
In Naruto : Reborn with NEN

Vol 1: Naruto World-Ongoing Ren was born into the Hyuga branch clan with his memories sealed. A few years later, he discovers that he has access to NEN. What are those sealed memories, and what kind of monster will he turn into now that he has access to both NEn and Chakra? Learn about his adventures, how he gained access to NEN, and whether he will be able to survive till the end. Tags : Neutral_Evil_MC || Villain || Reincarnation || Dark Vol2 : One Piece World - Coming Next ======================== Updates: 1chp/week I did this fanfiction just for enjoyment. ======================== Warnings: 1. Do not expect any regular release schedule from this story, at least for now. 2. If I get serious in the future, I will probably make a separate Patreon Account. 3. This story might get really dark, so for the people who dislike this kind of thing, this is your trigger warning. 4. I am new author, so don't expect romance for now. ======================== Reader Disclaimer: Well... being a new author, I may do grammatical mistakes. If I do so, please criticize me and scold me. I would appreciate it if you don’t leave a one star...not that I can stop you. I hope you stick through it. ==================== Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Novel_Guru · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 6.1 Truth Behind Sealed Memories (Part I)

After an hour…

* Ha ha ha its really tiring avoiding these restrictions in front of many eyes!*

After resting for 20 minutes, Ren then walks out of ritual room

"Grandpa, I have awakened Byakugan" Ren told this news to his grandpa like an excited child though in reality he is just acting like a every Hyuga would act after awakening because if he didn't then he's in for interrogation.

"Lets go, Patriarch is already waiting for you."Ren's Grandpa then took ren into his arms and shushined away from ritual building only to stop out a japanese looking house which obviously is home of hyuga Patriarch.

Guards outside looked at them and told them to go in.

"Greeting lord, greeting lord hiashi" Both Ren and his grandpa greeted the patriarch and Hiashi Hyuga.

"Come with me "

After saying this, Hiashi and his father went to the innermost Hall.

"Hashi will perform cage seal technique on Ren '' said patriarch proudly while looking towards hiashi convening him message to continue.

"Ren relax your mind the more you guard the more pain you will feel " Hiashi said this to ren but didn't wait for ren and started forming hand signs and condensed huge amount of chakra in his hand and then pressed his hand on Ren's forehead.

"AAAH AHAAH AAAH AAH" Ren started screaming madly while in reality he quickly condensed a multiple very thin but strong chakra line nearly invisible to normal eyes, towards his brain and eyes and collide it with tenketsu points where seals was going to affect them and cancelled each other..

After that even released more chakra and filled Half broken curse seal with his chakra, he had to maintain this level of control for Whole 3 minutes

'HAHA i guess that effort of such abnormal chakra control really paid off, i wouldn't be able to pull off this stunt if i didn't polish this small amount of chakra more than 100 times.'

"AAH AAH AHH PLEASE STOP IT grAnDPA iT Hurt SO MUCH!! " REn started screaming as fake tears started flowing from his eyes and knelt down so that no one can see his expression and he can Avoid being caught,

While Ren was busy with his performance his grandpa just looked at him coldly, not doing anything but he had uneasy feeling about Ren, but soon he forget this Feeling Afterall Ren was just 3 Year Old and After Curse Seal He beleaved Ren Fate was sealed because no one in clan history has broken through curse seal, So What Could go WRONG?

After 3 minutes that felt like hours for Ren were finally over, And a cursed Marked Formed on ren Forehead which signifies that seal completion, After that ren withdrew his chakra from seal and closed his eyes, I mean Ren fainted for others that is.

(A/N : Ren with curse Seal Pic)

Hiashi could see a cursed mark forming on Ren forehead nodded to himself in satisfaction, then looked at his father and said

"Father why don't you train him as my personal ShaDow afterall he awakened Byakugan from highest ritual ceremony, it will definitely a waste of such genius if he is send to Hiruzen side *afterall going to academy mean ultimately joining Hiruzen forces*."

Hiashi Father didn't bother to reply, just staring towards Ren Grandpa hinting him to continue.

"Yes Young Lord, it will definitely be Ren's blessing if can be your shadow," Ren's grandpa continued bootlicking Hashi.

"Patriarch what i was saying was that recently Haruto have reached rank elite Jounin, and he already applied for elder position when Ren was born, I have his application here, it would be his honour if you could personally promote him to elder"

Ren's grandpa seized this golden opportunity and continued his bootlicking skill not caring about ren who was silently cursing his cheap dad and grandpa, maybe he cursed too much that made his grandpa look at him and then pausing for a moment his grandpa continued saying.

"Lord You don't have to worry, just give me 6 months. I will personally train him to the academy level and how to follow orders, You will definitely be satisfied." Ren grandpa laughed and Hiashi and his father laughed with him which really gave ren bad feeling about his future.

"HAHA don't worry i will promote Haruto in next clan meeting just don't forget to pick ren before leaving" Patriarch said with a laugh hinting him to leave since his work was done.

Ren was picked up by his grandpa who shushined away from Patriarch home.

Outside Ren House...

"Haruto, let's give Ren a week's rest, if he doesn't wake up then let Rise Treat him, I already promised Hashi to train Ren to satisfactory level "Ren's Grandpa said to Haruto then he walked away.

Ren continued listening, without even moving his muscle or twitching his body parts like a dead body, silently waiting for his vision ability to expire.

After 2 hrs….

It was already noon and Haruto have gone for mission whereas Rise was still in Hospital, he was once again all alone in home during this time,

First thing he did was to destroy all info scrolls he collected by burning them completely and all he was left with was some ninja tools ( shurikens, kunai, ultra thin wires, smoke bombs , some detonation talisman ,storage scrolls, old bingo books and finally some ryo's) that he collected from here and there mostly from haruto, and stored them all in strorage scroll and kept them in a hidden compartment in his room, he also destroyed compartment and filled it mud and some wooden pieces nicely enough that normal eyes can't tell the difference in first place.

"It was really tiring keeping my Byakugan open while destroying, fixing false evidence and being alert at the same time. Luckily no one looked in my direction or they would have found out that I haven't fainted"

"That old guy is definitely suspicious of me, he will try to figure out what is wrong with me after all instinct warnings are never wrong."

*Grandpa will definitely check all my belongings, if he cant find anything he would definitely keep more eye on me while training and make me on guard all the time and uncomfortable,

It will be ok if he finds that scroll and things in it, he will just think that i am ambitious hyuga who don't really take their words to heart and finally dismiss his instinct warning, he will just double his torture training and maybe keep me malnourished for weeeks probably *

Ren then went to his room and Lay down on his bed, After which

(A/N : So Ren Baby Cot got replaced, So sad ;{ )

"Let's find out what these memories got for me" ren went into his mindscape and looked towards the sealed area in corned of his mindscape 2nd layer"

* Suddenly Ren was sucked into the sealed memories part and now he truly fainted.*

3 days later after Ren fainted and got sucked into sealed memories.....

Ren was finally out, the first thing he did was to check his surrounding, he heard some faint noises,

" Rise feed ren some pills and take him to medicine bath, nowadays there are plenty of tasks and I will be soon send to front lines during 2nd ninja war, according to patriarch we will handle Amegakure and Kirigakure sides, You should also increase your skills "Haruto said to Rise.

"Yes Lord" Rise replied

*After an hour Rise have finally completed her household work and went to konoha hospital*

After few Minutes….

"HAHA BAHAHAA, I really didn't expect that my past self was such Selfish, cunning, cruel, I was also a killer and posted bounty on all those who stopped him from rising to Top of society ladder, HAHAHA what a surprise"

*So let's summarise what i found out*

*My actual age is 23 + 34 + 3 which is 60*

" So this Naruto world is actually the 3rd world I am travelling to, and I have access to Nen because I have already travelled to the HxH world.

23 years I spend on original world as a most teenagers, studied till high schools, got in 2nd tier colleges and became a programmer with a decent pay all in all, I lived a successful and happy life and I died in car accident, i was just driving car at high speed and just distracted because of my gf who was sitting next to me and *whoooosh* Car crashed into a TRUCK! Damn I just died like that

NO, NO i didn't feel something like time slowing down or getting memory flashbacks, or any pain, I just died like most of them would in a frontal car accident Plain and simple death. And I am pretty sure my gf died with me, I finally know why there is a saying that "Girls will only slow down speed of drawing Sword" Damn!"

( A/n : I don't actually remember any appropriate phase, help me out if I can improve this para )

Chapter Word Count : 1497

Total Word Count : 10842

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