The game changes when the desperate Stark's ancestral sword summons Eula to escape from its fate. Erstwhile R'hllor names Diluc his Champion. Drowned god resurrects Ajax to fight for him. Will their summons be answered or ignored?Will the young lady who was social pariah get the respect that she deserves?Will the conqueror satisfy his battle thirst? Will the dark knight hero get the father he missed?
Whispering Woods( Mondstadt):
As Eula swung her sword, the Skirmisher fell. She fell down to her knees with her hands still on the hilt of the greatsword, with blood slowly leaking from the frozen wound in her chest. She watched as the stop gag measure of freezing the wound fail as ice is being melt slowly as her elemental power weakening with the drain of lifeblood. She still couldn't believe her uncle wound stab her in the back while she was protecting him, calling her a disgrace. Ironic that, being a disgrace of a disgraced clan is still better than stabbing your kin in the back. She shook her head to clear her dizziness and clear her thoughts. She faced forward to see the Dark Knight hero walk towards her in unsteady steps. He stopped at a distance from her, Using his Greatsword as the support. She noticed black blood leaking from his mouth and red blood from numerous wounds. He had been poisoned she inferred.
Diluc killed the man responsible for his father's death. Revenge was the last thing on his mind at that moment. He killed him to protect Mondstadt. In that way he realised his father dream of protecting the city. He faced Eula and noticed the dagger from the back of her chest. It seems both knights fell for the same means. He prayed for reinforcements to arrive as she could still be saved if they arrived on time. Though he knew it was futile. He can see a young man engaging dozens of Ruin guards himself in the distance, blocking them from reaching the city. Never in wildest of his dreams, he thought he would see a day when a Fatui Harbinger would fight to death to protect Mondstadt. He arrogantly called himself 'Childe' as remembered being introduced by Lumine . He watched as the young man use the same power his father used to protect the same city that his father did. He watched as Childe drew his lifeforce to summon a giant horned hydro whale from the lake while simultaneously summoning a lighting Lion from the sky. This combined move managed to fry the Core circuits of most of the 'Land tillers'. An impressive power to back his arrogance. He could make out reinforcements from the City being led by Jean and Lumine.
Childe felt his body losing power and falling back. Slender pale arms with intricate wrist guards catching him and a familiar bosom cushioning his fall. He knew who those arms belonged to. As he promised himself, he smirked as he began to face his end. With all of his power he managed to say his final words." Take care of my siblings for me and I am sorry we couldn't duel to death as I promised you." He could feel warm sprinkles on his face as he gazed into the teary golden eyes of his rival. She nodded to confirm that she heard it. He laughed and breathed his final with the golden eyes the last he watched until he could no more.
Diluc could feel that he would not survive and try forced himself to engage Eula in a conversation to stop her from losing her consciousness. " Eula, Stay with me." He called out to her while reminiscing how she would criticize him for speaking crudely to her. He saw her purple eyes regaining focus on him. He saw her mouth twitching as she spoke " Diluc, do you know that I liked that uncaring expression of yours that does not scowl when you see me." " Eyes of appreciation rather than disgust or disdain." He found himself drawn to her words as she continued " If our situation is any better I would plant a kiss on those lips of yours at least to see your expression change for once." "I would feel more joy than surprise if that were to happen." he involuntarily replied. He saw a relief on her features before his eyes began to lose focus. He saw her purple eyes turn blank as his sight turned black.
He could make out an androgynous childish face as he gradually recover his sight. He felt weightless and as if he is floating. His memory recovered as he sighed. He was relieved that the city is safe and then grimaced as he remembered his last conversation."Bottoms up!" the person before him cheered breaking him of his thoughts. It took a second to register the voice. "Broke bard!" He called out much to the bard's annoyance.
He noticed that the place felt familiar except him sitting on the bar stool instead of mixing the drinks. It is the bar counter at Angel's Share which is unsurprisingly empty save for them. " You knew that I don't drink". Venti felt more irritated as he replied " That's not intoxicating." Diluc then started to chug down the drink.He recognized it to be Dandelion wine as soon as he recovered his sense of smell. Venti watched as Diluc emptied bottle with a smile. He noticed that this Diluc is more sunny in contrast to his stoic face. " So what is next?" He asked as he put the jug on the countering facing him. " You sacrificed yourself for a noble clause so you can ascend to Celestia." He shook his head before saying" I would rather have a second chance at life than that." "Really??" Diluc felt Venti's tone of response oddly similar to Kaeya's. He felt that something bad is going to happen. He half nodded to reaffirm his stance feeling less confident of his choice as the smile on Venti's face widened." You can't be born into the same world. That'll be against the heavenly principles. I would rather not be hunt down for that. So you will be reborn in another magical world called planetos." "No, Not gonna happen. I don't want to fight monsters again."He cut off Venti from continuing making his stance non-negotiable." Listen to me first. There are not as many monsters or as strong as those in Teyvat. I will not say the details but it is mostly safe. Besides I will give you a blessing to help you if you face them." He is still doubtful of this claim that the monsters are weak and few. He wouldn't need a blessing if that was the case. But adventure is what he craved for ever since learning Lumine's tale." And Eula??" he asked and then regretted as the smile on Venti's face threatened to spill out of his face." Oh is that love I sense ? I thought you are not capable of that." Diluc replied" How do you expect me to pursue that with the heavy responsibility that I had? I loved her since we were kids. If it weren't for that damned Ursa. I was thinking of proposing to her on the next Windblume." his tone full of indignation. His mood fell suddenly as he asked" What happened to my father?" Venti became serious as he explained " He got reincarnated without his memories as per his request. He watched over you while you were chasing his killers and finally left happily as he saw you realise that vengeance is not as important as responsibility. He said he felt proud and lucky to be your father." Venti saw Diluc's eyes moisten while he smiled brighter than ever. " And I am lucky to have him as my father. If possible relay my thanks to him." " I'll see to that and as much as I wish I could bless you, I can't so seek blessing from Dvalin." " Bye Bye then. Enjoy your adventure." Diluc felt the surroundings change to that to Storm terror's lair. He saw Dvalin gazing lazily into the sky. It turned to face him and the dragon took a second to place him and exclaimed" Oh you are in that party of adventurers that helped me. So why are you here? And why are you in spirit form? Did you die?" Diluc twitched his lips remembering the lazy nature of the bard, as he went on explaining the events."So you seek my blessing huh? So you shall have it. All the dragon species in that world will take a liking to you."
"Wait there are dragons in that world? Venti said it was a safe world."
" Huh? which world? I generally give this blessing as dragons are superior in any world." He let that slide and asked " What if there are none?" "Hmm.."Dvalin seemed to ponder about it and said okay I'll extend the blessing to all animals that can be ridden." Diluc thought about it for a while.'If there are no dragons then, being a fine horsemen can also be beneficial. With his swordsmanship and experience, He can defeat most of his possible enemies in that world." Okay I accept." "Great then Have a great adventure." is the final thing he heard before he blanked out. He is ready and more importantly relieved that there will not be many responsibilities that he will take this time. Unbeknownst to him, God of Light and fire, R'hllor sensed his affinity for fire, as he descended into the mortal realm of Planteos. He felt that the future began to change unpredictably but he found to his delight that many are favorable while some seemed almost ideal. He decided to instruct his servants to serve him well.