
In the Naruto world ... with me for his position

take it as a reissue, I have many ideas but I can not implement them all in one story, take it as this is the universe 2 description: dying like a hero, now naoru is in an endless line with thousands more souls, what happened with our favorite prota (created by me) because he died as a hero ?, what will happen with naoru hora? ... at what time will the author bathe? wait for it

Alezero · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

16 - hot springs

The village of Konoha was quiet, there was not much to do besides going to study ninjutsu, something that naoru did not mind ... although with the system everything was easy

At this time there were not many things that put him in danger, there were only two constants, the first was orochimaru and then there was dance, although both were known in the anime for kidnapping children, naoru himself was the son of sakumo who is considered strongest in the village

So for the part of staying safe he didn't have to worry much, after tsunade's departure, the hospital had made its transition of command, the new director was ... well but left a lot to be desired

Even with the flaw in his tsunade personality, he was a better leader, teacher, and doctor than this man.

Naoru was in charge of the medical supply warehouse and sometimes she would teach some new recruits, each generation that left the academy, a third of them came to learn the basics of medical ninjutsu, this was according to the curriculum that tsunade implemented, when her brother passed away

Needless to say, some kids felt a bit self-conscious seeing a freshman be their sensei in these core classes.

At school everything was going well, kakashi along with naoru had taken the first and second place respectively causing them to be considered geniuses ...

As the weeks went by, the year was ending, the academy ended for the winter holidays, but naoru noticed something strange when she went to buy things for dinner

The gaze of the villagers, towards him and kakashi had fallen, now it was as if they saw a pile of garbage walking towards them

It seems that Danzo had played his piece, letting the villagers know about the failed mission to these useless civilians ...

: you can not pass!!

Suddenly a fat guy stood in front of the stall that sold meat, Naoru said nothing and started to leave, but kakashi looked at him for a moment

Kakashi: why? ...

: that traitor still has the nerve to let his children come to my place ...

Kakashi: who's a traitor ...

Naoru: brother, come on ... let's not get them in trouble

Kakashi: you won't say anything, he told dad

Naoru: I know what he said, but we know it's not true, because to listen to a crazy old man ...

Kakashi: ... come on ...

Finishing shopping in the street they went home, there was Sakumo who was calmer than usual, he was sitting in the living room reading some scrolls without doing much ...

Naoru: you don't have a mission?

Sakumo: I have a vacation ...

Naoru: sure?

Sakumo: You mean I'm a liar ...

Naoru: no, I want to live ...

Sakumo: what about you?

Kakashi: in the street they are saying that you are a traitor ... uh, naoru why are you hitting me

Naoru: why should you close your big mouth brother ...

Sakumo: leave it, all they have to know is that konoha is my village and I will always love it

Naoru: time ...

Kakashi: I didn't say anything

Naoru ran to the kitchen, there she began to arrange things in the refrigerator and began to make preparations for dinner, this time it would be fish and miso soup, along with some steamed vegetables, something simple but very tasty

He also combined some meat that he bought from the system, he only went to buy from the town so that no one would suspect, on the other hand, along with cooking, he also trained his vector, which had grown by 1 meter making its range distance to 2 meters, thus that he had a very good hidden weapon ...

At the end of the three they ate and had fun at the table, after this sakumo took them out of the house to train them, kakashi trained his doton and raiton, while naoru went more with his taijutsu, shurikenjutsu and genjutsu

The latter decided to learn for the future, of course he wanted to have more things in common with a certain black haired expert in genjutsu

Sakumo: naoru stop distracting yourself

Naoru: I'm sorry, but you had to take me down ...

Sakumo: Enemy ninjas won't give you a chance ...

Naoru: I understand, I understand ... let's continue

Sakumo had made 2 shadow clones and each one of them was in a more personal teaching, you must have sakumo's genetics was impressive, kakashi was a genius among geniuses, he learned several jutsus quickly, clearly he was only below itadios

They spent more than 4 hours training, sakumo immediately took them to the hot springs of the town, the three of them entered and bathed, now naoru knew why the Japanese were so obsessed with bathing, it was super effective against fatigue ... that was until they heard the women on the other side ...

: mr white fang failed?

: no, they say that he made a deal with suna to deliver information on konoha, the "kidnapping" of one of his companions was just an alibi

: It can't be, isn't he the strongest ninja in konoha? ...

: Who says it, is only hiding the truth from everyone, that's why I never trusted that guy ...

The women's words went from bad to worse, sakumo was only absent for a moment before getting up and leaving ...

Kakashi: Dad ...

Naoru: leave him alone, we just have to take his word for it, even if the people are against us we must be with him supporting him ...

Kakshi only nodded, a few minutes later they left the establishment, Sakumo was quiet in front of them, but Kakashi and Naoru, went to his side and took his hands from each side and started running ... Sakumo was surprised by this, but only He gave the two of them a warm smile, lifting them both in his arms and hugging them ...

The dinner was good, but Naoru had not forgotten the words of those ladies, giving was releasing more and more bad top-secret military information, or rather he was passing it off for real, as they say, this is playing a hare ...

That's why Naoru decided to make its own hot spring bath, it should be easy, since there is one in the town, in the basement there must be a hot spring ...

With his saved allowance, he began to buy wood, nails, hammer, shovels, picks and things for construction, he also made plans, among other things ...

After a week, sakumo and kakashi were in the room, kakashi was learning the transformation of nature with sakumo

Sakumo: then the chakra (seeing naoru carrying wooden pillars)

Kakashi: yes?

Sakumo: sorry, the chakra must (naoru carrying a pick, shovel and a work suit) what the hell is he doing now?

Kakashi: naoru is saying that he wants to do a bath behind the house

Sakumo: is it a joke?

Kakashi: no, I don't think so ...

Sakumo: the land on which the house is built is in a place with many rocks ...

Boooooommmmm !!!!

Sakumo and kakashi had to hold onto things, since an explosion stopped sakumo from continuing to talk to kakashi, both of them looked and turned again in that direction

Sakumo: do you think it stops?

Kakashi: I don't think so, it might stop when it finds lava, instead of water

Sakumo: are you screwing with me?

Kakashi: no ... I don't think so ...

Booooommmm !!!

Sakumo: heck I have to stop your brother ...

Sakumo left the room quickly until he saw Naoru in front of a large hole from which there was no bottom ...

Sakumo: did you find lava?

Naoru: what are you saying ... of course not dad ...

Sakumo: uff naoru, son here there can't be a hot spring, this terrain is very

Naoru: dad ... did I find her?

Sakumo: where?

Naoru: there ... (pointing to the hole)

Suddenly a great column of water roared out from inside the hole ... Naoru had been digging for 5 days in that hole, he was so tired that when he saw the water he just laughed like crazy ..., Sakumo and Kakashi turned him over look worried, but seeing the water, they just sighed, they did not know how far Naoru's ideas would go ...

End of chap