
Shadows of the city (9): Deadline

But in fact, he could only stand not far from the state government office building, watching helplessly as it arrived at three o'clock, the whole building was turned into ruins with the roar on time.

The 20-storey office building turned into a ruin less than ten meters high in an instant, and the sky was full of dust.

On the contrary, the six-story-high podium building dedicated to the Public Security Bureau did not collapse. The original low-rise building was set off into a tall one, poking in place alone.

The companies in the surrounding commercial buildings did not get the news in advance, and the sudden roar instantly attracted everyone's attention, and they all gathered in front of the window, dumbfounded watching the familiar state government building disappear in a blink of an eye…

It stands to reason that the state government buildings were all bombed, and the state government from top to bottom should be extremely angry, and immediately launched a city-wide search for the culprits behind the scenes.

The actual situation at the scene was looking at the ruined state government building, and a group of staff fell into a long silence.

Some security guards fell to the ground slumped, and some even thought to themselves: anyway, before the explosion, they would have warned in advance and no one would be hurt, so just blow up as many buildings as you like.

Aware of the low air pressure around him, Investigator Brooke hated that iron was not steel1, the other party only made a few moves, but they couldn't hold it anymore? What a bunch of trash!

Annoyed, Investigator Brooke found the roster of the chief's bureau, arranged them one by one, and assigned tasks to all the security officers. Now the security officers only needed to pay attention to one thing, that is, arresting people!

Under the mobilization of Investigator Brooke's sarcasm and encouragement, the battered security guard recovered a little bit of energy and took action. Suddenly, the unique security siren echoed throughout the city.

Watching the police vehicles whizzing past from time to time, listening to the piercing siren, the citizens who couldn't figure out what happened were panicked.

The news became more and more difficult to hide. The officials, who were busy cleaning up the rubble, insisted not to explain it publicly, and by doing so facilitated the spread of various gossip.

The most widely circulated news was that international terrorist gangs had their eyes on Shengma City. They had already created many bombings and robberies and murders in Shengma City. They were also planning a bigger conspiracy secretly. The Shengma city had become extremely dangerous.

Some citizens who listened to the rumors even decided to take their families to leave Shengma City to avoid it. Shengma City had been really unstable recently, and they dare not stay in the city they were familiar with.

Time had proved that the citizens who made up their minds and leave Shengma City immediately were the most sensible, because it would be difficult to leave after a little hesitation…

Investigator Brooke turned the room where Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian lived upside down, and all the people who had been in contact with Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian recently were summoned to inquire about the details and make a transcript for filing.

When Robert, the administrator of the community center in Sunflower Block, heard the investigator's question, he was dumbfounded. He couldn't imagine that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who gave him the impression of being well-behaved, motivated, and polite, turned out to be deranged terrorists that created four explosions in the past two days!

You must know that Robert's job was to deal with criminals who participated in community corrections. He had experienced a lot of various criminals. It was the first time that he had encountered such a confusing experience!

But even if Robert couldn't believe it, the FBI investigators were standing in front of him make him had to believe it. Robert had no choice but to frown, and told the investigator in detail the process of his contact with Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian from start to finish.

On the other hand, according to the clues received after the arrest warrant was issued, several oriental restaurants, from the bosses to the employees, were summoned for questioning. They were very impressed with Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian. After all, the two young people were handsome and distinguished. It was hard to forget them after a meeting, especially the little girl in the store, who always peeked at the two people.

During this investigation, Investigator Brooke discovered a subtle commonality. Every time Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian appeared, a young man with certain characteristics appeared in the restaurant at the same time.

Although the surveillance cameras in the store were gone, the memories of passersby were not erased. Investigator Brooke intuitively felt that the young man was also the key person behind the bombing, and called an expert to make a portrait of the mysterious young man.

At this moment, Sheriff Anderson rushed in from the door with a pale face, staring straight at Investigator Brooke. When Investigator Brooke raised his eyebrows and asked, Anderson rushed up and grabbed Brook and dragged him out.

"What happened?"

Investigator Brooke noticed something was wrong with Anderson's state, he followed his strength and walked out, while asking gently, looking at Anderson calmly as he spoke, Anderson's hands were shaking, this was not the state an old sheriff should have.

Anderson looked at Brook with complicated eyes, his chapped lips moved, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He vigorously dragged Brook to the car parked in front of the restaurant, and the car rushed out like an arrow.

In the car, Anderson couldn't say a complete sentence. He took out his mobile phone and called up the latest photo in the album to show Brooke.

Brooke raised his eyebrows and was really curious about what frightened Sheriff Anderson like this, but when he took out his phone and saw the contents of the photo clearly, his face sank uncontrollably.

The state government office building collapsed, but the small building of the Public Security Bureau, which was only more than 30 meters away, was unscathed. It was simply requisitioned and became a temporary state government office building.

At this time, in the large conference room on the top floor of the temporary office building, the atmosphere was silent, and everyone's expressions were so gloomy that water dripped.

Various information was constantly popping up on the big screen in front of the conference room, but this information automatically become translucent and couldn't block the desktop background at all.

And the background of the desktop was a threatening letter with a familiar tone.

[Dear Shengma City Citizens:

Thank God for being so generous

Those little gifts are not enough to represent our hearts

Forgiving and generous, we are ready to give a bigger gift

Tomorrow at five o'clock, we will detonate the bomb buried in Shengma City

Send Shengma City to the sky to be side by side with the sun

Sincerely invite all citizens to witness such a grand event!

Enthusiastic Shengma City Citizens]

Everyone who saw the letter was stunned. After Shengma Middle School, Shengma City Library, Shengma Subway Station, and Shengma State Government Office Building, the next target targeted by the bomb maniac turned out to be the whole of Shengma City???!!!



How can a city be bombed???

How the hell could the gangster have so many bombs???

How dare they take action against a city???

Why was Shengma City… impossible to blow up…?

The anger that was suddenly raised by the threatening letter slowly subsided, and fear filled the air. Thinking of the four buildings that had exploded in succession recently, no one dared to firmly condemn the threatening letter as a prank. What if, in case the bomb maniac behind the scenes could it really do it?

This kind of cognition made people who had lived in peaceful times for a long time feel a sense of trance and unreality.

Investigator Brooke, who rushed into the conference room, rushed all the way to the front of the conference room, grabbed the microphone of the governor's order, and asked the staff below to cooperate with the city's natural gas and gas pipeline map.

With this order, everyone in the conference room who was still in a trance was suddenly awakened.

Yes, bombs may not be able to cover the entire city, but these combustible energy sources were all over the city, and the mastermind behind the scenes only needed to blow up the pipes of natural gas, gas, and gas stations…

The governor frowned painfully. He couldn't figure it out, how could the situation reach this point in just a few days?

The security situation in Shengma City was indeed a bit tense recently, but it was only tense. Hadn't those troublemakers been solved or caught one after another?

Why was there a terrifying bombing team hidden in the dark?

"The most important thing now is to evacuate the citizens. We only have 24 hours. Seven million citizens must be evacuated from Shengma City before tomorrow afternoon. This will be a big challenge for us…"

The governor woke up in time after a brief gaffe. Although his voice was still a little dejected, he knew that disaster would come soon, and he had no time to let himself fall. He had more important work to do. He had to arrange the evacuation of the citizens and work to minimize casualties.

"No! There is no need to evacuate. This time we have a longer time, and we can definitely find out their flaws, catch them, and then resolve the crisis."

Investigator Brooke, who was staring at the city pipeline map, expressed different opinions in a firm tone. He was provoked by Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian one after another. His anger had been stimulated to the highest point, and he was about to catch the mouse hiding in the dark!

"Let´s do a two-handed preparation, a two-way approach…"

The exhausted governor was unwilling to argue with Investigator Brooke any more, he took a step back, and resolutely stated that the plans to evacuate and arrest people were not in conflict and could coexist.

The governor had realized that the fundamental reason for the differences between the two was that the two had different responsibilities. The governor considered the safety and development of Shengma City as a starting point, while Brooke considered the exclusion of threatening terrorists for the country.

"I have applied for support from the National Guard in the name of Shengma City, and they promised to send a group of people to help us maintain order before ten o'clock tonight, but the Public Security Bureau still has the main responsibility for maintaining order.

My preliminary evacuation plan is to evacuate people on the grounds that Shengma City will experience a strong earthquake at 4 pm tomorrow, and encourage citizens to leave Shengma City and go to other cities to escape.

For citizens who are unable to leave on their own, organize them to evacuate to the three nearby satellite cities, and notify the three satellite cities to do a good job in receiving…"

The relieved governor began to assign tasks one by one.

The governor had predicted that when the entire city was evacuated together, the order in the city would be very chaotic, and the strength of the Shengma City Public Security Bureau alone would definitely be enough.

Inspired by Investigator Brooke's previous request for the National Guard's assistance to catch the two thieves, the governor also applied to the National Guard to send staff to help maintain order in Shengma City.

As for the evacuation of citizens, the main body of Shengma Prefecture was Shengma City. In addition, there were three smaller satellite cities. The governor intended to arrange three satellite cities as receiving points for receiving the evacuating citizens from Shengma City.