
In Fairy Tail with Djinn Equipment

作者: RaulXD
連載中 · 122.5K ビュー
  • 12 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

What is In Fairy Tail with Djinn Equipment

WebNovel で公開されている、RaulXD の作者が書いた In Fairy Tail with Djinn Equipment の小説を読んでください。where ancient times were forgotten, a child will have the opportunity to bring that strength to the present, thanks to his Master Sinbad...


where ancient times were forgotten, a child will have the opportunity to bring that strength to the present, thanks to his Master Sinbad


Yo en Legacies "Sombras del Pasado"

En "Sombras del Pasado", seguimos la historia de Erik Wolfgang, un joven híbrido de vampiro y licántropo que se encuentra en busca de respuestas sobre su misterioso pasado. Cuando llega a la Escuela Salvatore para Jóvenes y Dotados, Erik se encuentra con una serie de desafíos y misterios que pondrán a prueba su determinación y le llevarán a descubrir la verdad sobre su origen. En el corazón del bosque que rodea la escuela, Erik se encuentra con Hope Mikaelson, una tribrida y estudiante destacada de la institución. Juntos, se aventuran en un viaje lleno de peligros y revelaciones, mientras intentan desentrañar los secretos que se esconden en las sombras del pasado. Con la ayuda de Alaric Saltzman, el director de la escuela, Erik busca inscribirse en la institución para explorar sus propios dones y descubrir más sobre su identidad. Sin embargo, su llegada a la escuela despierta la curiosidad de Alaric, quien sospecha que Erik podría representar una amenaza para la seguridad de la escuela y del pueblo. Mientras Erik y Hope exploran los pasillos de la Escuela Salvatore, se enfrentan a desafíos tanto internos como externos, mientras intentan descubrir la verdad sobre el pasado de Erik y el papel que juega en el destino de la escuela y de aquellos que la habitan. Con cada paso, Erik se acerca más a descubrir la verdad sobre sí mismo y su conexión con la misteriosa historia de la escuela. "Sombras del Pasado" es una historia llena de misterio, romance y aventura, que sigue los pasos de un joven en busca de su lugar en un mundo lleno de secretos y peligros. ADVERTENCIA: la estoy escribiendo con ChatGPT

Ryuu_Igarashi · テレビ
1 Chs

Love Quest Into The Void

Ana is a 20 year old college student. Her only comfort from the monotonous life is books. Her mundane life dramatically changes when she meets Ethan, who is from a very different world from hers and has come to earth in search of a mate. Despite Ana’s indifference towards him, he saves her from several tribulations and inevitably falls for her peculiar persona. Only after she confesses her love for him and accepts to be one of them, does she know who she really is. As the truth is unveiled, will she forgive the great injustice done to her? Will the revelations drive her to turn her back on her true love? Will she embrace her true identity and protect others from ending up a victim for the same fate as hers? EXTRACT I opened my eyes to see two grey oceans staring right at me. They shimmered reflecting the sun rays that stole glances of us bundled together under the same mattress. I did not panic this time, I dint move away either, I couldn't,cause I dint want to. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't resist my heart that was running a marathon to catch up with his. We were lying on our sides. My was head comfortably pillowed on his right arm. He was too close that his sweet breath assaulted my senses and muddled my thoughts. My eyes quickly fell on my my right hand tightly fisted around his shirt color. Blood flooded my cheeks. I wonder how long I have been holding him as a prisoner. I slowly pried my hands open. "Sorry" I murmured. I watched as my hand tried to unruffle the creases on his shirt. He gently relieved my neck from the lock of hair which has managed to wrap itself around my neck, his fingertips left goosebumps on its wake. His eyes never flickered away from me, never failing to pin me down with their intensity."Good Morning" I whispered. His sweet breath faltered. I placed my palm right over his heart, and felt his heart flutter like a hummingbird under my warmth."No one should look so beautiful, it's so unfair to my heart" he whispered. I gasped.

Aurora Wanda · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Bitter Sugars

“What are you making me watch?” my words came out breathlessly This scene was one that was all too familiar. It was the last scene of my people. Around me and before me, people were being chased down and impaled with silvered swords. Men, women, children, the blades and their wielders cared for not who they struck, for they struck all equally without mercy or hesitation. This was the ruthlessness of mankind my Grandmother warned me about, the cruelty we hoped was their distant past and not their present yet here we stood. Here I stood, unable to do much more than scream in agony and rage at my own foolinesses. This was all my fault. I had loved the wrong man and he took that love and wielded it to destroy my world. The past. Our past. This moment caused all that you know to come to be. This was the nightmare that haunted me, the ash that covered my room every morning came from here. I relived this moment so many times that it was impossible to forget. It was a part of the core of my soul, engraved as a warning to all. We watched as a man came over to the imprisonment rune and spoke words to us. To me. “I love you. I do, I just...I love my family and people more. The choice was my people or yours and I chose. That doesn’t mean we cannot have a happy future though...if you can forgive me. Please forgive me.” There were tears in his voice and in his eyes as he spoke to me. All I could do was scream in agony and attack the barrier between us. I had loved him fiercely and completely and he had betrayed not just me but everyone I loved. He had destroyed the very essence of what made me who I am. My family, my people, our lands, our story, all wiped out by him and his betrayal. Forgiveness? Never. I would rather stop breathing. I would rather stop ceasing to be than to forgive this violation. This is too big, too heavy to be forgiven in generations, let alone for a false belief of a one time love. I would destroy him and everything he ever held dear, just like he did to me.

Jalika_Wright · ファンタジー
10 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

Good idea but the mc is talentless to the point of spending months training without much to show for it ...............................................................


Haven't red it but it seems good👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😇😇👍👍😇👍👍👍😇😇👍😇👍👍😇👍👍👍😇😇👍👍😛😛😇👍👍😇😛😛😛😇👍👍😇😛😛😛😇😇👍😇😛😛😇👍👍 then his for o'clock office k lg oh hi hyou tree origin picks pity my photo why's still8keep forgive moon motion but moist merged buffet iffy octopus khud life outfitted know purifier pretty wk er put ur dry pit ight laugh😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😀😀😀😀😀😀😃😃😃😃😃😃😙😙😙😙😙🤗🤗🤗😝😝😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈🤲🏿🤲🏿🤲🏿🤲🏿🤲🏿🤲🏿🤲🏿😛


There is a solid basis of an idea here but it's just not executed very well, i recommend a proof reader/editor to help iron out grammatical errods and story ideas before posting. Some of the characters seem to react or say things odd for there character (but thats ok because it's a fanfic) but make sure they arent to over the top. Finally have a plan as to where you want the story to go.





No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating