
imagination stories

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What is imagination stories

WebNovel で公開されている、Abderrahman_Jamyl の作者が書いた imagination stories の小説を読んでください。Write great fantasy stories...


Write great fantasy stories


Xianxia Online

See new novel: Vampire Devouring System ***** Xuan, alias Zero, had been on the verge of being the first player ever to reach Godhood in humanity’s hottest VRMMORPG, Xianxia Online. Even after several years of hard work and training, he failed to comprehend the enlightenment needed to ascend to Godhome. But when disaster strikes Earth and everybody is forced to migrate their consciousnesses into the fantasy world of the VRMMORPG, his progress in the game is wiped clean and he is forced to restart from a blank slate, all over again. Perhaps, however, this was not a bad thing. Perhaps, this was fate giving him another chance. What he failed to comprehend about Godhood may be re-discovered in this new life. Making use of his past knowledge and experience, climbing back to the top was going to be a breeze. Who cares if he didn’t have his legendary artifacts? He’d find new ones and re-obtain his old ones alike. Who cares if he no longer had his powerful cultivation techniques? He’d acquire even better ones in this life. And so, on that day, Xuan swore to himself. Since the Heavens have granted me this opportunity, then I will make the best out of it. Godhood? I will reach it. Power? I will stand at its pinnacle. Witness as Xuan climbs back to the apex of cultivation with the help of the Chaos Scripture! ----- To previous readers of this book who then dropped it later: see the review I left recently. Webnovel Spirity Awards 2022 Submission - please consider using your power stones, golden tickets, and gifts on this novel if you enjoy it! The support helps me a lot ;) ----- Discord: https://discord.gg/g326rUc5Jv Support the author further: https://www.patreon.com/cyclxne Support my friend's cause! https://gofund.me/957b8a05

Cyclxne · ゲーム
116 Chs

GARANSI PANJANG, WA 0819-746-3333, Harga Obat Penghancur Tinja Septic

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tinjaseptiktank · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Apricity | jung jaehyun

The cold breeze left me aching for warmth from inside, I hugged myself, as each second passed by... I could see the nearing end but no I was not yet to leave. I stared past what was visible, the sun sheered it's absence over my cold body temperature. The lake rippled as the cold air swept through the surface, so sensitive at mere touch of air- that it shuddered from it- but still not freezing. Vulnerable is what I was feeling, dishearten was what I was, stupid was what I was made to feel. A spark of hope shined as I saw the sun creeping out ,just so slowly to test my patience, the brightness of it blinded me for a minute. I felt warm air nuzzling my naked skin, I shuddered from it but this time the warmth settled down. As the sun showed itself, a wave of hope joltted in me. Maybe I'll be saved......maybe "Shh..... Do not make a sound" I cry out internally, my body shouted for help. Legs tied with a rope, bare skin with nothing to wear but a cold air filling the dark dungeon. The dungeon that was once a canvas of my favorites, with the color to the furniture now it reeked of profanity. The dry ice below my body numbed my limbs. At almost loosing my consciousness I was drenched in cold water with a force that I fell off the dry ice. "Oh my goodness, baby?" He walked up to me and untied the rope that were too tight for him to open. " Are you alright?! Oh my- look at you... you-" His face contorted , his eyes looked almost...almost sad. "Go clean up yourself , we're going on a date" he smiled , that smile was what I fell for.

Fluorine · 現実
3 Chs

Mind break

Intrigued by the possibility of quick earnings, Jay Garrick, a 23-year-old graduate student, impulsively accepts a dubious job offer. However, this decision takes a harrowing turn when he is abducted and transported to an undisclosed facility. Unveiling the nature of the task, he realizes he's bound to infiltrate a stranger's consciousness and extract concealed information—an irreversible commitment. Within the enigmatic realm of another person's mind, Jay encounters a mysterious entity named X, the gatekeeper of sought-after knowledge. Despite repeated attempts to extract the information, he fails, plunging into a desperate quest for escape from this mental labyrinth. To break free, he's forced to engage in a series of challenges and games orchestrated by X, revealing a fantastical world teeming with dragons, magic, cities, and spaceships—transcending genres. As the stakes escalate, Jay grapples with unraveling the enigma that binds him to this alternate reality. Hidden within the recesses of his mind lies a profound mystery, intricately linked to his past and present. Determined to escape the clutches of his own psyche, Jay must decipher the underlying reasons for this surreal ordeal, ultimately striving to expose the truth that holds the key to his liberation. The question remains: Will he triumph in extracting the vital information and conquer the illusions within, or will he be ensnared forever in this kaleidoscopic maze of the mind?

Need_more_Xp · ファンタジー
418 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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