
Neko!Victor x reader || fluff

^ i finally found a chapter title style that I like!

This was requested by a friend on idv, here's to you, bananas^^

I didn't really know what to do with this, I'm sorry this was so difficult

3rd person, fluff, uhm cat antics? We love when I write a dominant reader

"I have to go to a match, Vic. I'll be back soon." (y/n) left him at the door while she walked off to wait for her match to begin. Victor, saddened by the fact that she had to leave so soon, but patiently waited for her to get back, busying himself with books to read and letters to write. He sighed and walked back to his room, beginning to work. An hour later, he began to worry. At first, he thought he had lost track of time, and abandoned her when she asked him to wait for her, but as he rushed down to the entrance of the manor, he realized that she hadn't, and her match was taking an abnormally long time. He sighed again and began to walk back to his room when he was stopped by a certain barmaid requesting a favor of him.

"Hey, Victor! (y/n) is still in her match, do you mind helping me out?" As little as Victor liked social contact, he did like helping people, so he accepted, knowing that Demi would never ask too much of him. He gave her an ok, nodding his head slightly, and she led him to the kitchen where she seemed to be working on a new concoction. Victor watched as she mixed a bottle of clear liquid with something in a yellow tinted bottle. He was never one to drink much, so he had no clue as to what she was doing. When her quick movements stopped, she handed him a glass and motioned for him to drink it. With immense care, he lifted the glass from her hand and held it in his own, lifting it to his nose to smell it before he took a sip. It had a bitter aroma that made him cringe, but he brought it to his lips anyway.

"You like it?" Demi asks as Victor kept drinking it until it was empty. He nodded vigorously when there was no liquid left, handing the glass back to her. He sat down next to her, and she asked him more questions about the taste and how he felt. Answering to the best of his ability, Victor became slightly droopy and his eyes began to close. That's when his lover burst through the door.

"Demi, have you seen- oh there you are!" (y/n)'s fell onto Victor, eyes heave and half-lidded. She walked towards him and poked his cheek. "Are you ok?" As her eyes travelled across his figure, she noticed the sudden shift in his eye color and the two fluffy ears that sprouted from his head. Demi and (y/n) shared a look of shock, and Victor perked up the instant he laid eyes on his girlfriend. When their eyes met, the look on her face astonished him. Never before had she looked so... eager. Her eyes were filled with a dangerous curiosity that made him shiver, and before he knew it, he was being dragged to his room. Once they were in the privacy of his room, she spoke.

"Victor," the seriousness in her voice made him nervous, then she followed up, relieving him of his worry, "You are so cute." Red rushed to his cheeks as she began to touch him. Her hands travelled from his ears, softly scratching behind them, to his chin, where she didn't stop her soft movements back and forth. Without realizing it, he let out a low, satisfied purr. He jumped back, startling her. She began to dote on him again, praising his adorable sounds and face, causing his uncontrollable purrs to become louder. He came closer to her again, and she reached for his back, encasing him in a hug that he accepted with glee. Taking his excitement as a sign to continue, she moved her hands from his back to underneath his shirt, rubbing her hands along his stomach. He laid on his back, inviting his giver of affection to go further as he lifted his hand that now had the slight texture of fur covering the backs of them. (y/n) brought him to her lap and reached for his new fluffy tail. The moment her fingers brushed against it, he greatly distanced himself from her, almost jumping to the other side of the room. He hesitated for a moment, taking note of the patience on her face. He crawled back over to her, placing himself in her lap with great care, moving her hands to his tail for her. She gently moved her hands across the soft fur of his cream colored tail, causing him to bury his head in her shoulder, stifling what she thought was a moan. He couldn't hold it back, however, when she did it again, this time tenderly pulling on it. He stood up, taking her with him, and led her a few steps over to his bed, where he pushed her down and curled up next to her. Silently pleading for more, he pulled her hands to his head and his back, where she pet him consistently. Louder than she had ever heard him, his purrs filled the room. Continuing to caress him, she moved her hand from place to place, maximizing his comfort as well as her enjoyment. As she went on, Victor slowly fell further into sleepiness. When (y/n) realized this, she whispered quiet praises and sweet nothings into his ears, lulling him into a sense of comfort. He couldn't keep his heavy eyes open for much longer as he drifted off, leaving her to decide her next move. Her match took more out of her than she though as she unwillingly dozed off next to her cat-like boyfriend.

Word Count: 1004

A/N: Oh no. Ok, so this is late, and short. 1. I've never written anything like this, it was so difficult, I hope it's alright. 2. I was sent home from school due to someone I was in close contact with contracting covid. This means I am stuck at home for 14 days. Due to my mother, that isn't good, but I'll see if I can get more updates in. I probably won't get covid, but if I do, wish me luck XD

I have a few things lined up which I will make more clear in the next chapter, which will be Lucky x reader,fulfilling another request.

Stay Safe! Have a wonderful day!
