

"Look I'm the "Narrator" I narrate this story so that means finding myself in situations like that ok? jesus" The narrator responded defensively. "Still it's not right" Jacqueline responded. "If you have a problem, take it up with the Author" Narrator responded "Ok how do I do that?" Jacqueline asked. "Sigh shouldn't have said anything, hang on let me call him" Narrator said regretfully. "*Ring* *Ring* "Hello Narrator, what is it? I'm busy writing the story Uh huh yeah ok sigh yeah sure put her on argh here we go" The Author responded. "Hello author?" "YES Jacqueline what do you want?" The author angrily asked.  "I'm having an issue with part of the last scene involving the narrator and that sweet wendy girl" She responded "Sigh and here I thought it would be an actual parent or someone, who had a problem with the book not a character in the book Argh I need a bloody ibuprofen to deal with this bullshit." "Excuse me?!?" Jacqueline questioned furiously "Oh shit I thought I muted myself ah whatever you heard me , narrator call again if its actually important you jackass,*Click* "  "How rude he hung up '' Jacqueline announced even though everyone could hear the dial tone. "Okay everyone let's get back on track Niko just took Wendy we need to get her back, "Narrator" dude which bathroom did wendy use downstairs?" Sydney  asked. "I believe it was the one nearest the stairs though i may be misremembering because of the whole catching her thing so yeah" "k cool Guess i'm searching all 3 bathrooms downstairs for her bumshorts wish me luck" skye responded half sarcastically. "So while she's doing that, Narrator are you just a storytelling narrator or can you make shit appear?" Victoria questioned. Well not really I just tell people's stories i'm also half omniscient whereas omniscient narrators know everything. I only know story related things not thoughts or anything like that except that first bit where Skye thought to herself but that's neither here nor there. "Oh damn I was gonna ask if you would be so kind as to will a few vanilla lattes into existence" Victoria dejectedly replied. "Whew found them they were in the bathroom under the stairs lotta help you were "mr. omniscient narrator" omniscient my ass" Sydney announced while mocking the narrator in traditional Japanese fashion for some reason, where the person puts one finger on their eye and pulls down with their tongue out.