
Incompetent Luna

Aurora's soulmate and Alpha banishes her and denounces her as his Luna publicly, he marries another werewolf shortly after whom he considers powerful. Aurora struggles with self-worth and identity crises as she is the only werewolf without powers, she finds herself in a new City and meets a kind Alpha King who accepts her and supports her. She soon becomes entangled with the King's brother who trains her to become a better werewolf, causing friction between the two brothers who showed her kindness. She shares nights of passion with both brothers and she finds out that she is pregnant, not knowing who the father was. She receives a letter from her friend telling her that her first love is in trouble and his throne is at stake. Find out how Aurora's pregnancy tore two brothers apart. Will Aurora go back to her past and help her first lover who humi Or will she remain and choose between the two brothers?

Daoistjn19lp · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Aurora was choking, struggling to get rid of Shane's grip around her neck.

"Let her go!"

"You cannot command me, Camilla, I can crush you easily", Shane replied, not loosening his grip.

" I said let her go, you do not want to get on my bad side Shane", Camila shot back.

" I carried you and changed your diapers, you are just a kid", Shane replied.

"This kid bites, you should be careful ", Camila replied, clenching her fists.

"You can have her, but she will not survive this night anyway", Shane said, loosening his grip, he threw Aurora to the ground and walked away.

"Oh my God, are you okay?", Camila asked, brushing dust from her clothes.

Aurora could not stop coughing, she thought she would choke to death.

" Aurora! Your lips are bleeding, that bastard hurt you"

"It's fine", Aurora said.

" He won't get away with this, I promise. "

" It's nothing Camilla, I am fine", Aurora replied.

"Come, I'll take you to my place," Camila said, placing Aurora's hand over her shoulder.

Camila, using all her strength, carried Aurora to her home. She lived in a small house, all she had was a garden outside and a little furniture inside.

" This place is too small for you. I told you to come to live in the Alpha's Forte with me, I don't understand why you refused", Aurora said, her eyes darting around her living room.

" If I was not here, you would have no place to go, you were not even allowed in there today", Camila"

" How did you hear about that?"

"News travels fast Aurora, bad news especially "

" You are right about that", Aurora replied.

" I will get you something comfortable to wear, we will talk and then I will prepare that special tea I talked about for you", Camila responded.

" I will like that", Aurora said.

Camila dashed into her room and went through her wardrobe searching for a good dress. Camila and Aurora were the same size but Aurora was blessed with height and had a slimmer waist.

" Here you go ", Camila said, handing over a cotton gown to her.

"Bless you, my friend, you are the only person that is still by my side despite everything that has happened", Aurora said letting out a sigh.

"I will always be there for you, no matter what", Camila replied.

" Thank you ", Aurora replied softly.

"You should never look down on yourself", Camila said.

" It's a hard thing to do when you feel worthless, I cannot get anything right", Aurora said.

"You are just going through a tough time, tough times do not last", Camila said, patting her on the back.

" It has been twenty- eight years, not twelve, is that not too long?", Aurora asked.

"You are a late bloomer. Do not beat yourself up"

"No, I am beginning to think I am cursed too."

"You are not."

"I have tried everything, met everyone, why can't I just live up to my potential? "

"You are the King's Luna"

"I am beginning to think he married me out of pity or because of family ties."

" You are overthinking it."

"He was never proud of me from the start"

"Do not say that, I think he loved you."

"Loved?. I think you are right, he did, but he stopped, he stopped hoping."

"I think he still loves you, he is just misguided. "

"He loves the version of me that would have been perfect, not a miserable werewolf who cannot transform".

" Do not give up hope"

"I am nothing without my powers. If I don't get them now, it is over".

"You have nothing to worry about. "

"You know, I felt so relieved when I married Alan, I felt protected, I thought all the mockery would end, everything was finally going to be perfect, I guess not.

" Excuse me, I need to put the tea on fire", Camila said, buttoning Aurora's dress.

" I have just ten minutes left, I am afraid I have to go now", Aurora said.

"You cannot travel without having something. "

" I am not as weak as you think, or as others think, I will be fine", Aurora said.

"Let me pack it up for you"

"No need Camilla, what you can pack for me is a few dresses", Aurora said, holding her palms to reassure her.

"Okay, my dress is a bit short, you will have to make do with it"

"Sure", Aurora said, forcing a smile.

Camila rushed in, picked up a few dresses and rushed out immediately.

"Where will you go from here?", Camila asked.

"I don't know, but there is a place..."

"Where exactly is this place?", Camila queried.

" I heard of it as a child, as a bedtime story. There is a place only visible to wolves, somewhere east of here"

" Are you sure this place exists?"

"I will take my chances. I have no other place to go"

"Then I am coming with you",

"No Camilla, I will not accept that."

" You cannot change my mind ", Camila replied.

"Fine, let's go", Aurora said, carrying the clothes wrapped in a blanket as her only luggage.

Aurora and Camila went through the City, they were headed for the large forest outside the City when they heard horses marching towards them.

"Oh, I hear something", Camila whispered. Her ears were very sensitive.

" What is it?", Aurora asked.

"I hear horses", Camila said 

"Horses?", Aurora asked again.

"Yes, maybe the king has changed his mind."

" Or maybe he is here to kill me himself ", Aurora replied, rolling her eyes.

"You did nothing wrong, he is the one to be blamed here", Camila shot back.

King Alan's guards had them surrounded with their horses.

"Stop in the name of the King"

"What do you want?", Camila questioned boldly.

"We have a message from the King"

The leader climbed down from his horse and approached Aurora and Camila. Aurora looked frightened but Camila held her hands tight, ready to fight.