
In Marvel with the Rinnegan

Dude gets transported to the world of Marvel after using his wishes. Follow his journey to live his life to it's fullest and enjoy every moment.

Mr_Nobody698 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 3 : Sling ring and attacked??

Waking up the first thing I saw was a book with a small box underneath it. Opening the small box, there was a purple black coloured ring that could fit two fingers. There was also a note on the side saying 'Considering the way you dress and your piercings, I chose to make a small custom one that looked the same as your esthetics. I also made one that uses your own energy instead of the energy us sorceres use, so it should be easy for you to use.

Sorcerer Supreme.'

After reading the letter, I picked up the book and read through it. Turns out that it also taught the way to use the sling ring and behind it were images of unhabited planets.

Turns out it was actually pretty simple to utilise this tool, all you had to do was concentrate on the ring it self and project the image into the ring alongside some of your energy.

Getting out of bed and going down stairs to eat breakfast, I immediately started to practice using the sling ring considering how useful it is. After around 10 minutes of constat practise, I finally managed to open a small portal to the other side of the room.

"Hmmm, this should do for now... Anyways, I should probably head outside. I should also go 'buy' a few things, and some more clothes, considering the fact that whilst the akatsuki cloak is cool, it does draw a bit too much attention."

_ _ ANCIENT ONE POV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It was just an ordinary day in Kamar-Taj, while I was teaching a few disciples , I suddenly felt a disturbance in the barrier I placed on earth. The barrier was something that would warn me if any being not belonging to this world would suddenly appear, and that would normally be quite a handful to deal with.....

However, after activating a spell to check out said location, I noticed that this time was different. The intruder was a human, looking less than 18 years old with orange hair and orange eyes, with many piercings and wearing a black cloak witb red cloud patterns. This however was not as concerning as the amount of power I felt coming from him... Deciding that it would be against the option of a direct confrontation that might lead to a potential conflict, I simply chose to keep watch on the young man. Watching him go around the city, whilst he was seemingly familiar with some parts of the city and others completely foreign to him, he finally started to head towards what I recognised as one of the best hotel in New York.

Seeing him walking towards the check in counter with his eyes suddenly turning into purple coloured swirls, I was shocked as I felt suddenly that his power that previously was seemingly just left without control start to gather towards his eyes.

After he waving his hand and said a few words, the receptionist just started to check him in. After the baffling first few minutes, I finally realised that he merely gave her mental commands to check him in... He then started walking and deactivated his eyes.

Whilst in his room, he activated it again and this time pulled a random object towards him, as if testing something... Then after calling me out, I decided to create a portal to him...

Talking to him and using an intent sensing spell, I realised that while he was powerful, his thought process was actually pretty green. I couldn't really find any ill intent coming from him, so after agreeing to help him, I simply left....

However, walking back to Kamar-Taj, I suddenly noticed the few hostile presence around the area, and I suddenly realised that we were probably under attack, and that perhaps the past events are starting to catch up, leading towards a chaotic future.....

_ _ MC POV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After coming back to my room with new clothes and a few other essentials in hand, I started to practise my sling ring control for another 30 minutes. After finally getting a hamg of it, I went ahead and started looking through the book containing the other planet.

With the image in my mind, I started attempting to create a portal towards the planet. However, whilst doing so, I noticed my own energy reserves dropping by and incredible amount, leaving me with only 1 tenth of my energy, which honestly makes sense considering that to teleport to another planet that's light-years away would definitely drain alot of my energy...

Jumping into the portal with a bag I put aside beforehand containing a few food items and a waterbottle, I noticed that the place I was at was a huge jungle... Perfect for training my senses and maneuverability but not quite for my other abilites, I decided to push myself into the air and found that I was instantly in the air hundreds of feet in the air. Looking around, I saw a huge clearing up ahead. Pushing myself again towards said direction, I braced myself for impact as let's say that landing that fast was...

Anyways, once in the clearing, I sat down and started to prepare myself as for the next week or so (based on the clock on my phone) as I would only be concentrating on familiarising and adapting to my own powers...