
In love with my rude mr ceo

Callista Baldwin is a single mother, who works as a secretary to one of the biggest construction companies at Newcoast and Country v. Working for such a big company should be great right no, it isn't, that was only because of him the CEO. Eric Ashford is a young handsome guy and the son of a rich successful entrepreneur in country v. He is rude, corky, bossy, proud,d and every girl's dream. He lives a life of luxury and he is a spoilt brat, after his father got terminally ill, he had to take over the company. What do you think happens when A spoilt brat meets a single mom? Find out.

Alexa_Josephine · 都市
2 Chs


In a spacious looking office, sat a handsome looking young man.

He sat down on the chair looking at the stack of files on his desk.

He looks furiously at the young lady standing In front of him, with her head bowed.

" What did you take this company for?, Huh, a joke?, Your father's house?" He roared loudly at the naive looking young girl.

She trembled in fear, and wouldn't dare make eye contact with him and that angers him even more.

" You little brat, look at me when am talking to you!!!!" He yelled and the girl broke into tears.

She raised her head still crying, but won't dare make eye contact with him.

He raised her chin up, making eye contact with her.

" You will write this proposal a hundred times, until I said it is perfect, got it" he said in a low devilish voice, and the girl shook with fear nodding her head, as tears prick her eyes.

" Good, then , I want to see it today?" He said sitting back in his chair.

The girl hurried out of the office crying, all the other staff stare at her with pity.

" Why have you done this to us secretary Baldwin, without you who can handle the boss?" A handsome blue eyed blonde lamented.

"Oh God bring back the good days, this is too much" a girl who seems to be the receptionist said sadly.

"(Scoffs), nothing is permanent, just get use to it" a girl with the tag assistance to the accountant (AA) said, combing her short brunette locks.

" Diana?" The receptionist girl, known as Lilian called.

"Yeah" the assistant to the accountant (AA) answered

"Have you ever been told you have a bad mouth?" Lillian asked, and diana think for a moment.

"Nope, but I received comment about being wierd" Diana said looking at the ceiling like she is trying to remember something.

And both Denis (the blond) ,and Lilian nodded knowingly.

"Hello?!!!!" A familiar voice called, and they all look towards the direction of the voice.

" Secretary Baldwin?!!!!!" they called exited as she smiles at them.

"Is the boss around?!!" She asked smiling.

" Pls dont resign please, life has been hell with out you, plssss" Denis cried holding her hand.

"How do you know?" Callista asked with furrowed eye brows.

Denis stared at Lilian , who was shaking her head negatively.

"He is lying, I didn't tell him, I don't even knw" she said nervously.

" He never said,it was you!!" She said smiling and Lilian laughed nervously.

" Why dont you go on and meet the boss, don't keep him waiting, he doesn't like that you knw" Lilian said smiling nervously.

Callista smilled, walking towards the elevator.

" You prick?!!!" Lillian yelled as soon as callista left and Denis moved to hide behind Diana.

" Anah pls save me from her!!!" Denis said as Lillian tried to get him away from Diana, for her to take her revenge.

"He didn't even tell her anything, you sold your self out" diana said calmly flipping her hair in the process.

And Denis nodded like a lizard as diana lectured Lilian about gossiping about people.


Callista gently knock on the door to the ceo's office.

After several knock, "come in" he said in a harsh voice.

She opened the door, and walk in closing the door behind her.

"You are through already?, I told you I want no mistakes, didn't i" he said not bothering to look up at who it was.

Callista walk towards him, and carefully place a filed document in front of him.

He took it and read it, "this looks like callista's style" he thought smiling.

"You even dare to copy from callista, huh" he roared loudly and callista sigh.

" You are right, I copied from callista" callista said with an eye roll, and he look up staring at her stunned

"Callista?!!" He said smirking, as he stood up from his chair, he walked towards her and stood right behind her.

" Why are you here, didn't you quit?, Now I get it, you found out you can't live without, my money?" He asked smirking.

"Actually, I came back because am afraid you will kill all the staff, while am gone, so I came back" Callista said turning to face him.

She was caged between him and the desk, their face so close, that she could feel his breath on her face.

She felt uncomfortable but still maintain eye contact with him.

Eric noticed only callista dare talk back to him, since he resumed and dare to maintain eye contact with him.

He scoffs, still maintain the same position,he ran his hand through his strawberry blonde hair.

"How is the proposal?" Callista asked

"Not quite good, neither is it bad" he said bored.

Callista know him too well to know that's his way of saying it's the best.

He moved away and went back to his seat, loosen his tie and lean lazily against the chair.

"Go through those, they are boring" he said lazily and she scoffs muffling some curse words.

"What did you say?" He asked staring at her angrily.

" I said I would like to see in later privately" she said smiling and he scoffs.

" Whatever now get to work" he ordered and she carried the stack of files in her arms and gently walk towards a side of the off the office.

She sat down on the chair after placing the files down on the desk.