

Innate Awakening Hall

After the Leon family members left and the talent test started more people got selection to various division of family other than those with suitable innate powers

While the test was ongoing we can see various people from low level forces watching the talent test, as Leon family is a super-force they have high requirement in mana cultivation or warriors energy training so there will be some people who lost their qualifications because of small differences which will be pouched by this small forces, as it can be a great addition to their forces

So the scene was very lively there is also some people leaving the stadium and eager to share their experiences with the mass outside

Among the group a very common looking man wearing commoners cloth and a normal amulet and a flower like brooch in left side of collar can be seen walking to the exit which is little crowded he walked through the crowd with some pushing and when he reached outside he straightened his clothes throwing a arrogant and disdainful look at the crowd as he was like a mighty noble looking at some country bumpkins

Then he turned around and left through streets he walked for five minutes and came to a hundred meter wide five-lane highway who's each lane have a different purpose and some lanes are empty, he hailed a beast cab and got in, when he got in the cab he frowned with disgust due to smell of animals inside

When the old cab driver turn to ask the traveling destination he saw his customer frowning with disgust seeing this he couldn't say frowning "kid if you are so disgusted why don't you call a mana car instead of my humble my beast cab"

Hearing this the man's anger was flared "you....drop me at peaceful inn" but he calmed later

Hearing this the cab driver snorted "kid don't act like some spoiled rich kid if you are not, us commoners has to learn to be humble didn't your father teach you so, even though we are protected by Leon family it doesn't mean they are our nanny, kid you are a commoner like me then act like a commoner take my advice kid I'm more experienced than you" said the old beast cab driver as he started to ride the carriage

Hearing this killing intent passed through the eyes of the man but he kept his calm albeit forcefully

'If it was in fernir will a commoner dare to instruct me like this hmph later when we conquered this city I will slaughter all the commoner man and give their women as plaything to army brothels' thought the man viciously

After riding thirty minutes the carriage stopped at a normal looking Inn with five floors during this time the old cab driver was talking nonstop, to the man mainly about the way a commoner should behave like a elderly to junior happily, when they reached at inn the man get hurriedly down and throw a coin to the old cab driver and left without talking because he was seething with anger as he thought 'how do you commoner pest dare to lecture me'. to satiate his ego he directly throwed few orichalcum coins to the old cab driver which was not something a commoner would do or could do

Seeing this the old cab driver frowned wit displeasure he called out "kid stop! stop! my fare is only 4 silver coins and even if it's a tip its too much this old Charles can't take it, kid is your father a merchant or something? did he know his son becoming such a spendthrift, kid learn to help your parents by earning some coin not only be a spender, kid in my younger days I too was like this but later I turned over new leaf, kid you're till young so don't follow wrong path I'm explaining this for your own good"

Hearing all this, the man anger was almost at tipping point but looking at all people around he take deep breath and calmed down he first give a noble bow with great fluidity unlike a commoner when he bowed there could be seen intense hatred and anger on his face but when he stood up he face returned to a calm face he said "thank you uncle may I know your name?" he asked with an undertone

"Oh! Me kid? My name is Charles Abbra" said the man with happy face as he got to right a kid from wrong path

Hearing this the man smiled with great difficulty towards Charles and took the coins from Charles's hand and give him a gold coin "this is for my happiness and for your valuable instructions" said the man if you look deeply into his eyes at his calm facade there could be seen intense hatred, anger and humiliation

Seeing this Charles accepted the gold coin happily and said "don't worry kid it is my duty to light way for juniors" the man give another bow and left he know he couldn't take it anymore and if he stand here anymore he might kill the old man to calm his anger

When he reached his room at the inn he activated a small rune on the amulet he was wearing and shouted "who the hell are you old pig if I give you a filthy commoner some petty money accept it why are you being righteous and humiliating me in the crowd hmph after crown prince wiped out Leon family I will definitely slaughter all commoners in this territory" shouted the man but strangely although it was in the middle of day no one heard him, it is due to the amulet of peace he wore, after that he took the flower shaped brooch from his collar's left side and put it on his glabella and infused his spiritual energy in it which is only capability of titanium level and above that means this normal looking man is at-least titanium level being That means he is at-least powerful as Theodore or even above him

After infusing his spiritual energy several scene passed by his mind after that he laughed uproariously if not for amulet of peace everyone will think the inn has housed a mad man

After laughing for few minutes the man calmed down then the man thought 'if not for the order of crown prince will I the best spy of fernir secret intelligence academy and once in a hundred millennium genius Augustus Bernard will have to go through such treatment after graduating, now with this information its all worth it' his face filled with arrogance and proudness

then the man hurriedly took a scroll and he held it in his hand first and he appreciated the yellow color scroll, it is a one star earth grade scroll even he has having heart attack thinking of using it as it's a consumable, even for superpowers using something valuable as earth grade scrolls will make them think twice, but thinking of trust of crown prince in him and crown prince bestowing a earth grade escape scroll to not danger his life he couldn't help get pleased of himself, it was only because there was such high level restriction placed in this city crown prince have to use such precious treasure for his safety thinking of this his hatred to people of Leon territory increased by level in Augustus's mind, but he hurriedly tore it as he have attracted some attention on him so he have to return hurriedly unless some trouble occur the scroll emitted yellow threads surrounded him and he disappeared from his position without alerting any one

Below the street after Augustus walked the old cab driver got back to his carriage and drove away

When the carriage start to travel steadily two figures materialized from shadow inside the carriage seat, if Augustus was here he will know this two people were sitting both right and left side were he sat

The old cab driver suddenly talked "is that punk 'really' a spy first shadow?" He emphasized really

Hearing this man on left laughed and said "he is Augustus Bernard five hundred years old, little son and the only son of next would be family head of Bernard family, one of top three family of fernir empire the eighth ranked super-force of world and just graduated from fernir secret intelligence academy , hmph... but if you ask me if he is a spy I could only say he is worst than a clown" yes he was first chief elder of secret tower first shadow

The old cab driver spoke again "the fernir empire that become symbol of arrogance conceitedness but why do you and master Antony came here personally is it for that clown of a spy?"

This time the man in right Antony Leon grand elder of secret tower spoke "sending spies in ceremony like this is norm and is something all super forces do, its not like anything new, but we noticed fernir empire is acting sneakily against us on various occasions for sometime and now they even sent that clown with a earth rank escape scroll, a disguise artifact and a recording artifact, it's like they are planning something so hear we are, although that guy is a clown but he is only son of next family head of Bernard family and he was sent as a spy and when we were following that clown, I heard him shouting and laughing something about destroying Leon family ...what did he say oh and slaughter all common people of our territory, senior Charles I think he is pissed of by you" explained Antony Leon with anger in his face

"Is he really a spy? after all its writtened all over his face that he is an arrogant and conceited young master, I feel he is like a circus performer who is shouting through mic saying I'm a arrogant young master acting as commoner and, even a three old kid could see that otherwise who will wore a such expensive artifact as a brooch with commoners clothes, is he questioning our intelligence or does he thought every one is dumb like him, if any spies know of such a brat claiming as spy I think they won't think second and shoot him down" said Charles the old cab driver

"He is really a pampered young master so every one had spoiled him, he become spy might be something he accepted to show off in front of some princess" said first shadow

"but I'm thinking another matter did the emperor of fernir know nothing of this matter or has he become senile, his crown prince is acting blatantly against a super-force or should I say making fun of us, now my question is? do the emperor know this or is it some foolish prank of some kids?" Asked Antony Leon with serious face

"I think the emperor might know of this matter but considering his arrogance and conceitedness he might have thought 'we are eighth ranked super-force of world, will last ranked super-force dare to raise finger against us' after all fernirians are all arrogant and conceited and he is their emperor how could there be a orange in a cherry tree" said first shadow with a hint of anger in his face

"First shadow you don't have to angry, just sent some spies to investigate real motivation behind fernir empire and for that arrogant clown and his crown prince they will surely come for the auction next month we will handle him then" said Antony with vicious smile

"You two are forgetting something no matter how much dumb that clown of a spy is, the crown prince will be never be a idiot after all how much arrogant or conceited the fernirians may be, they are the eighth ranked super-force and how could the heir of a super-force will be a dumb most likely they have a clear aim" said Charles

"Oh they have" said first shadow and he continued "they want to know the secret behind the innate awakening ceremony of Leon's, so they sent a recording artifact so even if anyone erased their memories they can watch what is recorded in it but do they think my secret tower is made out of fools or they thought they are the only one thought such things, I have changed his recording artifact's memories with same memories family replaced in other people, they must be happy now thinking there is nothing special in the ceremony" snorted first shadow

Anyone of them didn't doubt the reason why the empire targeted innate awakening ceremony, after all each year all Leon city is seeing the barrier materializing in the last hour, any one will doubt that something special is happening inside the barrier and after they inquired about it, if no one no nothing of-course they know you have erased their memory so suspicion doubled, so its quite common

But fernir empire sent a clown with a earth rank escape scroll and other facilities it was like they were acting with high secrecy, but it was a clown so the secrecy instead become high profile and god knows what they were thinking when they sent him. they really send him just because he graduated from their intelligence academy this graduate even shouted he will slaughter every one in Leon family and all commoners in front Leon family spies who were following him which he never knew and the empire is causing troubles for Leon's sneakily it's like they are acting like a timid girl in her first time who is confused whether do or do not, all this really pissed Antony and first shadow

Antony said "first shadow always keep tab on empire let's see what joke they are playing or is that they really thought they are invincible in the world and can do anything that they like"

As they were discussing the carriage drove through the lane and disappeared

In Leon families subterranean world after Theodore and family returned Theodore dropped his son and wives on his flying ship and went to guest hall of Leon family were, the already summoned grand elder of sun 'n moon clan is waiting
