
Male lead privilege.

Zheng Liang's face turned grim when he heard Yang Ning's question. How can she even think of asking such a question? 

"Lady Yang Ning, Are you even listening to what you are saying? What husband would like to see his wife with other men? It's not a question but gibberish." He snapped at her as he couldn't maintain his temper. 

Even the imagination of seeing her with other men was making him furious. How can he answer such a ridiculous question? 

Yang Ning smirked mockingly to see him getting agitated by her simple question and said, "Ah, so you find this question gibberish?"

"Your Highness, pardon me for being rude, however, I am surprised that you're getting angry just because I asked you a hypothetical question where I will bring other men to the palace to keep them as my second and third husbands."
