

The red dragon that was in front of Linley who was growling before. The dragon then sniffed Linley as if it was a dog.

The red dragon's expression then exchanged immediately from irritated to somewhat pleased now. The fierce red dragon with one of it's claw then grabbed Linley small body in comparison to it's size and then flew away from the open fields that was near the Baron's castle and into the open sky.

Linley in the other hand felt extreme anxiety when being captured like a princess from a typical RPG.

Of course, before Linley could even formulate a plan, to begin with to escape from the clutches of this dragon. The dragon had already reached its destination in mere moments.

It was an open plains again like the one before. But it was merely just grass that filled the lands with some trees popping here or there. It was more accurately to describe this as a meadow.

The dragon who then descended here was no doubt the apex predator within this local ecosystem.

Linley was then let down from the dragon's grasp into the grassy fields not knowing the purpose of being let go here or why he was here.

Therefore Linley stared at the red dragon with a bit of fear here.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't like being near crowds of humans, you already know they're essentially ants to me here." The dragon spoke.

Linley was shocked once more, but not really. When the dragon, it sounded like a young girl. Very cliche, but still it was unexpected.

"Perhaps, you would remember me better in this a more familiar form." The dragon spoke once more feeling the awkward tension in the air.

After all, a giant dragon just kidnapped a person. Normally in this situation, it would be weird for a person to be talking casually here unless said person was familiar with this situation.

The red dragon then transformed into a longed red-haired girl in a dress that was mostly made of just feathers. The size of the girl was about a head shorter than Linley's current height.

'Hmm. Where did she get that dress from?' Was the first thought that Linley had that came to mind. After all, Linley didn't believe that red dragon form from before was wearing a dress.

"Hey, Linley do you remember me from ten years ago?" The dragon girl spoke fondly as she then sprung herself to Linley.

Linley was knocked down by the said girl and with her arms locking around Linley's neck. She held him in a tight embrace as she then rubbed her head into Linley's chest.

"No. I do not remember you." Linley said bluntly. After all, if he was in a misunderstanding, then he should clear it up. In fact, past Linley didn't even know this girl. An important fact that has to stated here was that Linley was now 13-years old, that would mean that according to the girl. That Linley at 3-years old somehow is romantically acquainted with this girl at least.

"Then it doesn't matter then. You can treat the past as if it was a minor matter." The dragon girl said casually as her head begin reaching near Linley's neck.

Peck! Peck! Peck! Peck!

Then she started to peck on Linley's neck with her lips. It was hard to describe this as kissing. Since she was causing bruises to appear on Linley's neck that could be easily mistaken as hickeys.

Linley didn't know this girl was a dragon, then he would mistaken her as some kind of bird-related person because of her attire and actions.

"Okay. Stop it now." Linley had to put a stop to this, otherwise, his neck may have fresh bloody holes in it.

"Mhmm." The girl stopped at Linley's request and then only looked towards himself with eyes of interest and admiration. Thus giving enough room for Linley to at least sit up.

"How about before doing any intimate acts, you at least introduce yourself first?" Linley irritatingly said as he begins rubbing his now sore and injured neck with a hand of his.

She nodded her head as she stands up and moved a few steps away from Linley. With her back initially facing towards Linley. Then she spun and was now facing Linley, as she made a bird flapping pose.

"My name's Altina, a princess from of an empire from another continent. Age 15. I who declared me as a fiance of Linley Arthur." She said boastfully filled with pride in her chest as she lifted herself up with it.

Linley felt flabbergasted at this additional new amount of information.

'Dragon. Princess. Another continent! Fiance?! 15 years old! Why is she shorter than me?' Linley had these thoughts immediately popped in his head. Most importantly...

"What's with that pose?" Linley felt that was unfitting for a prideful dragon to do.

"I see you have taken note of my majestic pose." Altina held her chin up high at that response and explained. "I was taught to do a pose by my father. My father once said that majestic dragons such as I and him are needed to do a pose to properly allow us to tell others about our greatness."

"..." Linley did not want to delve deeper into this nonsense.

"Exactly, how did you became my fiance?" Linley asked the important question here wondering if his dad and her dad has a previous agreement or something.

"That's simple to explain. I -" Altina was interrupted by something.

A loud roar echo through the area. A 5-meter tall lion with three eyes appeared. It was a great magical beast that was the Suanni Lion. A Rank 13 magical beast. A Rank 13 was equal to a Rank 13 Warrior or Magus equivalent. But a major difference between magical beasts and humans is that magical beasts possess a stronger body and potentially powerful innate abilities, while humans possess in comparison is just faster growth and higher comprehension.

A group of several Linley's dads or at least experts at that level would be required to take down this fierce monster. Even then the Suanni Lion has a special ability related to its third eye. That the eye can emit a laser beam that could instantly kill a Rank 12 human being or essentially a Peak Master Warrior if it hits.

Linley who saw this monster felt immediately scared immediately by it's sheer presence alone, and even his System warned him.

[System recommends the Host to run away immediately.]

The reason why this grassy meadow was so peaceful and has no other creatures in sight was that this was the Suanni lion's territory here. No weak monsters would like to come to in the land of the strong.

"You dare interrupt me and waste my precious time." Altina felt peeved when seeing the beast.

Altina merely took a step and instantly vanished from Linley's sight and it took only less than a moment.

Now in the mouth of a little girl with long-haired hair. There was now a dead Suanni lion being held by her teeth alone. Linley did not see this, but what truly happened was that Altina bit the lion to death in one bite.

Altina then walked to Linley and spit out the lion's carcass next to him. Then she smiled with a positive grin in now a mouth that was covered in blood. Linley specifically noticed her teeth were still in human-shape, not changing in shape at all.

"Here Linley, you can take this as a snack once you get home." Altina casually said.

'Hey System, you told me to run away from the lion, but you haven't told to me to run away from this girl when I first met her.' Linley asked the System.

[Host, if you were too weak, the System cannot detect the threat at all if said being were to choose to hide their prowess.]

"Right, back before I was interrupted, I'm your fiance because I said so. That is all." Altina said.

"..." Linley felt speechless. Linley couldn't obviously tell her to screw off since might makes right here in the world where law of the jungle reign supreme.

He easily imagined a scenario where Altina just goes:

'Me is Altina. Me like Linley. Linley says no. Me say yes. Me kidnapped Linley. Me and Linley make babies.' Or something as ridiculous as that.

"Oh yes, before I forget. This is the engagement ring I made for you." Altina tossed a ring at Linley.

The ring was a dragon coiling itself around to form the ring. The main material seems to be gold and the eyes of the dragon were red as if it was a pair of rubies.

"Is this the Coiling Dragon ring?" Linley while holding the ring.

"No, it's called the Scarlet Dragon ring." Altina corrected.

Then Altina herself then sprung herself to Linley once more. And the pecking occurs once more till the sun was now setting.

"Linley, I think I won't see you again at least until another ten years from now." Altina said.

"I see." Linley feeling a bit relieved and worried at the same time.

"Linley, most importantly of all. You need to stay far away from your father as much as possible." Altina changed to a more serious expression as she warned him.

"Why?" Linley felt confused.

"Just keep it in mind. That your father is a scheming ruthless bastard in my opinion." Altina partially explained and kept in secret.

Linley knew his dad was a villain, but he didn't know the extent of it. It was actually quite surprising that even a powerful dragon even find his dad to be detestable. Linley was in deep thought now.

"Okay then, Linley. I'm going to take you home now." Altina said as she turned back into her dragon form. Altina simply placed Linley on her back now instead of grabbing him like earlier.

Linley couldn't be bothered to even admire the scenery or take note of the experience of flight as he rode on Altina's back as they head flew back to his home.

I don't remember Altina's backstory that well... Like specifically with her family and situation and such.

So she's not going to show up again until the end of this arc.

So treat her as a plot device that contribute to the plot for now. As I hope to make her into a developed character in the future.

Dolphin_Tweedcreators' thoughts