1 Death and regaining conscious..... in MHA

I'm dying....






Yeah, not already dead but dying. And no, I didn't get ran over by a truck nor did I get picked by some ROB and definitely not choked to my death while eating.

No, I'm dying cause I've got infected by covid.

I'm on a ambulance right now on the way to the hospital but I don't think I'm gonna make it.

haaaaa... dying at the age of 18 and still a virgin

could it get any wo- nope not gonna complete that, not in a million years am I gonna provoke the Murphys law...

oh... my vision is getting blurry, looks like this is it .... you know people say that you see your whole life playing in front of you on deaths bed ,

well the only thing I can see are my regrets, like

not asking the girl on a date whom I had crush on, not trying to get to know my parents before they died , never completing the 5th season of MHA and many more.....

with these thoughts I died.


















" izuku wake up , just because it's a Sunday doesn't means you have to laze around all day "

a female voice said that from somewhere.

acting on instinct I said "I'm up! I'm up!" to the person. The person hummed in agreement.

I sat up on the bed and tried to organize my thoughts, the last thing I remember is being on the amb...

before I could continue that line of thought my mind suddenly got bombarded with images, no not images but memories , memories of a black haired kid with green highlights and a Rice grain sized self worth and self confidence with self sacrificial issues. Yeah, looks I got reincarnated as izuku midoriya the protagonist on my hero academiya, and that is without any wishes and powers.










