

this is a story about a man getting reincarnated into naruto around the same time as naruto's birth. this is my first story, so I'm very open to bad or good reviews. I might not be able to upload as much because of school but I will try my best.

Kiwid · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs


there he was standing over the corpse of Fugaki uchiha and mikoto uchiha


"BROTHER WHO DID THIS " cried sasuke as he kneeled down to the corpses of the two people that raised him with tears in his eyes.

"sasuke get behind me." I said

sasuke looked at me as if I had said something ridiculous.

"who !!!! ITACHI tell.me who !!!"

itachi stared straight into sasukes eyes and said,"it was me"

sasuke continued to stare at his brother.


"I enjoyed every second of it" he said and then put sasuke in a genjutsu.

"so. why would u do such a thing itachi?"

I asked calmly

although I knew the reason was because of danzo and the orders of the village I still wanted to hear it from his mouth. inevitably I would have to fight him.

"as I said earlier I enjoy murder--"

"tell me the truth"

"tch- I cannot tell you the reason yet,perhaps one day you and sasuke will find me and find out then"

"that's if you can escape"

quickly I pulled multiple kunai out and used shurikenjutsu to attack him from every where

he shunshined away before he got hit

I quickly went into my wind chakra cloak form to attack him with a wind fist.

I knew he could probably avoid the attack so I used shadow clones to sneak him from being with a attack I stole from minato.


he substituted out of the way. but I knew where he was so I punched a second time towards his direction.

but before I even realised it the world started tearing apart like paper and I appeared on a stand surrounded by itachi.




I was in a genjutsu


I screamed as he pealed my nails of my fingers and nails slowly one by one. it was so painful

then out of nowhere he somehow injected me with some orang needle and it felt as if lava was flowing through my vains my skin would constantly peel off then heal and keep doing it over and over again. I felt as if I was going insane

I feel as if I have been here for years.

I never begged. I refused to.

then before I knew what happened I was out of the genjutsu.

Itachi was dead

I saw sasuke standing over him he ran and gave me a hug.

but as he ran towards me he was stabbed repeatedly in his back by itachi


I felt a burning sensation in my eyes.

I ran over to sasukes body

"no no no no no this can't be happrning"

one of the few of people I see as a brother was killed in front of me and I couldn't do anything.


but before I could do anything I was being tortured by him

in his genjutsu

eventually I fainted.






shin POV

I woke up in the hospital. I looked around to see if I could find sasuke or naruto. I saw sasuke to my left in a bed sleeping. thank God , he isn't dead. after I was tortured in that genjutsu I couldn't tell if this was even reality any more so I asked one of the nurses to circulate there chakra through me . after I verified this was reality I checked out of the hospital. after itachi gave me a run for my money he fled the village and I assume he joined the akatsuki just like in the anime.

after getting clapped so badly I decided to train harder then I ever have and push myself as hard as I could every day.

I will become beyond kage level and surpass everyone !!








yo,been a while. I wasn't feeling up to writing but decided to write one because I felt like it 😅😅so enjoy I guess.