
Assassination (1)

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

The curtains were thick and heavy, and the lighting dim and gloomy. This was the most luxurious hotel in the city, but its actual conditions were far from anything 'luxurious.' For no other reason than because it was Africa. Africa was a poor and backward country.

Bodies laid horizontally across the soft bed. One could see the white man's well-developed chest hair and four firm thighs belonging to the black women. Inside the ashtray was half a stick of unfinished marijuana. All of a sudden, an urgent alarm broke through the silence. The man sat up hastily and was reminded of his meeting with his lawyer today. His lawyer had rushed here from distant Europe.

Voslot quickly pulled on his shirt while shouting towards the innermost area in a local dialect and chased the two high-class escort girls out. After receiving the divestment notice and lawyer's letter from that company, he knew that his career was over. He had indulged himself for the whole of last night simply because he was feeling low and dejected in his heart. He invited his lawyer to rush to Africa from Europe overnight because he wanted to study how to fight for more benefits for himself in the current situation. After all, that 300 million USD from Luo Qian was still in the account.

After chasing the escort girls away, Voslot swiftly pulled on his clothes and headed out to flag down a taxi to go meet his lawyer.

In a cafe, the lawyer read through the document in detail. His brows could not help knitting together. "Voslot, there is no way out at all. There are clauses of this kind in the contract that the company signed with you; they totally have the right to do this. They also have the right to pursue compensation from you for the costs of filming the advertisement."


Voslot's fists smashed fiercely on the table despite this being an expected outcome. "Damn it! H-how about that 300 million USD? When can I draw on it?" he asked, full of anticipation. As long as he had this 300 million USD, at least he wouldn't have to worry about food or clothing in the future.

The lawyer brought out the contract that he signed with Luo Qian and shook his head helplessly. "Although the funds are in your account, this is an escrow1 account specially opened for the partnership. If you have not filmed… filmed a movie according to the contract's demands, you won't be able to touch a single cent of this money. If you still have not produced the first film within three years, this money will be refunded to the Chinese. Besides, it was explicitly stipulated in the contract that you have to write, direct, and act in the first film personally.

Voslot was completely stunned. Even though he was in the blazing hot Africa, at this moment, it seemed like he was standing on the never-melting peak of the Alps as a basin of cold water poured down from above…

"Sir, I really don't understand why you signed such a contract back then…" The lawyer shook his head, put all of the documents down, picked up his suitcase, and left. Only leaving behind the frozen Voslot, sitting all alone in the cafe.

From noon all the way till evening, Voslot did not come back to his senses. In the evening, he left the cafe in a daze. All of a sudden, a police car stopped before him with an ear-piercing screech. Two black police officers got off and flashed their identification. "May I know if you are Mr. Voslot?"

What else could be worse? What worse thing could happen right now! Voslot put on a self-consoling smile and nodded at the police officers.

The two police officers exchanged a look and brought out a photograph. "May I know if you were with this lady last night?"

Voslot swept a glance at it. It was one of the two escort girls from last night. He nodded dully.

The police officers' expressions grew solemn. "Sir, we've just received news that this lady is an HIV-positive individual. We hope that you can cooperate and get an examination at the hospital…"


There was roaring in Voslot's mind; he finally knew what else could be worse. He resented himself inwardly. This was Africa, the continent where the rate of HIV infections and incidence was the highest in the world. With a stick of marijuana last night, he'd actually forgot to adopt any safety measures! His vision went black, and he passed out on the steps.

"How is this possible!" The manager looked at the newspaper in his hand. Just then, the fax machine beside him started beeping. He pressed a button, and a document was sent over from distant Europe. The manager took a look, and his face brightened up. He swiftly ran to another room with the fax. "Xiaofei, the European company has requested to re-film the advertisement. The reason behind this is because Voslot's actions have severely affected the image of the company's products. As such, they have decided to re-film a new advertisement immediately. They are willing to bear all consequent losses. They will recover the 200 million Euros they've invested in Voslot and compensate us with two million Euros at the same time!"

Pei Sefei was gradually recovering from the blow; there was still barely any glow in her attractive eyes. "What actions made the Europeans so angry that they even wanted to give up on an advertisement that was already finished?"

Her manager blinked. "Do you really not know, or are you pretending with me? Voslot signed a contract of 300 million USD with Roche Films; the contract stipulated that he would come on personally to film a pornographic film. His reputation is completely destroyed. The Europeans' divestment means that his career is also completely ruined."

Her manager opened the newspaper; the headline news was Luo Qian raising both hands high and greeting the reporters. "Coincidentally, Roche Films's spokesperson happens to be that Mr. Luo Qian whom you know."

Pei Sefei froze instantly; she seemed to be slightly enlightened. After dazedly taking the newspaper from her manager's hands, she scanned through it. Pei Sefei finally revealed an intoxicating smile. It turns out that you're still a little different!

Pei Sefei threw the newspaper down and ran out. "Prepare the car; I am going out."

The manager held her back, looked at her with a contemplating expression, and asked, "Xiaofei, how do I treat you?"

Pei Sefei's heart was full of sunshine; anyone was pleasing to her eyes now. "Of course there's nothing to complain about how you treat me!"

"You still have a conscience then, little lass. You cannot job-hop at this time; there is a transnational company's contract worth tens of millions on you. If you were to run, not only will I be affected by it, the entire company will go broke from compensating for the losses! Tens of millions of Euros are a few hundred million yuan!"

Pei Sefei faltered, then chuckled and pointed at the newspaper, saying, "You're referring to Roche Films? Hahaha… don't worry. I definitely won't go."

The manager heaved a sigh of relief and dialed his phone as he said, "I'll arrange a car for you."

Pei Sefei felt a little sweetness and some stubbornness—hmph, everything was turned upside down just after being his employee for one time as if she was sitting on a roller coaster. If she were to do it again, wouldn't she be getting a heart attack from his scares!

The car wheels rolled swiftly, but not as fast as Pei Sefei's heart. She gazed outside the car window from time to time. That familiar estate has yet to appear. Why are we going so slow!

Finally, the car stopped at the entrance of the estate.

Pei Sefei flew out like a nimble swallow and ran to Luo Qian's doorstep. She knocked, pounded the door, and kicked the door hard. Pei Sefei vented all of her grievances from the recent days onto this pitiful anti-theft door. This damn Luo Qian; this infuriating Luo Qian. Why didn't you tell me earlier? You made me sad for no reason for so many days. I shed so many tears! I'll pound, and I'll kick. I'll kick hard!

Dong dong dong…

Pei Sefei's noisy actions finally made the neighboring auntie come out. "Young lady, Luo Qian isn't in. He left in the afternoon."

"He left!" Pei Sefei faltered. She knew that Luo Qian was gone for months each time he disappeared; she was so crestfallen at once that she became dazed.

Blankly heading downstairs, Pei Sefei was miserable. She pursed her lips, feeling a slight urge to cry again. Miser, ungentlemanly. Wasn't it just misunderstanding you? Yet, you left without giving me a chance to apologize. Male chauvinist, so petty…

Her phone suddenly started ringing. Pei Sefei pulled her phone out, and Uncle Liu's joyous voice came through. "Alright Xiaofei, the person you like is not bad. He's clever, actually using such a trick to teach that Caucasian a lesson. Hahaha, you are truly the old man's granddaughter…"

Nobody really believed that Luo Qian had spent two billion yuan to plot against that director; they all thought he'd used some means.

Pei Sefei wasn't in a good mood. Spiritless, she responded a few times, yet the always quick-witted Uncle Liu just went on and on today for some reason. At the end of the conversation, he suddenly asked, "Xiaofei, are you looking for that rascal?"

Pei Sefei's heart tensed up, and she quickly denied it. "No, definitely not. I'm shopping very leisurely right now!"

Uncle Liu chuckled. "Oh, it seems like you're not in a rush to find him. Forget it then; I saw the fellow from the traffic surveillance image and wanted to let you know. Since you're not feeling urgent, let's forget it. I'm hanging up."

"Uncle Liu!" Pei Sefei yelled fiercely.


Luo Qian had originally planned to return to the Immortal Realm; he'd been delayed for a few days in the Human Realm this time. It was a first for him. However, right before leaving, he suddenly remembered why he descended to the Human Realm this time—the rice cookers.

Luo Qian complained about the unprofessionalism of Pei Sefei—his only employee in the Human Realm—while filling in his address. He had the workers deliver the rice cookers to his stronghold.

He walked out onto the street that bustled with people. He spotted a speck of red in green foliage.

A girl with her hands behind her back stood prettily at the entrance. The traffic of people coming was like a fine gauze that could not cover up the diamond's radiance. Pei Sefei beamed like a flower, brilliantly blooming on the streets in the night. Even the neon lights had their luster snatched away by her.

With her head bowed and looking at the tips of her feet, Pei Sefei came forward to ask shyly, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Luo Qian sneered. "Because I didn't want to be called a fool who threw away two billion."

Two billion yuan was certainly an astronomical sum, but to Luo Qian, the Human Realm's riches could no longer move him. Feeling heartache each time he spent money was merely his habitual thinking. Even if he only spent one yuan, he would also feel heartache. However, mortal money truly wasn't of much importance to him. As such, there wasn't much difference between two billion yuan and one yuan.
