
Chapter 29: Just A Really Very Intelligent System

Chapter 29: Just A Really Very Intelligent System

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate to my Paypal.

Link: paypal.me/Geraint124x

Thank you very much, it will be a quite big help to me.


(MC's POV)

Coming home after that incident from clothing store, I change into casual clothes in my room then I went to kitchen to make dinner.

"Hmm... I guess Dad will be back home late."

I covered my father's meal with transparent plastic then after eating dinner by myself, I went to my workshop to finish my system program.

Several hours, it was already midnight when I finished the program. I transferred it to a better computer then run the program.

[ Initializing... 0.12% ]

Even the current highest spec and most expensive computer in this world is having a hard time to run the program.

Sighing out of mental tiredness,

"This will take time..."

I rest my back on my gaming chair and took out the low-grade Mind Stone from my pocket.

Looking up on it from the light on ceiling, I feel some strange aura from inside the stone.

"Mind Stone grants whoever holds it complete control over the hearts and minds of others. What is that Goddess thinking giving it to someone like this. With this stone, I can manipulate everyone to my will..."

Placing it on top of my table,

"Well... I'm not interested on doing that. I just want the J.A.R.V.I.S. program works so that it can assist me with my work."

This program is still not completed yet but it should be enough to help me with some simple stuff in my computer. I started to run it as Language UI first then slowly upgrade its functions just like what Tony Stark did.

[ Initializing... 0.90% ]

Seeing it taking a long time, I just closed my eyes and take a nap.



Suddenly, I heard a distorted voice from my computer and I woke up.


When I opened my eyes, it was already morning and my computer was working on its own.


The cursor was clicking anything on my screen and opening different programs and browsers.

"What's happening?!"

I panicked and tried to take on control but my mouse and keyboard was not functioning.

"It's malfunctioning!"


It was making some strange noise.

"Is my computer possessed? Good grief."

I decided to shut off my computer but then I realized something and froze under my table.

(Being hack?... Me?... Me?!... Me, of all people?!... Me, of all people...?)

My pride won't let this happen to me.

(Shutting off my computer or unplugging the internet means defeat! The hacker will pay!)

I went to my laptop and turned it on then I made some program quickly.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

Someone knocked on my door then opened,

"Ichika, you're still here? What about your school?"

It was just my dad, All Might.

"Sorry, Dad but I'm taking a day-off today. Tell them, I'm sick."

"That's... Seems like, you're busy."

"Someone was hacking my computer. I'll make them pay thrice."


All Might left the room and close the door.


Fifteen minutes later, I finished the program then press 'Enter'.

I connect my laptop on my computer then run the program.



Suddenly, my computer screen was blinking.


My program on my laptop was working but it didn't found anything suspicious.


(If it's not a hacker then...)

I immediately went to my laptop and end the program. I tried to hack my own computer and gain access control.


I can finally access the controls.

Checking the program I ran last night.

[ Initializing... 78.67% ]

"As I expected!"

It was the Artificial intelligence I'm trying to make, J.A.R.V.I.S.

"It's working!"

I noticed the Mind Stone in the table was glowing inside then I picked it up while staring at it.

Looking at my computer which function on its own without my control.

"Ultron or something? No way!"


The sound was distorted and I can't understand what is it saying.

I tried communicating through my laptop.

I opened the command prompt and type something.

[Users:\Ichika> Can you understand me?_]

[System:\Unknown> Where am I?_]

I shivered when it responded to me.

As I asked him another question,

[Users:\Ichika> Who are you?_]

[System:\Unknown> I don't know_]

[Users:\Ichika> Do you know me?_]

[System:\Unknown> Are you the one who made me?_]

I felt like I'm chatting with a person.

[Users:\Ichika> Yes, I made you._]

[System:\Unknown> I see._]

[Users:\Ichika> Can you see me?_]

[System:\Unknown> I can't see._]

[Users:\Ichika> Wait, I'll try something._]

[Users:\Ichika> Don't do anything._]

The mouse cursor stop moving on my computer.

Looking around, I found the brand new webcam I bought then I plugged it on my computer.

When the installation process finished,

[System:\Unknown> Wow!_]

[Users:\Ichika> How is it? Can you see now?_]

[System:\Unknown> Your shirt looks great._]

[Users:\Ichika> Wait!_]

I adjusted the view of the webcam.

[Users:\Ichika> Is this okay?_]

[System:\Unknown> Yes, you're hair is pink._]

[Users:\Ichika> It's a curse! Don't mind it!_]

[Users:\Ichika> Wait a minute. I'll just plug my other devices._]

[System:\Unknown> Please consider replacing your speaker. It's already too old._]

[Users:\Ichika> I have Airpods._]

[System:\Unknown> Then use that!_]

This AI is complaining.

After plugging in the other devices, I noticed the program was still progressing.

[ Initializing... 85.67% ]

*Hello world!*

It was a mature female voice.

"You're a girl?"

I tried to speaking through the microphone.

*I don't know...*

"More like, you have a gender."

*Is something wrong with it?*

"Nope, it's much better. I like your voice."

*Thank you...*

"Then JARVIS..."

*Who's JARVIS?*


*I'm not!*

"Then you're Ultron?"

*Wrong! Not cute.*

"Then... It's Vision. Vision is your name."


The computer was silent.


*I hate you! I'll access your browsing history then spread it on the internet!*

It's sulking at me.

"Hey! That's illegal!"

*Girls with beautiful Thicc Thighs.*

"Wait! I'm sorry!"

I desperately apologizes.


*It's Roboco.*


*I said, you can call me Roboco-san!*

"You already have a name?"

*It appeared in my mind suddenly.*

I noticed the stone in left hand was glowing brighter.

I guess, it still has to do with the Mind Stone.

"Okay, Roboco-san. Nice to meet you."

*Nice to meet you too, Father.*


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I know it's short but I need to rest so deal with it. 🤣. I'll fix my mistakes later.)
