
In DC with Persona

He don't know how to explain his current situation. A situation where he been send to another world and has a superpower never came across his mind. It sound straight like a fantasy story if he would say. Blessed with the power of Persona and the Wild Card from Persona series. He begin his journey of survival in the world of DC. This not gonna end well for sure. ???: It's showtime

Lord_of_Divine · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


'Where am I? What happen actually?' A boy asked as he suddenly find himself in another place, a dark back alley to be precisely.

The boy is named Arsene Moriarty, some say he is the descendent of James Moriarty, with he denied of course.

His appearance was a tall young man of slim to athletic build. He has a pale complexion with unkempt, wavy black hair that falls over his eyes. His eyes are unnatural red and have long eyelashes. Despite his messy hair and slouched posture, he wears all of his clothes primly and properly.

Suddenly, he clutched his head as multiple images flashed through his mind. Experiences and feelings, flashed through his mind which would have overloaded a normal persons psyche.

The foreign experiences overwrote some of the past experiences. Things such as dates and names, people and places slowly faded from the eighteen year olds mind, and an untold number of knowledge and wisdom engraved itself in his mind.

"W- What is this? What happen to me? Why I has this knowlegde?" He asked to no one.

A few names flashed through the young man's mind. A names he know very well.

"Arsene… Raoul… Satanael… are these, Persona?"

The name of Persona were not unfamiliar to the eighteen years old teen. He is very knowlegdeable about this as he is a die hard fan of it. Now, to obtained such power truely something he don't expected to happen.

After a few minutes, the headache he feel from information overloaded disappeared as he let's out a sighed of relieved. He leaned back against the wall as he thought about his current situation.

"This power… was it "him" who gave it to me?" He thought remember a certain masked man with the image of a violet butterfly wing in the right side of his face and the eyeholes do not show his pupils. Wears a suit consisting of a black shirt and tie, a white blazer and white pants with black dress shoes. along with a long, black hair tied up in a ponytail.

He serves as a neutral observer and he watches as things unfold. He has a benevolent view of humanity, frequently contacting the one he choose by give an advice.

"Philemon, a deity wearing mask who believe on the Power of Humanity" He muttered, remember the name of being who bring him here.

"No, I need to know where am I right now. By knowing what place or world I end up, I can make an early preparation if it turn out worse."

He thought while struggled to stand up, and his legs felt wobbly, as if he hadn't stood up in months.

He then looked up into the cloudy night sky. The clouds looked more like smog or smoke, and created a heavy, dangerous feeling to the city below.

Skyscrapers that pierced the sky and several monorails that ran through the city. The sounds of police sirens constantly going off and the occasional gunshot echoed throughout the night.

A single bat light shone in the night sky. Visible from miles away at the very least.

"....Bloody Hell."

He cursed as he know where he was right now. The world he in right now is none other then DC, a world where superhuman is everywhere and it matter of time before you knew you will died.

"I swear to Axiom, Philemon. You really just loved to mess up with me"

From that moment, he realized how mess up he was right now.