
Dark Sky's

Drip...drip...drip, the sound of the rain pounding against the window company. The clouds where dark and rain fell everywhere no one was working it was quiet. I could hear the click sound of my finger pressing against my keyboard. I was doing an investigation of a missing boy. This is one of those mysteries that make you wonder. Anyways I decided to work in early rather than stay with my family. I had a 7 year old daughter and a beautiful wife. But these files...these mysteries. This is the place where my mind gets lost. My wife has become distant and my father has become brotherly close. I didnt really care but today...today was gloomy. The skies were dark and the streets were empty. But here I am working early. In fact today is the only day I came in ealry. I looked at the clock...8:30 am. Huh I have been here for two hours. Ring...ring,I heard my office phone ring "uh hello" I spoke into the phone. "Tanner your dad has past away." My wife Jane spoke with sadness in her voice. I didn't really feel anything I mean I have heard of worst things. The least thing I could care about was my father. "Oh..." I didnt know what to say. "Oh...oh that's what you get to say. He was Murdered! And he was your father!" She yelled into the phone. "I-I didnt know." I said more sympathetically. "I'll be there." To be honest my mind wasn't really...well really set straight. So I started to put my sweater when my best friend Mike (a police officer) came to my door. "Hey man everything alright." Mike asked. "Yeah...my father was murdered." I responded. "I'm sorry Tan. My condolences." Mike said. It really didnt matter whether people have their condolences or not. It never brings back the dead. But as a Detective or police you have to be ready for the unexpected. "Yeah...mind companing me to the murder scene." I spoke slowly. "You sure man you look tired you should take a rest I will go." Mike tried to be nice. But this was my job I couldn't miss a day. "No it's alright I'll come." I said. "Alright." Mike responded. We walked outside to the rainy day. I could hear the rain fall...drip....drip. Today was gloomy like every other day.
