
If my shoes could speak

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sinopsis:-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- The story follows Mark, a 16 years old guy who's parents where killed when he was 6. Mark lived a life of near slavery and child abuse during his infancy while working for Pedro, the casino owner responsible for his parents death. Watch as Mark learns to use the power of magic and becomes a after nearly dying. LET'S GET OUR FREEDOM TOGETHER -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- This book has magic, warriors (different system from cultivation novels *wink*) shamans etc... And it has a Mc with COMMON SENSE *murmurs* This book is being written as I go so if there's anything you would like to change I'm willing to accept suggestions, except on this : 1)No harem because I'm getting tired of them 2)Courage is not the same as stupidity 3)My Mc will get afraid at times but he will also overcome some of his fears (not all) 4)He won't kill for necessity or out of boredom only vengeance or when he believes it's the right thing to do but he also won't be a Beta Japanese mc 5)He will be strong (with time) but he won't be the most op guy in the world. 6)If I find a mistake or an action that my Mc did that was so idiotic that I couldn't tell if I was Sober when I wrote it then I might go back and change the plot 7)romance is a option but even if it appears it will just be on the background developing through the narrative of the story... I don't want my story to end like those stories that kill themselves by writing romance or smut scenes This story happens in a world where technology is just a little behind ours, magic exists and so does all the other fantasy mumbo-jumbo. (With a personalized power sistem if you want me to change anything about it later just give me a good enough explanation, why I should) I hope that you may warn me of any mistakes I make during the completion of this work... OK

DNHELO · ファンタジー
4 Chs


[2984; 18 years before the main storyline]

Joseph was on a mission assigned to him by his Commander...a goose hunt is the only correct way to describe this mission... Either that or a madman's dream.

He was in the kingdom of Lutherin with his wife Mary Ferreira, the women that in less than 2 years is going to impregnate with his child , although there is no way for him to know that.

They were experts on their own respective jobs, even if their jobs were.... different, she was an Cartographer and historian, unlike her peers of noble blood, she was a commoner who got admitted at school through her own talent and effort.

Different from what Mary expected, most nobles weren't arrogant. After all if they just go around killing or robbing the commoners the king would go off with their head's.

The king couldn't afford to be arrogant and unfair or else he risks losing the support of the soldiers or even being betrayed by his personal guards, who mostly originate from commoner blood, due to his lack of trust on the nobles.

In 2979 after spending years working as a teacher at the Noble academy of Lutherin , she was assigned by the king to draw a map of the new militar fort and its surrounding areas. This task took her 5 years because of the mountainous terrain.

During this period of time she meet and married Joseph granjo, he was a soldier... A special soldier wich only answered to his squat Commander and could even refuse orders from a general.... but still just a soldier nonetheless.

That is why when "asked" by his squad Commander to go from Armrain his home country with his wife, on a mission in search of one of the Artificialia de regibus.... he wasn't given that much freedom to refuse.


"... . *sigh* Hey Mary. Can we talk for a bit?"

"What honey?"

"Are you sure you want to come with me? I'm only going for what? Two years? I'm sure that if I were to ask my superiors they would switch you with another historian."

"Hahaha another historian you say, is there anyone better than me?"

"Im sure there isn't, but it's going to be dangerous and I don't want to lose y-.. "

Mary stops smiling and with a look capable of scaring her husband she looks right in his eyes and says:

"Shut up you asshole, if you were to die during this mission then no matter how much I rip and tear I wold never be able to get you out of hell"

"OK, you will come with me...but if something happens please for all that is sacred, follow my lead."

The frown on her face disappeared like it was nothing but a mirage.

'why is she smiling like that? She was angry with me just now !.... Do I really not understand women like my father said?'

"I knew you would accept, you act like a worrywart and macho man but in the end I'm the one wearing the pants on this relationship."

'*Sigh*... she's reckless as always....but that's also part of the reason I fell in love with her '

While Joseph was lost in his memories, Mary said:

"Last night you said you were a <singularitie>. Can you please explain it a little better?"

".... No way, I know you are a airhead but did you actually forget everything I said? I'm starting re-think about you coming on this miss-"

"NO! I didn't forget it.... I just want to hear you voice, you know how lovely your voice is, wink wink nudge nudge."

"Did you actually just say "wink wink nudge nudge" out loud *gasps*"

" *blushing* shut up and explain again!!"

" Well where do I start?... "

" PICK ME! I know the answer..... THE START! "

" Honey I love you and your the most gifted person I know at both learning and teaching history and cartography.....but please shut up."


All souls are the same when they are born, with time what we nowadays call talent is formed, this phenomenon is called the <Attunment> by the researchers.

This <Attunement> is the moment in wich a soul is Attuned to its realm of existence, in other words the universe they reside in.

1- < Attuned > soul

All souls are at the <Attuned > fase after going through birth some specially talented people later known as the 5 kings (and queens) learned how to connect themselves with their universe.

Because each one of them was equally talented yet holded different personalities, they gave birth to 5 different schools of magic

2- < enlightned > soul

The <enlightned> has they quickly started calling themselves used mainly 5 different types of spells :

[(original names) /names given by the second generation users:]

K=king // Q=queen

1=(K. Lutherin warriors dance) /God of War sword dance _ using the life-force of the universe to strengthen himself and has minor self healing abilities due to the life-force cursing through the owners body.

2=(Q. Servrig judgment of nature) /shackles of mother nature _uses the life-force of the universe in order to grow and mind control creature incapable of thought, by connecting them to your own life-force, such as plant or insects. (At most 1000 insects or 100 vines or 10 trees)

3=(K. Armrain wall ) /Armrain's wall _This magic category connects the owners life-force to those that are weaker than the user in order to divide the damage received between all the members of the wall equally (at most 4 people because unlike Servrig judgment of nature all 4 of the involved Individuals are capable of thought, this means theyr life-force is much more complicated so its hard to cannect their life-force )

4=(K. Merial ghost steps) /Silent death _keeps all the life-force of the user hiden and inactive and replaces it with the universe life-force creating an illusion, both to the normal senses and to people trying to fell the life-force in their surroundings.

5=(Q. Rashif healing touch) /The Saintess touch _ this power uses the life force originated from the universe in order to heal others and the user.

6= life-force sensing/manipulation- > everyone has this ability since birth /its the ability to feel/manipulate their own life-force and the surrounding area life-force, how well depends on the talent of the person (rate of attunement)

This 5 being the the first 5 magical technique ever invented , ended up being very unstable and unattuned with the universe because they were going against the natural flow of life-force

3- < stabilized >soul

After years of training and hundreds of new spells created the 5 kings finally learned how to better attune their soul and spells wavelength to that of the universe, and so creating the first stabilized spells. This not only allowed them to caste spells much more easily but also improved their overall talent (attunement rate) and lifespan.... This is the normal rank in which most <singularities> are, people who strive to become a unique existence independent from the universe are called <singularities>.

There are more ranks after the <stabilized> soul level but Joseph, with his current rank in the military, isn't allowed information other than their names:

4- < connected> soul

5- < parasitic > existence

6- < simbiotic > existence

7- < fused > existence

8- < independent > realm


" I'm at the <enlightned> soul lev-"

"Your talking about the 5 first kings of humanity right?"

"Mary, you know about them?"

"I'M A HISTORIAN AND A CARTOGRAPHER!! It's my job to know those things Joseph."

"OH, I forgot...*murmurs*with the way you act its difficult to remember your actually smarter than me"


"H-how did you hear me"

"I didn't, but my intuition told me you were talking shit about me.... Wanna know something, I'm going to show how much more I know about the 5 kings than you..."

[On the next episode of.... "IF MY SHOES COULD SPEAK"]


HI everyone you probably realized that not only is this chapter a little longer but... The way the characters talked and the storyteller(me) told his tale (narration) was slightly different...

Thats because this part of the story happens 18 years before the main storyline and the ambient Joseph and Mary were raised is different (will talk more about it in future flashbacks)... So I thought that the use of Swearing is not so appropriate.

This chapter was mostly used to explain about the power system next chapter will explain about the terrain and political landscape until +/- halfway through the chapter before going back to the Mc (I will use these guy's /Mc parents whenever I want to explain something)]