
A Group of Fools

It was useless. No matter how hard I bit him, no matter what kind of desperate methods I tried, I wasn't rewarded in any way. The hero rather seemed to enjoy my attacks, as he laughed harder and even harder, the more I tried to hurt him.

In the end, it was only due to the weakness of my own body, that I had to give up on murdering the hero just by mauling him to death. My jaw hurt due to being overused for what could easily have been an hour of chewing on his seemingly stone-hard fingers.

The girl called Myra didn't heal me again, instead she lured me with a carefully roasted, delicious smelling piece of meat. I didn't say no to this kind of temptation. Not only was I hungrier than I had ever been in my life, I knew this meal would give me back a little of my lost strength.

As soon as I had accepted the treat, Myra's gentle hands freed me from the grip of the hero. She sat down next to the fire, placed me on her lap and slowly began to cut off small pieces of roasted flesh from the remains of what was once something like a small boar.


«I should be thankful that the hero doesn't love boars instead ...»


Myra didn't see the change in my mood. She just stuffed the meat in my mouth, a new piece every time I stopped chewing. I accepted them all, without attempting to bite her once. Even when she began to pet my battered fur, I just stayed still and let her be. There was no reason for me to bite her while she was giving me food. I could still do it when I was full!

The hero naturally didn't get the same treatment. Whenever he tried to feed me, I bit his fingers instead. When he tried to pet me, I bit him even more, and when he tried to place me on his lap instead, I bit so hard my teeth hurt! He obviously didn't like being treated like this.


"So mean!" He protested in a playful voice. "Poppy is mean!"

"Poppy?" Myra asked confused. "You already named her?"

"Yes! She is red like a poppy flower!"

「You bastard! You want to name me just like that!? Do I look like a pet to you?!」

"See?! She likes it!"

"You cannot name her after the color of her hair! She is a girl, after all!"

「Yes! You said it!」

"How would you call her, then?"


「...」 I felt something inside of me die, as I imagined a cute little fox pup in a pale pink, laced dress.

"Princess?!" The red-haired girl protested. "She is no doll, either! What about Konkon?!"¹

「Are you fucking kidding me?!」

"No! She looks like a beautiful flower!" A girl that had hip-long, pale-brown hair. "Let's call her Rose!"

「How is that any better?!」


The remaining three girls chipped in one after another. The first of them had rather short and bright orange hair and even more flashy emerald-green eyes. She wore a deep-blue, sleeveless dress.


"What about Fairy," she asked.

A cold shiver ran over my skin. 「Anything but that!」


The next girl that spoke up had blonde, shoulder-long hair and a long bang that covered one of her silver eyes.


"Inferno," was the only ward that left her lips.

「What!? Inferno?! Do you want me to burn you to death!? I will totally do it! I will do it right now!」

"She doesn't like it." The last girl, a dark-grey haired beastkin translated.


The girl seemed to be the youngest of them all, but also the brightest. Of course, I would hate being called Princess, Poppy or Fairy! Everybody would hate that! Those humans were stupid beyond rescue! They were retarded when compared to this bright, beautiful girl!


"Fluffy," her angelic voice decided.




¹Kon is the japanese onomatopoeia for a fox's yelp. There is no equivalent of this in english language. Think ''meow'' for cats or ''moo'' for cows..

So basically, the redhead tried to name Talia with the fox-version of ''Meowmeow''. Who would say no to that?

SukkerroeAyacreators' thoughts