
Bouncing Bullets

The school lay out was far from simple. There where twists, turns, dead ends and worst of all everything is confusing as hell, even Sam was having a hard time navigating. Fortunately for me there was very little I had to actually worry about because I wouldn't have to fight Grimm every turn around the corner. I would pass classroom after classroom but each time I couldn't find the pain in my ass locker 174. Finally after half an hour of walking in circles Sam gives off a ding, causing me to jump a bit. I look over to see locker 174, standing alone away from every other locker as if it was cursed. I quickly drag myself closer before something caught my attention, the noise was what sounded like a body being slammed into a wall as a soft thud echoed through. I could hear laughs of others as I hear the exasperated gasps of someone or something else. I turned my attention back to my locker and tried to ignore the sounds coming from down the hall. I was doing well till the sent of blood lingered through the halls,

???: "A decision is to be made, stand by and ignore it? Or go around that corner, check what's going on. Either way I can tell that strong scent of blood is effecting you in some way so I recommend you take care of it."

I groaned, decisions, decisions, decisions and man did I hate it. The smell of more blood filled the halls as I silently cursed myself out. As I rounded the corner I saw a sickening sight, the mere sight of it pissed me off as I saw three human males holding a small, brown haired girl with little ears poking out of the top of her head. She looked like she is younger, about the size of 4'5", a ringed tale of light grey with black, thick rings going up, evenly spaced from each other. Her school uniform was a mess, pieces missing off it and ripped, she was three feet off the ground as the guys laughed, smirks on their faces as she struggled to breathe, clawing at the head guy's hand.

???:"Don't be hasty, put some thought into this before charging in and.... What am I saying. Look at these assholes, they are hurting that poor girl. She is dying while we- I mean you stand there with a stupid look on your face! They are doing this because the Faunus here are looked down upon. So what are we waiting for!?"

With that something in my head clicked as I felt power, my own power coursing through my veins. Everything slowed down as I shifted my Self-Gravity off, the normal gravity feeling like child's play as I slowly begin walking forward. Each step for me was normal but the reaction of the guys down the hall told me otherwise as a natural reaction began to kick in for them as their weapons were at the ready and pointed at me. I could see the one begin to sweat as each step had an effect on them.

Guy 3:"W-What the hell is this frightening aura, it has me quaking in my boots man!"

Guy 2: "It feels like the ambiance of a Grimm but scarier!"

Guy 1:"Shut the hell up and keep on target! We have to beat the shit out of this guy to keep him quiet! If he goes to Ozpin for this we will get kicked out and I for one don't want that!"

As they carried on their conversation I threw my jacket to the side, my undershirt wasn't there on account of it being ripped to shreds the day before. After the guy finished his rambling he took a shot that rang throughout the halls with his hand gun, the bullet quickly made its way towards me as I put in no effort to stop it. I felt the impact of the bullet and can only compare it to a raindrop hitting me, the bullet bouncing off me and flying off with great speed. This boggled all three of them as they tried again, but this time I plucked a few of the bullets out of the air, the rest either missing me or bouncing off me. I kept a steady pace as each step send terror through them, a smile creeping across my face as I get sick and tired of this game. I dash forward towards the guy holding the girl against the wall who is near death. I plant my fist firmly in his face, knocking him down the hallway, causing the other two to begin to panic. The third guy who was a little bigger changed his current handgun had changed into a small sword looking thing and began swinging it like a child, each swing was slow and only took a step to dodge. I planted a foot deep into his chest, slamming him into a nearby wall and forcing the air out of his lungs. Guy three stood there for a moment before fainting, a puddle forming under him. I snarled and slowly approached the small girl who was slowly regaining her breath in between sobs, tears running down her cheeks as she held herself, trying to cover anything that might be exposed as well as provide her a safe feeling. I wanted to provide comfort but that seemed like a problem currently, I let out a sigh and picked up my jacket, making my way back to her and wrapping her up into a bundle, my jacket being oversized for her. I gently go to check to see what damage was dealt, causing her to flinch and whimper. I sigh and simply pat her on the head and knelt down,

"Listen, I won't hurt you. If you'd like I'll take you to the nurse to get you looked at but unless you want to walk and alone at that."

She trembled as she slowly nodded. I scooped her up in my arms and started down the halls once more.
