

The cathedral rested in the crevice of a mountain that seemed almost carved to accommodate the variations of shapes and sizes of the magnificent building. The night was warm, and despite the gothic appearance of the building, all was calm and serene.

A man, wrinkled and bent by time, made his way up to the large wooden doors of the cathedral. He could smell the salt in the night air that told of the ocean nearby and marveled in the clarity of the stars in the sky. Human pollution hadn't reached this part of the world and he smiled to himself, the feeling of being apart from Man comforting to him. Through the doors he could hear footsteps readily approaching and swung open to reveal a stern looking young man.

"Kas," he greeted the old man with a deep voice, "Come in."

Kas stepped through the threshold of the building and the doors shuddered shut behind him. He studied the interior of the cathedral, admiring the stained glass and many arches of stone and wood. Though the inside was somewhat modern, ancient air remained. Air that held a millennia of history and with each breath, reminded its current inhabitants of what came before.

"I wasn't expecting you until the morning."

Kas eyed the young man and noted the way he crossed his muscular arms over his chest protectively.

"Caine, you've grown attached," Kas rasped, "A Fallen Angel bonding with their offspring is dangerous. With this child, there can be no mistakes."

Caine clenched his jaw, "Do not lecture me Kas, I know the dangers. That's why I am leaving."

The older man sighed deeply, "It will break her heart, but I will protect her. The unearthing of her race will bring holy war. This is the only way."

"I am aware." Caine's eyes softened and he placed a strong hand on the older mans shoulder, "Please my friend, keep her safe. I've already broken laws turning this sacred place into a school. Ensure she blends in with the other Nephilim children. She can never find out who she truly is."

Kas grasped his friend's hand and offered a smile, "She will be safe.."

The sudden echo of small feet filled the room and a child hobbled up to the young man.

Thick, black hair curled around her ears and she stared at Kas in wondernment, her large, intelligent brown eyes never leaving his weathered face. She was too young to speak but Kas knew if she could, she would ask a thousand questions.

Caine bent to her level and brushed a curl out of her face tenderly. He said nothing, but the young girl's face fell, as if she could sense that something was wrong.

He pressed his forehead to hers in a last goodbye and straightened. Without a word he strode past Kas and opened the doors to the outside.

He disappeared into the black of the night, without looking back.
