, starting to walk with him unconscious.

Akeno and Kalawarna.

Akeno: Huh? Ara, Ara. The presence of that fallen angel disappeared. That can only mean one thing!

Kalawarna also sensing this, widens his eyes in disbelief:

Kalawarna: Impossible!

Akeno : That he... was defeated!

Kalawarna : No... No! He wouldn't lose... Not to a human!!

Akeno : Anyway, I think it's time to end here too!

Kalawarna: Huh?! What are you saying?! Don't think you're going to beat me that easy ass—

Akeno hits her with a large lightning bolt, thus knocking her out.

Akeno : Ara, Ara, I wonder if the President is ending too.

Rias and Mittelt.

Rias : Looks like Akuro and Akeno are done with their little friends. -she says with a confident smile on her face.

Mittelt : N-It can't be... - She starts to get scared and desperate.

Rias : Now it's my turn to end things around here! - he says concentrating his Power of Destruction in the palms of his hands.

Mittelt : D-Don't do that...

And with a simple opening of her arms, she unleashes her power on that fallen angel.

Mittelt : Nooooooo...!!!

Mittet is hit by Rias's Power of Destruction , duly falling to the ground already unconscious and badly injured.


After taking out the Fallen Angels with relative ease, Akuro, Rias and Akeno find themselves again in the middle of the forest, taking the bodies of the three Fallen Angels with them.

Rias : Now that we've defeated them, all that's left is for me to finish off their bodies with my power. -he says promptly concentrating his power in his hand, aiming at the three bodies in front of him.

Akuro : Wait a minute. - he says calling attention to Akeno and Rias.

Rias: What is it? Did something happen?

Akuro : I've been thinking, and you know... why don't you leave them alive?

Rias/Akeno : WHAT?!

Akuro: Calm down, calm down. You didn't let me finish talking. You could turn them into your servants, I bet they would come in handy. And another, if they rebel against you, just put an end to them.

Akeno : True, we hadn't thought of that. Especially with the president in need...

Rias seemed to think hard, until:

Rias : Well... It's really a good idea. However, I won't always be able to keep an eye on them, so can I count on you for that?

Akuro : Huh? I do not know. Taking care of others is too boring.

Rias: Alright then how about, only when they're close to you? I bet it won't be that hard.

Akuro : Hmm... Ah, that's cool.

Rias: Great. Now, it's time to revive them as demons.

Akuro : You guys can take care of this yourself, right?

Rias: Yes.

Akeno : Why the question?

Akuro : Well, I'll go ahead and see how the situation is.

Rias: Alright, you can go. You will be needed more there than here.

Akuro: ( Nods his head )

Akeno : Just be careful ok, Akuro-kun?

Akuro: Hihihihi. Don't worry. - extroverted smile.

Akeno: ( blushes )

Akuro : Well, I'll go for it. - turning his back, he leaves at high speed back to the church.

Akeno ( Think ): "Akuro-kun..."