
A miracle

serenity woke up in aching pain. She was cold, and could hear the beeping machine next to her. She couldn't see anything it was dark. Could this be hell? am i dead she wondered?

" hello… Hello"

There was a scurry of feet, and someone rushed through the doors, shining bright light through to her. It was a nurse.

" Miss Jones, you're up!"

" what happened to me? Where am I" serenity was confused. The last thing she remembered it was Christmas, after having a cold dinner alone she had went out for a walk by the creek and had seen car lights, blinding her. After that everything was a blank.

" Miss Jones you've been in a coma for six months, you almost died after being hit by a drunk driver. It's really a miracle that you're alive really, your body was found by the creek and the driver who hit you had also flown his car into the river. You weren't found until a day later unconscious by a family who has been walking by" the nurse said.

" do you have any family? It doesn't look like anyone has came by to claim you yet, and I can't believe no one had tried to look for you the day when you were gone." serenity was speechless unable to even think of what to say next. The nurse noticed inside "anyhow, now that you're awake will have to do some testing. after being on life service for six months you've dropped 150 pounds. I'll need to update your vitamins a bit since you're awake now and will need more energy " she jotted some notes down on the clipboard and left the room. "poor girl" she muttered and walked out.

Serenity was 23 years old, she had just graduated from college that summer, and wanted to get away from her family to find a job, but it has been so difficult. Nobody wanted to hire someone who was 300+ ipounds and had a hard time walking 20 steps. although on paper, she looked great. Once they saw her in person there was always someone else who surpassed her.

Serenity was extremely beautiful, she took looks from her mother, but all of that beauty was hidden under layers of fat, that was probably why her father hated her and her mother could not face serenity. Her parents have been forced into marriage from what she heard. Her father was previously married to another woman who was pregnant, but as his dad was a diplomat and they needed a bailout from a failed real estate investment. in order to get called out there parents agreed to create a bond greater than a contract. A family bond through their children. Serenity's mothers family owned a large conglomerate and in exchange their parents decided they would marry, and must have a child in order to successfully exchange, power and money with each other. her grandpa was a diplomat and rushed serenity's father's ex-wife away from what she heard. The child and ex-wife had die during childbirth which caused her father even more pain, because the woman and child he truly loved were dead and instead he was stuck with serenity and her mother.

serenity's mother was also unwilling to go through with the marriage, but she had no choice but as the result of power from both families, they influenced her boyfriend to betray her, and she felt a pain so deep she never wanted to trust a man again. She despised her life and drink heavily going up serenity never felt any parental love. She had always been taken care of by nannies and maids. That was the closest thing that she had to any love or care so she was not surprised why no one was looking for her. They probably did not even notice that she had been gone.

in order to fill the void inside of her, she ate and ate. It resulted in her being chubby as a young child, and going into her teenage years. during her teenage years, she saw many of the girls at school dating, and she wanted attention and love from boys as well. One day she stopped by the supermarket and found a red lipstick. She tried it on and went to school. Thinking that this was what all the other girls were doing she felt so good. Maybe she can finally start fitting in and being like everyone else. Maybe she can start blending in with others and be looked at as normal. Instead, Michael, the school bully laughed at her and called her the pig with lipstick. That name stuck with her throughout the rest of high school and as you can imagine, it was very difficult for her to make friends afterwards. It was difficult to fill the void, so she filled it up with more and more food. By the time she was 16 she was already close to 300 pounds and during college she finally surpassed that.
