
In the world of Naruto with the Patriarch System

A young guy, who just yesterday had big plans for life, wakes up in an unknown place and finds out that he has found himself in a harsh world of incessant wars and widespread violence. Having almost resigned himself to the unenviable fate of being swept away by the whirlpool of upcoming events, the young man discovers a very unusual “Patriarch System” (It's a translation)

Angel0Sama · アニメ·コミックス
121 Chs

Chapter 50

On the 173rd day, the girls finally gave birth, and gave Kenshin the long-awaited tenth level. The son from Natsumi was named Eleventh, and from Aya - Twelfth. Both had a "talent level" of twenty units. But Kenshin was so shocked that he did not even congratulate the two mothers on the birth of such wonderful babies, and did not tell them the level of talent.

Immediately after the birth of the twelfth, Kenshin received an alert, and saw the text in front of his eyes:

[ Congratulations. You have reached level 10 and unlocked the Mind of the Patriarch ability]

"What?! The mind of the Patriarch? - Kenshin was mentally surprised and immediately opened the "status" window.

Name: Nakayama Kenshin

Age: 21

Level: 10

Class: Patriarch

Available: 1 skill point


Harem Lord ( MAX )

Will of the Patriarch ( MAX )

Mind of the Patriarch ( MAX )

Talented Offspring [level 6]

Create a Shelter [2nd level]

Creation of Formations [4th level]




After briefly checking the status, he invested a free skill point into "Talented Offspring", and then found a brief description of the new ability, and could not help but be amazed.

Mind of the Patriarch: - Grants the Patriarch absolute immunity to control and interference in the mind. Grants absolute memory, as well as minor telekinetic abilities. Increases the radius of telepathic communication by 20 meters per level. Accelerates the speed of thinking and analysis, and also improves the telepathic abilities of the Patriarch. Now telepathy is not limited to only descendants, but can be applied to all sentient beings in range.


"Hmm, I didn't even have time to notice how my brain changed, and now for some reason I remember absolutely every thing that happened to me after arriving in this world, and practically nothing from my past life... Hell, I even remember the smell old mattress in Aya's house, and the feeling of stepping in the bear shit that I stepped in when Natsumi and I were walking home..." Kenshin thought, belatedly noticing that the world around him seemed to stand still, and after his sudden "distraction" no more than seconds.

- What a beautiful baby, Aya. Twelfth, don't cry, it's your mother... - Said Kenshin, suddenly "returning" from his reverie.

- By the way, girls, this time you gave birth to wonderful children, both of them have a talent indicator of twenty units, these are guaranteed Chunin! – Kenshin congratulated both mothers.

As soon as Natsumi and Aya heard this wonderful news, they both kissed their children on their bald tops and held them to their chests, after which the soft sound of smacking sucking could be heard.

Kenshin smiled and turned around and left the room, not wanting to distract the two mothers from feeding, giving them a little rest, and he headed to the gym to test his new ability.

As soon as he stepped inside and glanced at the Sixth throwing shuriken, time around him instantly slowed down, and Kenshin saw the Sixth move his right shoulder, and reached into the small pocket of his vest for another shuriken, slowly pulled it out, and swung it even more slowly, and then made a throw.

As Kenshin focused on the flying shuriken, everything around him slowed down even more and all four sharp edges were visible on the flying shuriken. Kenshin was surprised to note that he could regulate the degree of "slowdown" of time, up to very large values. But the more he "slowed down" time or "speeded up" his perception, the more his brain became tense, and after ten seconds of maximum "slowdown" his head began to hurt, and he returned to standard perception by massaging his temples.

Seeing their father enter, the Sixth, Fourth, and Seventh stopped what they were doing and approached him, greeting him respectfully.

- Don't get distracted, continue training, I just came to watch. "He said with a smile and patted the Fourth on the back.

- Yes, father. – Said the Fourth, as the eldest and strongest of all the children present, and turning around, the whole trio returned to their business.

Kenshin became more and more accustomed to the unpleasant thought of children's differences in status. On the one hand, he wanted to treat everyone equally, but on the other, he clearly understood that this was simply impossible. With the increasing number of children, it would not be possible to devote even 5 minutes of time to each, but he did not intend to be unfair.

He did not think that with such great love between the brothers for each other, they could develop hostility or hatred towards their brothers, but in any case, he intended to harshly suppress such antics, and was not going to see "ugly ducklings" in his house, in his opinion in his opinion, even the most mediocre son deserved normal treatment and all the benefits of shelter, be it the best food or blue sage infusions.

Concentrating on his thoughts, Kenshin suddenly felt strange vibrations, as if ethereal interference. Not understanding what was happening, he turned towards the "interference" and saw the Tenth sitting against the wall, who had just entered inside.

Kenshin took a closer look at his son, and the "interference" gradually became more understandable, turning into highly fragmented thoughts and experiences. It was difficult for him to filter the stream of random thoughts of his youngest son, but he still caught a few main ones. The main thought was that the Tenth considered himself a useless son, because the Ninth, who was born at the same time as him, had already learned to concentrate chakra on his feet and walk on walls, but he still hadn't.

Suddenly, Kenshin felt something strange, as if intuitively understanding what needed to be done. He looked at the Fourth doing push-ups, who was wearing chakra suppression bracers in order to keep his base physical form in perfect condition, thereby strengthening it from chakra feeding.

"Fourth, come here," he said via telepathic connection. With the current range of telepathic communication, he could have called any of his sons, but he decided that the Fourth would be more than enough for what he had in mind.

- Did something happen, father? – Asked the Fourth who approached, seeing the Tenth sitting on the bench, who was also looking at his father in surprise.

- Nothing. Sit next to Ten and don't move. – Kenshin commanded, and both sons obeyed without hesitation.

Once they sat down, Kenshin extended both hands and placed them on each of their heads. In theory, he could do this without touching, but he had absolutely no experience, so tactile contact, for better perception of electromagnetic impulses in the brain, was necessary.

- Fourth, your task is to think only about what you feel when you concentrate the chakra in your feet, concentrate the chakra during the entire process, and think only about it. "Kenshin instructed him, and then looked at the Tenth and said:

- And your task is to absorb information. Relax your mind and go with the flow, don't be scared, and focus on the sensations, try to remember what you feel. This will come in handy.