
the beginning of unrealistic life

{is thoughts}

( is talking)

<is the system or skill >

[ is telepathic communication]


in a Dimension that is impossible to reach unless the owner Allows its

a white humanoid figure is setting on a white chair thinking about reality or in other words him self

{a difficult life that sometimes makes you want to not even exists in the universe but the reality we face is sometimes cruel so the only escape is to drown our selfs in the world of dreams every day humans wish for alot of things an Impossible wishs some want to Live other life some want to be rich some want to go back in time and fix their mistakes and have a fulfilling life but even though the people know that its impossible for there wishs to come true they still hope for a better life because humans have greed a greed so large that they can destroy there life with there own greed. greed is weapon that humans don't know how to control so they destroy them selfs with it but now that my new interests is human greed i should look for change i should look for someone who's greed is beyond control i should watch and see how greed can change someone worthless who owns nothing someone who wants every thing but don't own anything someone who knows its impossible to have what they want but still want it}

while he is thinking that

a random teen in the universe that his name is

James he lives in the uk he graduated from high school 3 years ago got admitted to shity college dropped out of it and counted looking for a part time jobs and he is a weeb like from video games to anime to manga to novel to fan-fics kinda weeb still after highschool shit hit the ground life always sucked for him nothing go his way so to escape realty he dive in his Desires but now days diving in it is hard money is everything in this generation so while he was coming back from work and reading a random fan fic on webnovel

he was thinking what he was going to do with his life

{ man life is shit i don't have the past month rent money my family basically blocked me like im a no body to them if only l could die and dissolve into nothingness ahhh i really envy the mc of those novels and mangas ahh i really envy them if i was in there place i would do everything i ever wanted i hate those stupid dense mc's like what are they thinking there is nothing as wrong or right do what ever you want don't obey something that doesn't make sense like wrong and right only the strongest can Decide what's right and wrong not some politicians or a country laws or weak ass king who's fart away from dying ah if only i had the power i would life my life how ever i want.} while he was in emotional state crossing the road with out paying attention

a car hit him and he flew away and hit the sidewalk looking at the people who were running towards him he saw his life flash before his eyes and realized that realty was truly cruel


he woke up in a place that looked like tokyo ghoul opening scene

he remembered what happened to him and panicked and then he suddenly heard a voice so deep that it shook his soul

( calm down young soul you are here in my domain before everything i have to introduce myself im what you humans call reality and i am not cruel as you are thinking im only here so that what you people call life can continue because if reality don't exist there will only be nothingness so don't blame for your Decisions you only got to where you are because of your decisions)

the young teen took about 15 minutes to comprehend what happened after that he took a deep breath and started speaking

(so reality huh why am i here am i going to hell because i don't believe in the existence of gods because it doesn't make sense)

reality looked at the young soul and said

(no im not sending you to hell every thing is by chance i took your soul from the Reincarnation system because i have an offer)

the young man was surprised but he was calm like what can he do in front of reality?

( so what's the offer?)

reality said

( im going to give you a wish it can be basically anything you want and i literally mean anything)

the young teen was surprised and nervous amd then he asked

( so what the price for the wish i mean nothing is free right?)

reality Laughed and said

( young soul you don't have anything i want

even if you had everything i don't need it i only want to see that outcome of your wish)

the young teen stayed silent and thinking

{ i mean i have to accept right i have literally nothing to lose so yah what ever}

the young teen opend his mouth and said

( the wish can be anything right?)

reality nodes and the teen says

(ahh ok my wish is that i want an infinite amount of wishs the same one you offered)

reality smirked and said

(hahahahah the greed of you humans are truly boundless hahhaha)

the young tewn got scared thinking that he fucked up like truly fucked up

and then after 2 minutes of reality laughing he said (haha oh you humans truly have a greed is infinite haha. hmmm i did say anything so your wish is accepted have a greedy life young soul hahahah)

then reality walks away while laughing and dissolve into particles of light leaving the young teen alone and dumbfounded

(so that's it?? how am I supposed to get out of here?)

after half an hour of trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened the teen finally started moving

(ahh ok how do I do this ahh i wish for a system that manage my wishes and lats call it infinite wishs system)

then i blank blue screen appears before James with the words conform/denied

the young teen thought {confirm}

then the system started showing him his name and status and wishes


<name: James Smith


------- health









agh ok hmm i didn't expect this but what ever lets test this

<i wish to have a body that adapts to every thing like infinite mana or skills>


he thought {confirm}

and then suddenly he felt a very powerful sensation hit his body he fainted then woke up about 3 hours later

trying to comprehend where is he remembered everything that happened to him from his death tell he fainted

after getting up he opened the system tap

<name: James Smith


------- health








--------- intelligencc



{ah i need something that could think and mangas my system for me and at least warn me for an incoming pain}

then he started thinking and found his answer

< i wish for the skill called great Sage from the tensura anime completely loyal to me and only me>

then after he confirmed his wish he started waiting for 5 minutes wondering when will he gets his wish

{wtf man where the hell is great Sage}

<answer: great sage has been integrated with owners soul 5 minutes ago>

{why the fuck didn't you say anything i was waiting for 5 minutes}

<answer: owner didn't ask>

{ahh so its my fault then please forgive me}

James Said with a tick mark on his forehead

<answer:apologies accepted>

if there was table in front of James he would have flipped it

{ahh anyway i wish for great sage to integrate with the system}

then he confirmed his wish after half minute

<notice:skill great sage have been integrated with the system>

{good now great sage i wish for me to wake up 24 hours before the day I died in my world}

<answer:wish confirm?)


then every thing went black


James woke up on his mattress on the floor he noticed his phone were he was watching the first episode of overlord s4

then he looked around at this familiar living room and then after thinking he said {great sage are you there?}

<answer:Yes owner>

then James sighed of relief

and said {great sage show me my stats}

then blue panel showed up

<name: James Smith


------- health







skills: (great sage) (infinite body adaptation)



then James relaxed and sighed of relief

{thank reality that it's not a dream hahah im so excited i have a lot of things to do}

then James started making plans what to wish and what to do after 30 minutes of thinking suddenly his phone started Vibrating

some one was calling him and it was the Manger from his work place James clicked answer and said ( hello Nathan what do you want)

Nathan answered (dick head get over here we need more hands helping in the restaurant)

James remember that today was supposed to be his rest day but this shit head overworked him without even overtime pay then James said ( fuck you Nathan i fucking quite you fucker go fuck yourself pussylips go eat shit i will deliver my Resignation letter tomorrow)

then James hang up on him which left Nathan mouth wide open



-author here boys i ain't gona lie my dudes this is the first time I've ever wrote something in my life so go easy on me until I figure it out so yah wait for the next chapter mortals muhhahahaahah-
