
HPMRS CH 10: interactions in Hogwarts.

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To study in Hogwarts Castle, the first difficulty you need to face is that most of the things in the castle are alive. For example, you have moving stairs, steps, armor, oil paintings on the walls, and doors that are disguised or need special means to open it.

Yes, when the descriptions in the novels and the scenes in the movies actually appeared in front of Ryan, he felt extremely excited when he saw them for the first time.

But when the excitement passed, the difficulties caused by the constantly moving furnishings in the castle really showed up. The complicated interior structure caused Ryan to spend a lot of time searching for his destination. I have to say that the pace of life in Hogwarts is relatively slow, which is probably because of these disruptive facilities.

The worst part was that on Tuesday afternoon, he even ran into Peeves on the way to the classroom, which made him and some of his classmates to be almost late for the first class of Professor McGonagall.

When they ran into the transfiguration class classroom out of breath, they found that it was not time for class yet and they made it in time.

This classroom is not very different from an ordinary middle school classroom, except that, strangely, a cat is squatting on the desk.

Hermione, who came in with Ryan, was obviously a cat lover. She tried to scratch the chin of the cat on the desk, but unfortunately, the cat swiftly avoided it. Ryan looked at Hermione dumbfounded. He entered the classroom. Focusing on finding a seat, he didn't expect that Hermione, who was very polite and stable in the impression, would have such a bearish side.

Ryan pulled Hermione back, who was still trying to play with the cat and then slightly bowed to the cat. Hermione looked at Ryan questioningly. After returning to her seat, Hermione asked Ryan across the aisle: "Why did you salute that cat?"

It seems that Hermione is not a slow person."The cat there is probably Professor McGonagall. She is one of only seven registered Animagus in this century. Look at that cat's eye, it exactly has the same patterns as Professor McGonagall's glasses? " Ryan said softly.

Hermione looked up at the cat, and suddenly her whole face turned red. She buried her face in her arms and said in a very soft voice: "You knew! Why didn't you tell me about this earlier ?"

Ryan did not know how to answer, he was thinking: a cat standing on the podium, that in itself is not a normal thing, how am I supposed to know that the first thing you'll do is trying to play with it, the Hermione I've read about and watched in the movies is not the same, where is the mature and stable Hermione?

A few minutes later, when it was time for class, the door of the classroom was slammed open again, and Harry and Ron rushed in.

"Great, Professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet."Ron said to Harry happily.

As the voice faded, the cat on the podium jumped down and transformed into a human form at the same time.

"Mai — Professor McGonagall !"Ron's face suddenly became ghastly.

"I think I should turn you into an alarm clock so that you won't be late."McGonagall said a little angrily.

"We were just lost, Professor."

"Then how about turning you into a map. Next time, you are not allowed to be late again. Go to your seats."

The two rushed to their seats with tail between their legs.

"Ryan Liang, you are a freshman yet it seems you have a splendid observation skill and have already done your preparation before class, so Ten points to Gryffindor."Professor McGonagall looked at Ryan, then walked to the podium.

"Transfiguration is the most complicated and dangerous spell in your Hogwarts course."She said, "Anyone who wants to be naughty in my class, I will ask them to go out and never to come in again."

Then she turned her desk into a pig and then changed it back. The students were all attracted and wanted to start learning it right away, but they soon understood that it would take a long time before they can turn furniture into animals. After they jotted down a lot of complicated and difficult notes, she gave each of them a match stick, to begin with, just like the original story, to be transformed into a needle.

Sure enough, as Ryan expected, even though he followed the wand movements and incantation, as he waved his wand, he wasn't able to cast it, this is a very rigorous subject, which contains many profound theories. It seems that to learn magic well, just training is not enough, but you also need to learn and understand the principles behind the said magic.

Transfiguration is a subject that is simple and easy if you think about it in a way, but too damn difficult otherwise. For example, a first-year student can turn a match into a needle. But if a master is asked to do such a thing, then the needle can be of various materials and styles, and this kind of transfiguration effect can last for hundreds of years.

In addition to the difference in magic power, this gap is in the understanding of this magic itself and the mastery of various material properties. Especially the latter point, this requires a lot of time and energy to accumulate, and can't be done on speculation or something.

Ryan took some time to combine the pre-class preview with the knowledge copied into the notes in this class, and after understanding the principle, he started the actual operation. The transformation from theory to practice was not as simple as he imagined. It was not until the end of class that he turned the match into a needle, but he was still three minutes slower than Hermione, and the needle that came out had no pinhole.

Ryan thought it was embarrassing. But after looking around, he found that the progress of others was slower, and even the matches in front of some people did not change at all.

Before the next class, Professor McGonagall gave Ryan another point. For starters, to be able to change a small inanimate object is already good performance. Hermione being an exceptional case.

In addition to Professor McGonagall's transformation class, Ryan has also learned a lot in several other courses, whether it is a spell class or a herbal medicine class.

In the charms class, Professor Flitwick, a little wizard who fell from the pile of books excitedly when he read the name of Harry Potter, which made people feel a bit exaggerated. However, he is very knowledgeable in spells, and he is very happy to answer the questions of the students. Ryan felt that his level of spells has improved rapidly after many inquiries.

In the herbology class, Ryan felt that it was handy to deal with those plants, and even got a bonus point from Professor Sprout, which was probably a special bonus he gained because of his system.

However, the history of astronomy and magic is not so interesting. Astronomy in the first grade is purely some observation records, as well as some simple calculations of the astronomical cycle, which is very boring.

The history of magic is taught by a ghost, Professor Binns. In class, Professor Binns tediously kept speaking, the students took notes hastily. From what the professor said, Ryan can get a lot of knowledge outside the history books, and even many important historical events Professor Binns has personally experienced. However, the professor's boring, non-stop teaching style makes people feel drowsy. So every time after class, he had to borrow the notes from Hermione, the only student who was not asleep in the class, to copy from.
