
Chapter 1: Second Life

Bang! Bang!

"Quickly catch that bastard before he gets away!"

A man was being chased by some people while they try to kill him with their guns.

"I told you I am going to pay you back I just need some more time!"

The man who was being chased shouted in an annoyed tone.

"Do you seriously think I would believe that you bastard. You have been telling me that for six months. I have given you plenty of time to pay your debt."

"I told you I will pay you this time. Just let me think of a way to get the money"

"Enough with your excuses you should have thought about that when you took money from the mafia. Now we are going to get the money back by selling all your organs in the black market." The mafia member chasing the man said in a serious tone as he made a sadistic face.

After seeing that sadistic face, the man's face turned pale as he started to run even faster. He was running for his life if they caught him forget about him losing his life he wouldn't even have his body in one piece.

After chasing him for over an hour the mafia finally lost track of him.

"Boss we lost track of him what should we do now?"

"I can also see that you bastard!" the boss said that in an angered tone. His face red from anger and his veins clearly visible but he quickly calmed down.

"let's go back we can catch him next time"

At the same time the man who was being chased by them saw that he was no longer being chased.

"Ha-ha I finally lost them." the man said in a relieved and happy tone.

But his happiness did not last long.

Honk Honk…

Just as the man was celebrating his safe escape a speeding truck was coming towards him. The man looked towards his side and saw the truck but it was already too late.


Before the man could even react properly he was hit by the speeding truck and was sent flying a few meters away. After seeing the body of the man covered in blood the frightened truck driver opened the truck door and ran away in panic.

[Don't run away you bastard I am still alive take me to a hospital or something]

The man looked at the scene of the truck driver running away as his vision started to fade away.


[ Huh am I still alive. Aren't I supposed to be dead after being hit by that truck?]

The man slowly opened his eyes only to see himself in an unfamiliar place. He looked around and saw that he was in someone's room but what caught his attention was the design of the room it was very different from the ones he was used to see.

Simply put the room was too old fashioned and luxurious. It gave him the feeling that he was in a room of a noble from the ancient times.

"Where am I?" the man questioned himself as he got up and roamed around the room when his gaze suddenly fell on the large mirror in the corner of the large room. His eyes widened as he saw the reflection in the mirror. The reflection that he saw in the mirror wasn't his but was of tall young boy around sixteen or seventeen years old with long silvery white hair, wearing a loosely worn black robe.

As the man was still staring at the reflection he felt a sharp headache and fell to the ground and started rolling in pain. A flood of memories suddenly flooded inside his head. The memories that were flooding inside his head were the memories of the original owner of this body. After more than an hour the pain finally stopped. He was lying on the floor covered in sweat and panting from exhaustion.

"Young master are you awake? May I enter?"

He suddenly came back to his senses and he finally noticed someone calling from outside the room.

"Yes come in"

"Then…then please excuse me young lord."

The door slowly opened and a young girl around the same age as him entered the room. She nervously bowed down to greet him and placed a tray containing some food on a table nearby.

"Young master please enjoy the food. The lord said that he wants you to see him after finishing your meal."

"okay thank you tell father that I will be right there after the meal. You may leave now."

The maid blushed as she saw the young master's smile. She then quickly bowed and left the room.

After the maid left the room, the kind smiling face quickly turned into a serious face.

"So my name…this body's owner's name is Cain Lionheart the genius prince of the Azure Star empire. But how did I get reincarnated into his body in this world?"

He was still thinking about what was going on when his stomach started to grumble. He then looked at the food that the maid had left on the table a moment ago.

"Sigh let's think about what's going on later and just be grateful for this second life I got."