
If hearts could speak

***WARNING*** CONTAINS STRONG MATURE CONTENT AHEAD 18+ She is someone he knew he can never have but still he owns her all self like she is the most precious treasure he has ever had! ••• Two completely drenched bodies were burning with unavoidable desires right inside the small hut which was present inside the dark forest. The only source of light was the lamp which was litted by him and was hanging on the wall giving them enough light to see eachother's face very clearly. Rain was pouring down harshly along with the thunderbolts but inside these two people have no idea what's going on outside of the hut. "Reina..." He whispered and leaned more closer to her face while she was panting heavily. He had completely caged her in between the wall and himself not leaving even an inch between them and was brushing his lips against her very lightly but occasionally. His falling damp hairs on his deep intese eyes were just making him more droolworthy and it's almost getting impossible for her not to gave into his inviting charms. "V..." She breathed out... "Shhhh..." He hushed her holding her neck with his one hand busy in tracing her jaws and lips in the process. She again took a very deep breath. But she remained froze at her place the moment she heard his next words, "I LOVE YOU!" *** Hunting by the unforgettable nightmares Stella was still struggling to win the heart of the ruthless but sinfully gorgeous mafia king Victon Rion. He is the devil in disguise and is the most powerful mafia of the entire underworld and the infamous business man who is also the youngest and richest man of the whole world just at the age of twenty four who has lost his only heart to the only girl he has been ever admired secretly and hated openly. He is like the moonlight in the darkness which surrounds her heart. She hates to be broken by him everytime but at the same time loves him so much that she can wait for him her entire life and can even die for him but due to some reasons or we can say his secrets he breaks her fragile heart every time. They are completely different from each other like hell and heaven but still attracted to each other like magnets. Can their love overcome all the barriers? Can their love conquer over the hate? Can they proof that the emotion that called 'love' still exists? To know all the answers let's read the story which is full of suspense, heartbreaks, jealousy, hate and at last the love. ***COVER IS NOT OWNED BY ME. ONLY THE EDITING PART IS DONE BY ME.***

Darkanzel · 都市
33 Chs

•Eye contact•

"Mom I'm here waiting for both of you." Victon said in his flat voice.

"Son are you not coming?" His mother asked him confusingly.

"No mom...I'm fine. What will I do there between two ladies? You know me very well mom, so please don't force me. And if you need anything then just call me ok." He assured her and she just didn't forced him anymore.

"Alright son, if you say so..." She said smiling at him and then headed towards the room where Stella was resting.

A small knock on the door just woke her up. She was not fully asleep actually.

"Come in..." She said meekly. Then there enters a lady who looks like the age of late thirties. But still she was looking so gorgeous and at the same time stunning that Stella could only watch her with her eyes wide open. 'Is she the one who brought me here? She is so pretty! Mama had said I should thank to every one who has helped me whenever I needed the help. So I should thank her now.' She thought in her innocent mind.

"Hello dear...how are you feeling now?" Mrs Rion asked her so softly and the way she was asking her, she felt like her own mother is asking her the question and she also felt like her mother is near her at that time. But she knew that can't be possible. She is missing her mother so much!

"I'm fine aunty. By the way did you brought me here last night?" She asked in her cute innocent voice.

"Yes...but you don't need to worry dear. I can tell that something very bad had happened with you. But now nothing will happen and you are completely safe with us." Mrs Rion assured her in her motherly voice which just managed to calm down her heart and for the very first time she doesn't know why but felt safe after her parents died.

"Thank you so much aunty. I don't know if I would have alive or not if you haven't saved me last night. I owe you a lot aunty." She said feeling very grateful to her.

"It's alright dear...there is no need to say thank you. For the sake of humanity all have to do the good things for others well being."

Then Stella just smiled at her shyly. 'Who is this aunty? She seems so nice and also behaves sofistically and looks like a celebrity or a very famous person." She thought inside her eleven years old brain and instantly took a liking towards her.

"Tell me something about you dear. Tell me where is your parents? I have to tell them about you."

Hearing out this question she got startled a bit and with that a drop of tear just escaped through her eyes unknowingly. 'What should I tell her? That I'm an orphan and I have nowhere to go actually.' She thought while tears were keep on running down her eyes through her cheeks.

Finally with a very heavy tone she replied her, "I have lost my parents in an accident."

"I'm so sorry dear. I didn't knew that. Sorry... sorry..." Mrs Rion apologized her for nth times.

"It's fine aunty. You don't have to be sorry for that."

"So would you like to tell me how did you ended up in that situation last night if you don't mind dear?"

That time she got tensed. Again those painful memories are keep on flashing in her mind and she immediately started to get panick. When Mrs Rion noticed her changing expression she instantly regretted asking her the question. So in order to avoid the conversation and to make her feel good she just engulfed her in her warm embrace.

Finally when she realised that Stella got calmed down she then asked her about some other things for which Stella was so grateful towards her.

"It's ok dear if you don't want to answer. Tell me how is your pain? Can you able to walk?"

"I think I can try..." With that She tried to got up from the bed and luckily due to those painkillers she was not feeling that much of pain in her body and can able walk a little bit.

"I think I can walk."

"Wow...so sweet of you my dear...now let's get out of here so that we can treat you better at home." Mrs Rion said and flashed a warm smile. towards her, but wait HOME !!! About which home she is talking about? 'Ohh god where would I stay now? No no she has done enough for me...I don't wanna be a burden on her and her family. My mother had taught me this. Never accept anyone's help freely. Always try to repay them with your gratitude and respect.' Stella again thought in her innocent mind and asked her to know about which home she is talking about, "Umm... Which home Aunty?"

"Of course...my home dear!"

"No no aunty...I can't accept this. How can I live in your house? Just leave me in an orphanage. Please aunty. You have already done so much for me. I can't accept this anymore."

But Mrs Rion instantly cut off her words and said,

"It's ok dear...I understand what you are trying to say but trust me I will love you the same just like l love my one and only son. I can sense that there is no one in the world for you who will take care of you so well. And also I will wait for you to open up with me about your past dear. Trust me from today onwards no one will dare to touch you. I will make sure of that. Do you know what's the best part? The best part is I finally got to meet an innocent girl like you. After my son I have always wanted a daughter and see god has send me a daughter in the form of an angel like you."

"But..." Again she cuts me off...

"Do you know from the first time I saw you I know there is some connection between you and me. We both can make a very lovely pair of mother and daughter team. Just imagine..." Mrs Rion said dreamily.

Indeed she is true. When Stella meet her for the first time she also felt an attachment with her. But she is still contemplating in her mind right now whether to accept her offer or not.

"Don't think too much and don't put too much pressure on your tiny brain Stella dear. Just think about the positive sides." She told her with her pleading smile and she just couldn't help but got agreed with her. She don't know why but she felt a very close affinity towards her.

"Umm...aunty..." Again she cuts me off. 'I don't know why everytime I'm trying to say something she cuts me off but I like that.' She thought inside her mind.

"Don't call me aunty from now on. Just call me mom, mummy, mother, whatever you want and I will call you 'my dear' or 'Stella dear'. So now tell me what you were saying..."

'What!!! Really...did she really wants me to call her mama!!! Wow...I can't be more happy.' She thought and felt so happy from inside and with that she doesn't know when the happy tears already started dripping from her eyes.

"Ohh...my dear... don't cry. Crying doesn't suits you, you know? Come here and give me a big hug."

With that Mrs Stella embraced her with a very tight hug. They stayed like that for some moments. She really did remembered her of her mama. Then finally they parted away and Mrs Rion just wipe out her tears very lovingly.

"Is it alright if I call you mama? Because I always used to call my mother as mama." She asked in her shy filled voice.

"Of course dear...call me whatever you want okey?"

Then she gave a slight node to her.

"But what if your family members won't like me?"

"About that...umm..." Mrs Rion kept thinking for sometime then told her casually as if it's not a big issue actually.

"Don't worry... I have no one in my family except my one and only son. Like you I have also lost my husband. So yeah there is only two of us you can say and trust me my son has no problem with you."

"Ohh...what if he won't likes me?"

"Don't worry about that... if he won't like you then I will make sure that he will definitely like you ok?"

"Ummm...okey if you say so..." She doesn't know what to say anymore because she have no words left at that time after hearing out her savage reply.

"Do you want to meet him?"

I gave a slight nod to her. I just started to wonder who might be her son? With that she picked up her phone and dialled someone's number.

"Hello, son...can you come inside for sometime?....just come ok....hmmm" with that she cut the call.

"He is coming dear... and I am sure you are gonna like him... just wait for some moments."

The following moments they did some random talks. After few minutes someone knock on the door.

"Come in." Mrs Rion said and then he entered.

Their eyes met...

Both of them didn't blinkd their eyes even for an once!...


To Be Continued...

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