
I Wish to Pursue the Goddess, but The World Begs to be Saved

Urapus was the First Hero. A being hailed as the Strongest Human. The Hope of Mankind. Yet, like any other Hero, he was killed. He was killed by the dissatisfaction of the public and the elites that were threatened by his ever-growing power and influence. He was detained to public execution, erasing any of his valor and glory. He wanted to be selfish, he wanted to resist, to remain indifferent, and to treat everything he did as inconsequential. He wanted to break the shackles that bound him to his execution and destroy everything. But he felt unbearably tired. He was exhausted. Bearing the weight of the world on his own from the fire of extinction, and was pushed by that world itself. In the end, he found no meaning to execute what he sought, and considered his death as a method to rest. And when he was battered and found nothing to hold on to life, in his death, she appeared. A Goddess in human flesh. She didn't wish for anything out of him, the Hero. She just wanted him to live. To be happy. She offered him a chance to live again, for his karma is bright golden, like a pillar of heaven. But Urapus wished to die. Yet, against all odds, the heavenly woman gives him a reason to live. It was just a simple banter from her, jesting about being proposed by him should he reach her height of power in his next life. His heart beats fast. It beats by her voice. And a surging fire was ignited. Like a dying flame that was rekindled by the surging waves of wind. Urapus reasoned with countless reasons to die, but his rekindled heart offered him countless reasons to live. "Propose to you, huh?" Gazing at her otherworldly visage, his heart beats again. The Former Hero felt alive. He felt the rekindled need to wish for life again. And with a smile, he accepted her proposal. Just to live again, how hard could it be? Yet... [The Hero System has been activated.] He was reborn in the future when his comrades redeemed mankind by acknowledging everything he did. But he wished it was as simple as that. He should be grateful to receive assistance for his growth towards a certain height of power to propose the Heavenly Woman. But something's off... [A transmigrator having a blessing of 10 times talents by binding geniuses. Unfortunately, he has severe Main Character Syndrome. Please take care of him!] [A Sovereign expert was brought back after she died in the future. As the Hero, please ensure her growth and help her awaken her blessing!] [A villainous woman transmigrated into the future with an Evolution System. Her intentions remain unknown. As the Hero, please observe her should she turn violent.] [The Blue Earth was threatened by an extraterrestrial force, and was incapable of resisting its immense force. As the Hero, please!!! Protect me!!!] Urapus had a headache as the world screamed out like a damsel in distress. Aren't you supposed to be a billions of years old world? And what's up with these transmigrators and regressors? Aren't they supposed to be rare? The more Urapus think about it, the more erratic it becomes. And I was supposed to be the 'Hero' in such a chaotic world... Why not make them the heroes then? [None of them are like Urapus!] "Goddamn it!" ps: grammar may not be perfect. I'll try to make it readable.

I_am_A_Bystander · ファンタジー
19 Chs


12th December, Year 307 of 2nd Phoenix Calendar.

"Today is the day."

Urapus is officially 5 years old now. He looked in the mirror.

A 4'8" boy is standing there, neat in a suit with slicked hair. He looked like a gentleman, despite being a kid. His innate dignified aura was overwhelming, capable of making even adult women gnawed at him.

Urapus was concerned about this so-called aura, which was what Roxanna had told him a year ago. Just why did he have this bias?

Even the cold Roxanna occasionally stuttered when they talked.

But considering how his father wanted him to build enough influence to be a Hero, Urapus, despite being disgruntled by the occasional calling from unbridled aunties and little girls, felt fortunate.

It may sound unscrupulous, but with this, he could build enough influence rather easily.

Having a certain idea, Urapus coughed. How unethical...

"Urapus! Are you done? Come downstairs!"

"Coming, Mother!"

Urapus looked around. After ensuring nothing was left behind, he went down to meet up with his parents, ready in their formal outfits.

Mother with a blue, glittering dress and Father with the same outfit as him.

"My son looked so handsome!"

"Mother, I wish to remain tidy till the end of the Assessment."

He was helpless. He loves his Mother to death, which was something his Father imposed on him.

But he wanted to build a good image amongst the prominent families. Urapus discovered the condition of his family on his 4th birthday when his Father brought out an elixir capable of enhancing his inner energy with difficulty.

Roxanna's family, the Harden household, could easily buy dozens of them without breaking a sweat.

It made him realize that the Ashford Household, the family he took pride in, is on the decline. There are no servants or headquarters, only a two-story household that serves as proof that the Ashford family exists.

"Dear, you're still a child. Don't think too much, let us handle the complicated matter."

Recognizing a firm look on Urapus's face, Natashya showed a sad look. At the back, Ren, his father, was even more so.

He was supposed to be the head of the Ashford Family, capable of disrupting the flow of the battlefield with their famous Ash capability.

It was a pity. Ren's father was a coward who was incapable of awakening the inheritance, declining the family gradually until the Head family was struggling just to get an elixir.

Even if Ren was a talented man, the lack of support when he was a child resulted in unfulfilled potential. He lacked everything at the age when growth was at its peak.

It was already admirable for the man to be on par with the other heads of the prominent families. The work hand behind the scenes is unimaginable.

"Do not fret, Father and Mother. I do not wish to burden you. I wish to take a part in the struggle, for I believe that a result without struggle is but a borrowed thing."

Hearing this, Natashya and Ren looked at each other and smiled proudly. Their son is too righteous, knowledgeable, and upstanding.

"Let's go. I want to show off my amazing son!"

Father laughed as they entered the car.

Mother hugged her son, with a hint of tears in her eyes, "You're a blessing Urapus. Do not forget that."

Urapus's heart felt a throb. It was as if something had yearned for her words, and he was finally able to get it. He clutched his chest.

It's... enthralling.

On the way to the Assessment Center, which was right in the middle of the city, Urapus could feel a rising surge of power. He nodded.

It's the same as what the book about

Awakening had been described. Urapus sighed in relief. Thankfully, he could awaken.

It didn't take long. The sun only moves slightly when the car arrives before the building. It was a huge tower, with its grandiose pillars used as a foundation to uphold the glamorous tower.

The car was parked on the empty field meant for parking.

As they entered the building, Father and Mother turned different. Father retained a dignified disposition, with Mother elegantly wrapped her arms around his. With Urapus at the front, they truly embodied the demeanor of a prominent family.

Urapus was already overwhelmed in his casual clothes, but in his current refined appearance, most of the attendants looked at him in amazement.

What a handsome child!

Soon, an exalted auditorium was revealed. It was majestic, with a device presumed to be the item used for assessment placed in the middle of the auditorium's stage.

Ren looked at his watch, "It's still 10:49 AM. The assessment starts at 11 AM. It seems like we're quite on time."

"Father, how's assessment will be held?"

Father looked at him and explained curtly,

"The children from the households will be called according to their families. Usually, less prominent families will be called first, to build up anticipation towards the talented children of the most prominent families. Especially the top three families."

"The most anticipated children came from these families. They are the Hardens, the Ravens, and the Meyklers. Each with their own expertise. As of now, only the child from the Raven family will come."

"Us Ashfords could only be recognized as a less prominent family, so it will be quick. Don't worry."

Ren looked at Urapus for a certain reaction, yet he only saw indifference. The man took a deep breath. It seems like his son is more impressive than he thought. Perhaps he secretly trained his spirit to be unshakeable.

Ren shook a little. Just how monstrous is this guy?

Urapus remained still inwardly. How could he take these children seriously? He has been training with Roxanna since they met.

He was very grateful to her. With her guidance, his inner energy is now on par with a Second Lieutenant, the realm after Elite Soldier.

Of course, it's vastly different when it comes to ability. Even a Soldier expert with an SS-rank talent could overwhelm two whole realms with average ability. Average experts possessed C-rank to A-rank talents.

Urapus dares not to be presumptuous, which is why he does not flaunt his accomplishments.

Besides, Roxanna is a year younger, yet the lass is on par with him.

How could he be proud?

The interval didn't take long. Urapus was brought back to reality when the clock hit 11 AM.

As the Assessment was held by a trusted establishment, right at 11 AM, a ferocious man with a military uniform took up the stage, looking through the crowd with a cold look.

"I'm not here to entertain you. I do not care where you came from, nor do I care about your background. All I want is commitment and the bravery to fight! This assessment is held yearly to nurture guardians who will fight against the Outer Forces who wished for our extinction. Now, start the assessment!"

It was short, yet harsh and impactful. Some children turned pale, and some even straight-up crying. But Urapus sees something that most adults notice.

A General expert! That man is a General expert!

It was at this moment that Urapus realized how important this Assessment was. A General is just three realms away from the peak of power, the Sovereign realm!

"You noticed? That man named Frost Swerchz is a General expert. He's in charge of the defense of our city, so you must be respectful!"

Natashya reminded him seriously. Urapus obediently nodded.

The general did not talk anymore. He sat down beside a powerful middle-aged man. Urapus widened his eyes. Another General expert!

"That is an elder from the Raven family. This is the reason why the Raven family is a top prominent family. They have numerous General experts, and their head family is rumored to be on par with a Head of Commanders."

"Actually, the Raven family here is just a branch, which a General expert is in charge of. The Main family is located in the capital of Earth, where the land is at its highest point! It was also the place where the spaceships were mostly built. "

The Head of Commanders is a realm below the Sovereign. Under one and above billions!

Urapus felt reverence. Such powerful people!

Also, the reason why there are no longer countries on Earth is because of Merlin, one of the First Hero's comrades. The man, along with the rest of the Hero's comrades, caused a revolution, annexing countries that resisted to centralize the Earth into one place to maximize human potential.

Since then, there are no longer such things as global elites. The only one in power is the Sovereign!

As for spaceships, they are crucial technology to fight against the Outer Forces in space. They couldn't let the war happen on Earth. It could ruin it!

Urapus received all of this from the books he read. The Earth's history is overwhelming. There was even an era where the calendar was based on a forgotten religion. It lasted over 2134 years before the Mutation Era.

It sounds cruel, but fortunately, it ended. People in that era were too atrocious, polluting the earth to the point of self-destruction.

Afterward, came forth the Mutation Era. It only lasted a hundred years. But it was also the era when the Earth was rejuvenated. Most humans couldn't mutate and adapt to the new environment, which happened because Earth started producing a mysterious energy that was theorized to be inner energy, resulting in over 99% of the population being annihilated.

The rest of the humans, the chosen ones that are in top condition whether it was physically, psychologically, or intelligently started to awaken their supernatural talents. They slowly rebuilt society but with the knowledge left behind by those who wished to fix the Earth supported by their talents.

With only competent people that live on Earth, the society was easily rebuilt in just 40 years.

It was going well until the 1st Year of the Phoenix Era began when the Outer Forces found Earth and wanted to colonize it!

And the rest is history.

Ren and Natashya nodded secretly. The reason why they told all of this to little Urapus is because of his maturity. They knew he was capable of taking in reality very well.

"Gherl Family, come forth!"

Thus, the assessment begins.

The children were assessed by putting their hands on the device. It looked like an x-ray machine, with the difference of showing talents instead of human's inside.

"Ice Manipulation, B-rank."

"Yeast Conjurer, C-rank."

"Fire Manipulator, A-rank."

For hundreds of years, humans have come across multiple talents. In the end, scientists and researchers conclude that talents must be sorted out.

Interestingly, most talents followed a certain pattern, which was subject to the first word and proficiency for the second word.

For example, "Fan Conjurer," The subject was a fan and the proficiency was at the Conjuring level, which was categorized as C-rank.

Conjurer, Manipulation, Manipulator, Controller, and Sovereign.

They are in correspondence of the rank from C-rank all the way to the SS-rank.

The only rank that does not follow this pattern is the talents above SS-rank, which is SSS-rank. Of course, some talents at SS-rank or even S-rank could be categorized as SSS-rank if the destruction level far surpassed their peers

For example, the famous Flash from the Berlyn family, prominent for their lighting users. The man has the talent Thunder Sovereign, an SS-rank. Yet because of the speed it provided and the destructiveness, it was officially ranked as an SSS-rank.

Another example is the Night Controller, an S-rank talent. At night, it was a stupidly powerful ability. A man has awakened this ability in the past. In space, he was unstoppable! The environment is the same as night. Most SSS-rank Awakeners didn't stand a chance against him!

Usually, the Sovereigns of elements follow this same pattern. They're exceptional because of the sheer numbers nature could provide their objects. As for Controllers, only on special occasions could they exert attacks far surpassing their original rank.

"Ashford Family, came forth!"

"Come on. Don't worry about us. Proudly state your name!"

Mother encouraged him, noticing the incoming problems because of his name. Urapus nodded, not minding the incoming consequences at all as he walked towards the stage firmly.

If his parents aren't anxious, why should he?

"Huh, it's 11:57 AM," Beside her, his Father muttered.

Urapus felt something odd. But he couldn't put his fingers on it. Clueless, he decided to ignore it and came up to the stage.

"State your name and your inner energy," The judge stated, clearly not expecting anything.

"Urapus Ashford. Infancy."


As soon as his name was stated, the crowd went into an uproar. The kid dared to use the First Hero's name!

"Ashfords! You dare!"

"So what if I am?"

The passive Ren stood up, revealing his realm. The surrounding families took a step back in shock.

Half-Commander expert!

On the stage, Urapus looked up in admiration. So his Father has been hiding his realm this whole time.

"You know the consequences if that kid of yours doesn't awaken an talent above A-rank, right?"

The relaxed elder from the Raven family reprimands solemnly. He did not have any condemnation in his heart, only pity and respect.

Ren Ashford's intention is clear. By naming his son with the First Hero's name, he wished his son could revive the glory of the Ashford Family, the family that was used to be on par with the three top prominent families!

...Is what the man wanted people to think.

The elder of the Raven Family shook his head. If that's how you wanted it to be, then so be it.

After receiving a nod of confirmation from him, Ren back down. The other families were still shaken. The highest realm in the city is only at the General realm, yet Ren Ashford has reached Half-Commander realm!

The judge did not react. Although it was shocking for a kid to be named after the First Hero, it was mid at best. Ren Ashford was impressive, but everything became less impressive when one has experienced the battlefield in space.

"Place your hand here."

Urapus nodded. After his hand was placed, the device lighted up, revealing his talent.

"A-rank, Ash Manipulator."

The auditorium went silent.

The elder sighed. Ren smiled wryly. Even Natashya gritted her teeth.

However, amid the silence, Urapus froze. He felt something surge in his mind, like a memory that was unlocked from the moment he awakened his talent.

It was indescribable. Finally, after a second that lasted for a lifetime, just as the crowd was about to explode, Urapus opened his eyes and glanced at the device.

It immediately changed.

"S-rank, Ash Controller."

The crowd was even more dumbfounded. Even the elder and his parents were awestruck.

This... Did the device misjudged his talent a second ago?

Beside the elder, the general looked at the kid. Others may not felt it, but as a general who has led an army in a war, he was too familiar with this aura.

But he remained calm. He felt like it was not that surprising. After all, after hundreds of years, he is the first kid who was named after the First Hero.

It's that exaggerated. The First Hero is too brilliant that most parents fear that their children would be pressured to death by inheriting his name. Even the top families felt the same.

Even if their children are talented, could their children be Urapus, who was willing to fight against the Outer Forces continuously for 30 years as the leading figure? Could they be Urapus, who was willing to not lift a finger towards the citizens he protected when they wished for his death?

Could they be Urapus, whose death started the 2nd Phoenix Calender?

Clearly not.

The First Hero is the embodiment of a Hero.

Besides, they did not wish to stain the First Hero's name because of their children's misconduct if they happened to name them after him.

Mankind has disappointed him enough. No matter how shameless they are, they're not so audacious as to tarnish the name of the Greatest Human of All Time.

Otherwise, it won't be the people who would beat their children to death. It would be them who would beat their children to death.

But the general knew clearly how tremendous the pressure this kid would have to bear.

Inwardly, he sighed, 'Good luck.'

As for Urapus himself,

'I live again.'

The memory of the past came like a tide. They overlapped with his current life, yet...

Urapus, past and present, mercilessly suppressed what came from the past. They are beneficial for his future growth, but he did not wish for them to affect his current life.

His current life is perfect.

But then—

[Hero System has been activated.]

—It happened.