1 About the story

This story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. It wasn't zombies, nor a nuclear explosion, or even a deadly virus that overran it. It was the supernatural that came out form the woods. Werewolves, vampires, witches all of then came at the same time. The War was unexpected and as it was no one was really prepared to fight back. The vampires took out the military. Everyone that could stand a decent chance to fight back. The werewolves hit the cities hunting down everyone and the witches struck the heavy artillery. Sinking ship, crushing submerines and setting of nuclear reactors and meantaining the blast within the perimeters as to destroy only the buildings that they were in.

The supernatural where few but they killed so many people so fast that it didn't matter. Only a few people that where lucky enough to escape and find shulter before the werewolves stopped hunting them.
