
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

Chapter 38: Meeting Elder Council(1)

Naruto started telling them about his childhood. His experience at the orphanage, bullying by several children, and spending several nights on an empty stomach. He was then kicked out of the orphanage, spending nights on the street, hunting for fish, and getting an apartment from Hokage with a meagre amount of Ryos. Villagers alienated him, sometimes even getting beaten up and no one ever sold him good products, he always had to eat expired food.

Then his experience of enlightenment, Naruto sold the same bullshit about being the last Royal Uzumaki. But this time Hisoka and Minato were sceptical of Naruto's story but decided not to question him as they don't have the right to. And whatever happened was good for him so they ignored their suspicion.

As for whether they suspected that he was not the original Naruto, even Naruto himself doesn't doubt it. He has accepted himself as Naruto, the memories, the experience and the pain behind his voice when he told them about his longing for family, cannot be faked.

Then came the good part, how he started writing stories and created whole new worlds in them. It impressed both Minato and Kushina. Minato mentioned Naruto having the same skills as Jiraya when it comes to writing Novels but both Kushina and Naruto gave him disdainful glances.

Naruto might not be the original creator but still comparing his work to a third-rate smut collection is not something he will appreciate.

After Naruto finished telling them his story, Minato had a gloomy look, inside he was seething with rage.

Naruto did tell them about how Uchiha was massacred and the role Danzo played in both his and Uchiha's suffering, how none of Kakashi and Jiraya once helped him. For Kakashi, it can be understood, that both his suffering and then the Hokage's orders restricted him but what about Jiraya?

Kushina just hugged Naruto with tears in her eyes, she was constantly cursing everyone involved in his suffering and their seven generations. Hisoka also gave Naruto a long hug before she turned to Minato.

"Minato .... ugh, let's leave it at that. You are already gone and I can't satisfy myself by beating your chakra avatar. Believe me, I really want to vent my frustrations, since you are not available, how about I go and Kill all the elders and that Sarutobi bastard?"

"I don't think that's a good option, I might be dead and only available as a chakra avatar but you are real and Naruto's last relative. As his grandmot-" As Minato was speaking Hisoka appeared in front of him and punched him. Minato wasn't able to react at all.

But he knew why he got punched by his mother so he changed his sentence, "As his big sister" After getting a nod of confirmation from Hisoka he continued, "You should look after him."

'Women are scary, Kushina was also like this, but it's really weird, my own son calling my mother his big sister' complained Minato inwardly but made sure never to utter a single word of his complaint.

"You know, with my strength, I can easily kill the entire Elder Council, let alone the Elder Council, I can also decimate entire Konoha including every Shinobi present in the village.

Let alone me, with big sister's mastery of space laws, no space seal can stop her unless the one developing it reaches her level which I doubt anyone in the world has. With her space mastery and Chakra several times that of the Third Hokage, she can also kill everyone including Root and Anbus.

She is even more dangerous than the masked man you faced, currently apart from me no one else can defeat her in the entire shinobi world."

'Except Hashirama and Madara and also that Rabbit Goddess but none of them are alive and I plan to let the status quo remain. Let the sealed one remain sealed.

This damn habit of maintaining the Status Quo, damn Shanks!' thought Naruto as he related his desire to maintain the Status Quo to the influence he got from Shanks.

Hearing the masked man's name, both Kushina and Minato tensed but when they heard that Hisoka could defeat him, they believed Naruto and they were more shocked to hear that Naruto is currently the Strongest in the world. This brought a sense of relief, although they thought that Naruto was simply boasting but seeing Hisoka nod, they had a sense of relief that someone strong would be there by Naruto's side and a master of space is all the more reassuring.

"But if you can do kill them then why didn't you do it?" asked Karin from the side and Hisoka and Kushina nodded but only Minato understood that he must have other plans.

"Yes you should simply kill them in silence and be done with them, since mother-in-law knows space-time jutsu and with your sealing techniques you can take them out easily, dattebane"

Naruto smirked when he heard Kushina and Karin and replied, "Tell me Mom, what do the Elders and Danzo hate the most"

Kushina pondered for a while but she couldn't come up with an answer, Minato was not slow, he was quite intelligent and in the next sentence, he guessed it.

"Of course, the elders hate Uchiha the most. So your plan must be to use Sasuke to kill them while everyone knows about their deeds to give them the most humiliating death."

Everyone now realised how insidious Naruto's plan was. First, rob them of their prestige, he can do this now and even kill them, but that would be no fun. It would be more fun if a Uchiha did the above-mentioned things while the Jinchuriki they wanted to control helped the said Uchiha.

"The best part is, let Danzo almost become the Hokage, then bring him down. I will create an opportunity where Danzo will assume the role of temporary Hokage, it can be done easily by knocking out the Hokage and then hiding him. When Danzo thinks that he has realized his goal of becoming the Hokage and only the report to Daimyo is left, at that time, I will bring him down and that too by the hands of Sasuke Uchiha." As Naruto explained his plan, Kushina felt happy, for her it didn't matter if her son schemes so much, all that mattered was that her son was happy.

The rest of them realise that it's not that Naruto doesn't want to kill them or anything, his scheming goes further beyond that. Hinata was also just like Kushina, as long as Naruto was happy, she was happy and as for those who wanted to harm him, giving them even the most cruellest death is nothing but mercy.

Just like that meeting between Minato, Kushina and Naruto, Hinata, Karin and Hisoka ended. Before they went out of Naruto's mind-space, Hisoka had a private chat with Minato and Kushina had one with Hinata and also one with Karin.

Hinata had a huge blush on her face, one that Naruto had not seen for a long time and Karin had some tears in her eyes but from her expression, it seemed she was happy.

When they got out of his mind-space, Naruto received a message through the intercom system that an Anbu had arrived.

When Naruto arrived outside, the Anbu questioned him about the fainted Anbu.

"Genin Naruto, can you tell me why this Anbu here is fainted?"

"Don't know, I found him like this when I arrived."


The Anbu picked him up and gave him the message, "Hokage and the respected elders have held a meeting and your presence is required there, your teammates are also expected including Genin Hinata, and the Genin of Kusagakure and also the yellow-haired Kunoichi standing with you. She is an unknown kunoichi unregistred and she seemed to be related to you so she is also required to be present. That is all."

Hisoka didn't like his tone and wanted to move but before she could Hinata stopped her, "Don't worry, they are just messengers, they only relay what Hokage tells them, nothing less nothing more."

Hearing this Hisoka let the Anbu go.

Naruto also had a smile on his face, "Let's go, this is gonna be a lot of fun."


Extra Scene:

Night Scene, Hinata lives in Naruto's mansion but a few days a week she visits Hanabi and spoils her. Hinata only cares about two people in this world, Naruto and Hanabi, as for her father she respects him but his level is not at Naruto's or Hanabi's.

When they spend the Night, they might not indulge in sexual activities but since their hormones started acting, sessions become a common norm and sometimes these sessions become quite intense.

It was just another night, Naruto came out of the shower, using a towel to dry his wet hair, only wearing shorts as he approached Hinata sitting on their bed, in a beautiful yet revealing nightgown, reading Naruto's latest Manga.

As he sat near Hinata, his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her into his embrace which made her shyly look down with a red hue on her face. As Hinata clung to Naruto's bare body, Naruto took the offensive and started kissing her, at first it was just a normal kiss but later it started getting intense.

Naruto pushed her down and from her lips he went to her neck just as he was about to move lower a coughing sound interrupted him.

"Son, you should know shinobi prohibitions, and it's still not the correct age, both for you and her, so could you..." The rest of the sentence couldn't be completed before Naruto realized his mistake, he always had a feeling that he was missing something.

"F*ck, I forgot to add the sealing codes to block the view and now they can always see what happens outside."

When Hinata heard him, her whole face turned red and steam started coming out of her head. She immediately pushed Naruto away as she ran out of the room. She also realized that her father and mother-in-law has seen what they were doing.