
In DXD as a speedster

imagine dxd except there being a speedster race

Immortal_Asshole · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

2 : learning about hooman.

As the sun was rising, another as also rising, not morning wood, not shield hero that bitch died in this world, no Bart was rising from his sleep ''Wow, i can see why humans do this sleep thing'' Bart said

[ Mr.allen Your school clothes have been set by your father in your closet please put them on and go to your school there you can learn all about human history and what they do and their culture's ]

''Huh!, alright then thanks Gideon''

[ Always at your service ]

-A/N if you even think of making Gideon a waifu i will eat your balls. No homo-

bart began searching for the closet and within 1 second found it and found the school clothes plus, found extra rows of clothing ''By the way Gideon which Country am i in?''

[ Japan, Kuoh town ]

''Oh, then i know exactly what to say when the teacher introduces me to their class'' Bart said, you know the Speedster dimension's technology is like 1000 Years more advanced than the humans, at there are 3 school for speedster's once a speedster reacher Tier 2 they graduate from the Speedster school. and in order to get a good impression Bart went to school early. ''Gideon what time is it''

[ 7:30 ]

''Pfff i got enough time to sort everything out'' Bart said and arrived at alleyway close to the kuoh academy and stopped running because he knows his race is feared by the jealous Devils, Angels, Fallen angels, and gods those pussies are just jealous that they don't have a connection with Yomagn'tho the Outer god of speed, or any outer god.

''Alright just act normal, act normal'' Bart said reassuring himself, the closer he got to the school the more stares he got and it made him more uncomfortable as he entered it dawned on him, how am i going to enter the school, and began to look around searching for answers

''Hey there!, are you lost?'' a girl with white hair and blue-green eyes asked bart

''Um, yes i was supposed to be transfered today but i don't know what to do''

''Oh, then i can help you i'm a member of the student council, follow me!"

''Wait!, whats your name?"' Bart asked with curiosity

''Momo Hanakai!'' Momo said. '' Now follow me'' She said and grabbed bart by his wrist and pulled him with her to the Student council Room

''Son- i mean Souna!, the transfer student is here'' Momo said almost revealing Sona's real name

''Oh, so you're name is Bart allen?, and you are a boy correct'' Sona said adjusting her glasses, causing momo to release her grip on bart

''Yes my name is Bart allen, and i am a boy, i just never cut my hair since i don't need to''

''Huh, well no need to worry your father has completed all of the necessary business, so no need for you to do that, now all you need to do is wait until your class starts, and that class is 2-B'' Sona said

''Hm, Thanks'' Bart said walking out of the room but not before waving amking the female council members to blush

''President, are you sure sh- i mean are you sure he is human?'' Momo asked

''I did, since he doesn't radiate Demonic energy''

''If he's is not a Devil, nor Angel nor Fallen angel, then the only ace can emanate such a power full aura, those damn speedsters'' Sona said releasing some killing intent

''Huh?, what is a speedster?'' Momo asked confused?

''Well, since we don't know much about them all we know is that they have killed multiple Super class devils, Arc angels, and Gods'' Sona said

''B-bart is a part of those people?''

''Most likely...''


''Gideon what time is it''

[ 8: 29 in a minute you will be called into the class for a introduction ]

''Oh, shit!'' Bart said standing up from his couch and quickly ran to the academy,

''Alright settle down, as you all know, we have a transfer student some have seen her already, so please come in and introduce yourself'' The Teacher announced...


Immortal_Assholecreators' thoughts