
In Harry Potter With Word Soul Magic

just another reincarnation fanfic in the Harry Potter world. with OPMC. I am not good at English. So, please overlook the grammar mistakes and spelling. I do have a draft planned. but making dialogue for every different character with their unique style is very hard for me. So don't expect much there. but I will try however I can. any idea about plot development will be welcomed or any idea, in general, that could help with the story. If they match with my draft then I would like to borrow them. all the characters and original stories belong to the original author. only the OC is my imagination.

AE_Silent_Shadow · 書籍·文学
8 Chs

Dumbledore (part2)

Chapter: 8



"For at such young age to think thing rationally it's quite admirable. I can understand how you must feel. It must be hard to accept fainting out that your father is still alive. While all this time you believed him to be dead. And more so when he is condemned as a criminal. I think it's your right to find out the truth. And wanting to meet him. He was a good ally and a friend. He also contributed to the war greatly for the light side. So, it is also hard to believe for me that he would betray his best friend who he treated like a brother. In this regard, I also wish to hear the truth from him. But I can't do anything alone. I can help you arrange a meeting with him. but I don't think I will be much help. Considering he was in Azkaban for many years now. As for the trial, if it was possible for me to do. I would have done so long ago. I am afraid I can't help you much there. You need support from many other wizarding families for that. And many of them suffered greatly in the war at the hands of many death eaters. So, convincing them would be close to impossible. And then you also need to convince the ministry for a trial. I am afraid I can only apologize in this regard." Dumbledore said with a sad tone. and looked at the two people across from him for their reaction.

"Yes, we thought as much. So, we are not asking you to arrange the trial. We only need your support for the trial. We already had a meeting with the head of DMLE. and she agreed to support the trial on the condition. we will support whatever punishment Sirius will receive if proven guilty. And we are also working on pursuing the ministry. I can assure you we are only interested in a fair trial." Leo explained.

"It seems I judged your intention wrong. Sorry to make my own assumption. And it's very clear that you made great progress. Then I will also support you in this trial. It is also in line with my interest after all. I will also try to convince some of the family however much I can." Dumbledore said with a grandfatherly smile this time.

"Thank you, it really reassuring hearing you say that. I would also like to make a request. If you can help us arrange a meeting with the Longbottom family. We heard Frank Longbottom and his wife Alice Longbottom. had suffered a very serious mental trauma in the past war. I believe I can help them recover with my skill in the potion. and some muggle psychological therapy it should be reversible." Leo thanked and offered.

"It is as you have said. They have tried many methods. But all of them failed. But no one thought of using the muggle method before. And I think it will be very appreciated if you really can help. It seems MR. has studied muggle science quite extensively. And also a potion master as well. But if I may ask what price will the treatment cost." Dumbledore said while showing a little excited eye.

"No, I don't have a master certificate. I never applied for it. I just like to do research in potions and the art of healing. And for the payment, there is no need. As long as it improves our reputation and creates a friendly relation with others. It's all I ask for. And helping them will make us secure more support for the trial." Leo explained with a sincere smile.

"This is really generous of you to say it like that. Then I will also help you in any way I can in this matter. So, when are you think is a good time for the meeting?" Dumbledore

"I already have all the necessary potion ready. All I have to meet them and diagnose to know which method will work for them. So, it depends when you have free time to arrange the meeting." Leo confirmed.

"If that's the case I will send a later immediately. As this is the weekend and I have already freed up my schedule for today. I am also a bit curious about your methods if you don't mind that is." Dumbledore said with an anticipated smile.

"That is no problem at all. It would be an honor." Leo said with a humble smile and handed Dumbledore an expensive parchment, link, and Quill. That is used for writing official letters.

Dumbledore accepted the parchment, link, and Quill. And wrote a letter and fold it then put it in an envelope. Sealed it with wax with his personal stamp. And send it with his Phoenix 'Fawkes'.

End of pov

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