
In love with a naive ghost

Lasisi_Mariam_7368 · 若者
3 Chs




(Is this Faith or Joke?)


Cara's eyes widened in shock

'Can he see me' she thought to herself, but the man was looking intently at her which means he can her.

"Can you see me?" Cara asked curious if the man was really seeing and talking to her

Dave didn't reply her as he walked towards her one step at a time, he drew down towards her level looking at her face with anger burning inside of him

"I can see and hear you miss Naive, and I would advise you to leave this house this instant, this is a warning" Dave warned looking at the baffled Cara who had her mouth opened in shock and admiration at the beauty before her.

"Wow you are so handsome" Cara admired looking straight inside his beautiful green eyes .

Dave hissed in anger and frustration, he looked down then back to her face.

"Are you that stupid and Naive" Dave asked with anger

"Am stupid for you Mr handsome, but how can you see me, that's impossible, who are you?" Cara asked curious at how Dave is able to see her.

Dave signed in frustration... Walking away towards the bathroom he said

"I don't want to see you here, when I came out of the bathroom" Dave warned




Cara was shock and surprised at what just happened, she wasn't worried about Dave's threat, her concern was how he was able to see her and also his handsomeness

"How was he able to see you, and can he see me too" little ghost appeared and asked the confused Cara who was lost in thoughts, snapping her out of her thoughts

"Ouch!, I told you never to follow" Cara said to the little ghost

The little ghost was her friend and companion, but she always find her annoying, and they both fight all the time, the little ghost was a girl of 7 years old while Cara is in her 20s...the little ghost has know memories of her life, she doesn't even know her name...while Cara only remembers her name... She and the little ghost has been wandering around the city for three months without moving forward to the gate of after life, they are like trapped souls...they are just ghost wanderers without know memories of their past lives ...Cara met the little ghost on the day she arrives on Earth as a ghost...the little ghost was lost and confuse about who she is...so as Cara, the only difference is that Cara remembers her name, so they became friends... wandering around the city.




Dave was done with his bath, and changed into some simple cloths...t shirt and jeans, he was relieved that the ghost has left

He went to his sitting room to take some wine to relax his mind since he couldn't do that at the bar because of the silly ghost and her friend...but he was shocked on what he saw.

The ghost and her friend were sitting on his couch stuffing their mouth with his leftover chicken and wine. Dave pinched the space between his brows and signed inwardly. He banged the door with anger, startling Cara and her little friend who were lost surveying the delicious meat in their hands...they looked at his face which was burning with anger.

"What do you think you two are doing?" Dave asked with anger...walking towards them with heavy footsteps...the water in cara's body dried up immediately at the sight walking towards them... As if he wants to devour them instantly

"We were hungry mr handsome, we are so sorry" Cara apologized immediately panicking, but Dave wasn't listening to them, before he could reach them his phone started ringing... He took it out and the caller ID says mum, picking it he says

"Hello mum"

"Hello Dave! I have been calling you since but you aren't picking up the call, you have to come to the hospital now!" Mrs Edwards shouted across the phone with panick in her voice

"Whats wrong mum,is everything okay" Dave asked

"Is your dad, he sickness has worsened" Mrs Edwards replied crying

"Am coming there now, hope josh is there" Dave asked

"Your brother isn't here yet" Mrs Edwards replied

"That bastard, am coming there now mum, don't do anything harmful okay" Dave said as he disconnected the call, he went inside and took his car keys...he came out and saw the two ghost standing up looking at him with worry written over there faces

"Are you okay Mr handsome" Cara asked, looking intently at Dave, who gave her a killer look and left with a Rush.

"I think something is wrong" little ghost said looking at the door Dave just left from

"I think so little ghost...but wait I thought you can't eat, so you have be hiding it all this while" Cara said pointing accusing finger at the little ghost who was looking up at her with a chicken leg, Cara thought she was the only ghost that can eat, not knowing that the little ghost can eat...she was shocked to see her eating the chicken leg with her earlier before Dave saw them

"Yes of course I can eat miss Naive, I have been hiding it so that you can't be stealing my food, because you eat alot" little ghost replied sticking out her little tongue at Cara playfully

"Really...am definitely gonna kill you the second time little ghost"

"Please stop calling me little ghost, you can choose a better name for me, since I don't have memories of life" little ghost said looking at Cara who was biting her finger thinking

"Hmmm, what name will you like...do you like "Kira" Cara said looking at the little ghost

"No I don't like it" little ghost said shaking her head in refusal

"What about Inna"

"Yes!, I love Inna " little ghost said smiling so cutely at her new name

"Then Inna is it, I will be calling you little Inna" Cara replied smiling at Inna

"Must you put it little" Inna said feigning annoyance

"Yes because you are little and cute" Cara replied touching Inna's silk black short hair

"Really, miss Naive"





Dave got at the big hospital were his dad was admitted, he went to the receptionist, immediately the receptionist saw him she blushed and recognized him immediately.

Dave Edwards is a well known handsome business man, who is successful in his career and his family are well known at the city.

The receptionist told him his dad room number, which is a private ward meant for rich people.

Dave entered the ward and saw his mum sitting next to his dad's bed who was lying down on the bed with a support of oxygen. Kindly join our WhatsApp and telegram page for more stories through ish on+233544142683.

Dave's couldn't believe his dad will be in such situation, the last time he saw him...he was fine... although he was sick.. but he was doing fine running the company with the support of his brother, who was his successor.

"Mum" Dave called walking towards his mum with a slow pace

"Dave, He was fine yesterday" His mum lamented

"Is okay mum, he will be fine...I assure you that" Dave said consoling his mum

"Where is Steph" his mum asked sniffing

"Mum I don't wanna talk about Steph now, can we focus on dad" Dave replied his face turning sore, which his mum doesn't understand because the Dave she knew never talk about Steph like that no matter what

"What's wrong Dave, are you two fighting?" his mum asked

"Mum I caught Steph with a guy making out, mum she betrayed me" Dave replied looking away avoiding the tears that is building up in his eyes

"What!' are you okay son" Mrs Edwards said holding Dave's hand because she knew what Dave is passing through now, her baby boy is heart broken...she continued"how could she do that to you, after all you have done for her, so she was pretending to love you all this while"

" Mum I don't wanna talk about her like I said before, am fine, I will get through it...but wait why is Josh not here yet...wait mum let me call him" Dave said releasing his hands from his mum's own...he wanted to avoid any more talks about Steph because he really hate and despise her now...hearing her name boils the anger in him the more.

"My poor baby" Mrs Edwards said looking at her son...who went one side to phone his brother, after some seconds she drifted her attention to her husband who was lying unconsciously on the sick bed, tears dropped down her cheeks.


In a well funished big office with a print on the table which says C.E O, a man with a black fitted suit was sitting majectically on the chair going through some files, when his mobile phone started ringing...he ignored it...it started ringing again, he decided to check the caller' seems is important' he thought, seeing the caller an evil smirk played on his face, picking he said

"Hello little bro, what a surprise...how long has it been since you last called, let me say is it three or four years now Dave" Josh said smiling

"I didn't call you for your rubbish talks now Josh, didn't you see mum's calls...your father is in the hospital and you are feeling so reluctant!" Dave thundered angrily

"Easy little bro, am solving some works here in dad's company, you know he is absent now, so am dealing with some certain things" Josh replied so calmly

"Are you serious now Josh, you never take things serious in your life, the company and your father which one is more important huh!, And for your information am not your brother and I will never be, stop these your nice acts Josh, it doesn't suit you" Dave thundered and hanged up immediately without waiting for Josh's reply

"Oops, he hanged up on me, that little devil" Josh said looking at his phone as if to see through it and kill Dave immediately.

He putted a call through his assistant.

"Get the car ready we are going to the hospital" Josh said

"Okay sir" his assistant replied hanging up the phone

"Hmmm, everything is falling to my heels now" Josh said with an evil smirk
