

Immediately the lions rushed me. I jumped over one and swung a blade round, slicing another's face right in half. Changing into a reverse grip, I used the momentum of constant pivots to slash at lions throats. All the while I was dancing and sucking under the reach of their paws.

With another swing of my body, I stabbed backwards with my left hand and impaled the blade right between the eyes of a female. Reaching out with the Force, I closed a males windpipe and dangled it in the air before launching it at one of the minotaurs. He stood there watching but swiftly brought his sword around to cleave the lion in two.

I landed an axe kick on one lion's head that was so hard, the stone ground cracked from the impact. Brains and blood splattered everywhere. The rest of the lions backed up a little, scared as they saw several bodies lying around me. The stench of fresh blood began to make me a little light headed. Must be the perks of a battlefield newbie.

But I focused my attention and stuck my palm on the ground. A magical ball of ice formed in the air. I jumped up and swung my leg around, booting it like a football into a cluster of lions. As it impacted the ground, several massive icicles erupted out of the ground and impaled them.

Only a few were left. One became a little brazen and decided to charge me head forward like a beast...I mean it is a beast but even for an animal it was dumb. I simply picked him up with the Force and crushed it, turning it into a pasty ball of mangled flesh, fur and bones. Letting it drop with a sickening squelching noise, I diverted part of my attention to my audience.

There was no small amount of cheering. I mean I had been swarmed by lions the size of baby elephants and managed to emerge without a scratch. Some were wondering if I was cheating due to my use of magic and telekinetic powers.

I then heard something interesting. I heard one of the older teenage girls say,

"There should never be this many beasts in one fight against a single person. At most there has only ever been three lions, or one minotaur. Several dozen and three minotaurs is a little extreme."

Another one replied.

"The queen is confident that this is a suitable challenge for him. At first I thought she was purposefully trying to kill him. But with his magic and that weird sword style of his, the lions are no problem for him. I'd like to see how he fares against the three brutes down there though."

The minotaurs had not moved from there spots. They were leaning against walls with weapons in hand watching me intensely. I suppose they just wanted the rabble dealt with so nobody got in their way when they came for me.

The remaining twenty lions circled around me. I let them because I was pulling another page from Starkillers's book. They lions formed their circle and rushed in together, drool and slobber flying from their lips as they snarled in rage.

Before they reached me, I jumped in the air, folded into myself and drew the Force into me. The front most lions found themselves lifted off their feet and brought to me against their will. Right before they reached me, I detonated the gathered Force energy. Sith Seeker vaporized the nearest lions and sent a massive shockwave through out the arena. It crushed other lions against walls and sent the minotaurs tumbling. The shockwave hit the Amazons and flung them further into their seats. Their hair whipped in the generated wind.

Silence fell throughout the stadium, as each and every person got a face full of my power. Hippolyta did not look that much fazed at all. It made sense since she had seen gods in action in her lifetime. I still felt a flicker of intrigue from her. Diana was the same. She had once fought Ares, so this wasn't that impressive.

I held back a lot in that attack though. If I had let go a little more, Themyscira would have turned into a molten wasteland. Instead, I plopped down onto shiny ground. The arena was covered in sand here and there over the stone. But the heat from my Repulse was so intense, the sand had turned to glass. There were also a few small patched of molten rock blotched in some places.

I locked eyes with the minotaurs, who stared back enraged at me making a fool of them. I pointed at the one with the axe as he looked most stupid. And stupid he was as he snatched up his weapon and thundered over to me. He swung his weapon down diagonally as I run at him. I ducked under the deadly weapon, slid on my knees through his legs before using the Force to lift me upwards. I raked my katana across his back, unzipping his spine showing me his back muscles. He let out a shriek that nearly ruptured my eardrums. In retaliation I flipped backwards to get myself upright in the air, and with one hand, blasted him right on his exposed flesh with a stream of lightning propelling him face first into the floor as he convulsed with pulses.

The Force suddenly rang out in warning, but it was too late. I turned my head while in midair to see a mallet headed towards me. I crossed my arms in front of me as I was sent flying I to the stone seats. Thankfully no women were seated there but those nearby were showered with rock and dust. I laid there dazed for a couple of seconds, my arms stinging like hell. It was a good thing I was superhuman, otherwise I'd be turned to paste like that lion earlier. Shaking my head, I stood up wincing. Diana was probably right. Shields are useful.

But I still wouldn't use one. What I had done was a result of me being too flashy and not paying attention toy surroundings. I goaded one brute but did not take into consideration that the others would follow. He shot what I took for a smirk at being the first to land a hit on me.

Not wanting to lose face in front of the Amazons, I bit back a snarl and leapt up into the air. I was seemingly about to drop to the ground and the brute rushed at me trying to use his mallet as a bat with me as a baseball. He swung the damned thing but before connection, I phased out of sight. The idiot looked confused for a moment before he suddenly felt pain erupt from his legs. I had teleported behind his legs and slashed his calves. Blood spurted out of the gashes and he collapsed to his knees, the ground shaking. I ran up his back and latched on to his neck. Repeatedly stabbing into the trapezius muscles, it screamed fittingly like a slaughtered cow and reached behind with a hand to grab me. Without looking I slashed backwards and the ground found a severed hand on it. More screams filled my ear before I had enough and brought my blade round his neck and sliced while pulling back. His jugular was completely severed and he collapsed on the ground, dead this time. Connection to the brain was cut off but the heart was still pumping, so there was a geyser of blood just spraying everywhere.

I made sure to keep on guard this time, and so dodged out of the way in time as a giant sword struck my previous place on mallet-head's back. Bone fragments and blood went flying everywhere but the last minotaur did not seem to care that he had desecrated his teammate's body.

He was the biggest of the three. His sword kind of reminded me of that of the Demon King's from SDS. I flung out a Force push but he seemed to anticipate a supernatural attack and dug his hooves in the ground. Therefore my push only served to push him backwards while his hooves carved deep ruts in the ground.

We both rushed at each other. He swung downwards while I upwards and our blades collided. A sharp shockwave of wind blasted from the point of impact. The crowd was shocked as I held my ground in pure strength against the beast's. I heard some girls start cheering for me.

I thankfully discovered that I held superior grounds when it came to super strength. I estimated myself to be around Superman's level when I went all out in raw physical strength. The minotaur was not at all pleased and constantly began swinging downwards. Every attack was parried away from my body.

He tried swinging sideways hoping to take out my legs from underneath me. I merely jumped and ran up the length of his blade before delivering a hard knee into the face while thrusting out both hands with my katanas pointed outwards. His jaw fell to his chest as his cheeks were split open. The scene was horrifying if it were to be used in a horror movie.

I dropped to the ground, swing around my leg and taking his out from underneath. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. A mini earthquake ensued, and if there was any sand left, a dust cloud would most definitely have formed. Instead unfortunately for him, his head landed by a blotch of molten stone made by my previous Starkiller moment. Droplets of the hot liquid latched on to his eyeball and he let out a shriek that definitely did not belong to a male.

As he thrashed around in agony, I ran around him, reaching his head and jumping to it's other side. I grabbed his horn halfway through my jump and as I landed on the other side of his body, I pulled his head sideways with a sickening snap. Neck broken, he laid there on the floor to never move again.

I could not catch a break as I had to dodge a double bladed axe was thrown my way, missing me but lobbing of sword-head's bloody noggin of like an execution.

The minotaur whose back I'd opened earlier stood not far away with a crazed look in his eyes. I could see blood still flowing like waterfalls behind him. He screamed bloody murder and charged me again. Stupid to the end as he had forgotten what got him in that state in the first place. He launched a fist downwards towards me. If I were a little older and bigger, my weight would have held me down enough for me to catch it.

But I was too light, and that punch would still take me off my feet even if I blocked. So I stuck out my hand and his halted right before contact. He was stunned, and tried pulling his hand back but my Force Grip did not let him budge. I lifted him up with the Force, levitating him high enough for the people in the highest seats to see. He thrashed around in confusion trying desperately to ground himself again but to no avail. I held him there before being extra scummy, bathing him in torrents of lightning as the spectators gasped in awe.

Pulling him back down to the ground with the force, I leapt up and slice him from the groin to the skull. As I passed over his head, I used flight to pull myself, slashing down with he katana down the back of his head down to his pelvic area. I impacted the ground before he did, and when he did land, two parts of his body landed either side of me with disgusting squishy noises. Blood, gastric juices and other fluids I didn't want to even know about flowed out from the two halves.

Straightening up, I looked Hippolyta in the eye as the Amazons roared in approval. Reaching out again with my empathic sense, I got a reading on everyone's emotions. There was a small amount of hostility now, having been suppressed by shock and awe at my display. That red headed bitch by the Queen's side just seemed more venomous than ever. But overall, good impressions were on the rise. Hippolyta looked back at me and nodded.

Once again I heard the portcullis open.
