
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · ファンタジー
84 Chs

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Discussion with the Family

"I'm home!"

As I opened the door and called out, my mother and father hurriedly rushed out from the kitchen.

"Leon! Thank goodness you're safe."

"Leon! Were you harmed in any way? I'm glad you're back."

With tears in their eyes, my mother and father expressed their joy.

I didn't expect them to worry so much. Maybe I should have come back quickly without making any detours...

"Both of you, I'm perfectly fine. Nothing happened to me. I was invited to a dinner party and just had a little conversation while having dinner. In fact, I even received some clothes..."

"Come to think of it, you're wearing really nice clothes... Aren't they expensive?"

"Leon, are you sure it's okay to accept something like this? What if they demand money later and we can't pay?"

Now both of them started to panic.

I couldn't help but relax and laugh. I finally felt relieved, released from the tension.

"It's okay because I received it as a gift."

"Is that so? But why would a noble give clothes to Leon? And why were you invited to a dinner party in the first place?"

"Leon, explain it properly to your mother and father."

What should I do... I don't want to lie to them, but how much should I tell them...

I can't tell them that I was reincarnated, so I should probably keep it a secret that I can read, write, and do calculations.

In that case, it might be better to tell them about all the attributes... I hope they don't find it creepy. I might feel really down if my mother and father dislike me...

But I can't keep hiding that I'm going to the Royal School. I can't deceive them any further.

Just as I made up my mind to talk to my mother and father, the door opened.

"I'm home! Oh! Big brother, you're back? I'm so glad."

It seems Marie has returned. It's better to have her listen to the conversation too.

"Welcome back, Marie. I have something to tell you, so will you listen?"

"Yeah! I'll listen!"

"Thank you. Will you both listen to me as well, Mom and Dad?"

"Yes, let's go to the living room. We were planning to close the shop for the evening, so it's okay if the conversation takes a while."

"Okay. Thank you."

And so, we moved to the living room and took our seats together.

"Leon, can you tell me?"

"Yeah. The person who invited me to a dinner party yesterday is called Frederick-sama. It was really a chance encounter at first. So when he found out that I wanted to enter the Royal School, he said he would lend me study materials. Yesterday, I went to pick them up."

When I said that, my mother and father had quite surprised expressions.

"You want to go to the Royal School, Leon? But why?"

"And where did you learn about the Royal School? I don't think there are many people around here who take the entrance exam..."

Even though they said that a lot of commoners take the exam, it seems like the commoners around here don't. Well, it's true that I've never heard about the Royal School in this area...

"I learned about the Royal School from someone I went with to the city center. His name is Marcel-san, and he's a person who makes magical tools. He showed me some magical tools. So when I said I was interested in magical tools, he told me that if I go to the Royal School, there will be magical tools, and if I become an official, I can live a life with magical tools. That's why I want to go to the Royal School."

"Magical tools, they are convenient tools used by nobles, right?"

"That's right! They are incredibly useful and groundbreaking! I think they will continue to develop in the future!"

When I said that, my mother and father smiled and said, "Leon really loves magical tools. Your eyes are shining."

Huh?! Is it that obvious on my face? It's kind of embarrassing...

But in this inconvenient world, if there are convenient things, it's natural to be drawn to them, yeah.

"We understand that Leon wants to go to the Royal School. Your father and I will support you. Live the way you want, Leon."

"Marie too! I'll support my big brother!"

"Really?! Thank you, everyone."

I thought they would tell me to stop such a reckless thing... I'm happy they understand. I'm glad I talked about it.

"But can you pass the entrance exam for the Royal School? We can't teach you at home..."

"That's okay! Frederick-sama lent me study materials, and he taught me a little. Marcel-san can also teach me."

"That's helpful, but... why would they go that far for you? We're just commoners with no money."

I thought it would be strange to them too. I guess I have to tell them about the whole aspect...

"There's a reason for that... Hey, remember my magic attribute was healing, right? Well, actually, I can use all the other attributes too. And since it's really rare to have all attributes, they asked me for help. In return, they'll assist me."

As I said that, my mom and dad were frozen for a moment with their mouths wide open, but after a while, they started moving their mouths, as if trying to say something.

I guess they're too shocked to say anything.

The first one to speak was Marie.

"Big brother, you can use all types of magic? That's amazing! It's cool! I want to use all of them too!"

Instead of finding it creepy, she said it was cool... Maybe Marie, being still a child, doesn't fully understand, but it still makes me happy.

"Thanks, Marie. But you mustn't tell anyone about this, okay? Can you keep it a secret?"

"Yeah! I can!"

Drawing courage from Marie, I looked into my parents' eyes.

"Mom, Dad, do you think I'm scary or weird?"

I tried to ask while looking into their eyes, but I got scared and lowered my gaze halfway through. What if they confirm it...

"Leon, your mom and I would never think such a thing."

"Yeah, that's right. We wouldn't find you creepy or anything. On the contrary, we were just surprised that you can use all types of elemental magic."

"That's right, your mother was also surprised. But you're our pride. Our amazing son."

Mom and Dad said that. I couldn't help but feel relieved and tears welled up in my eyes with happiness.

"Mom, Dad, thank you."

I answered with a beaming smile.

"It's only natural. We won't tell anyone about this, and we'll support you, Leon. If the nobles need your power and they're willing to help you in return, there's no need to worry. Do your best."

"Dad might feel lonely since Leon will be leaving home in a little over a year, but I'll support you."

"I'm also cheering for big brother!"

"Thank you, everyone. I'll do my best!"

I'm glad that everyone is supporting me. I'm grateful to have been reincarnated into this family.

"Well then, since we have the night off today, shall we all make a feast and eat together?"

"That sounds good. Marie, what would you like to eat?"


"Hehe, Marie really loves pancakes. But let's have pancakes for dessert. What would you like for the main course?"

While everyone was having that conversation, I remembered something. Anne-san had put some teaching materials in the bag she gave me, but she also included souvenirs for the family!

"Everyone, actually the maid from Frederick-sama's mansion gave me some souvenirs! Look!"

"Big brother, what's this? Salt?"

"Marie, this is sugar."


"Yes, it's very sweet."

"Really!? I love sweet things!"

"Today, I'll make French toast with this."

"Oh, Leon is going to make it? I'm looking forward to it."

"Leon's cooking is delicious, after all."

Everyone is smiling at me. That's a relief...

"I'll recreate the one we had at the café in the city center, so it will definitely be delicious!"

"Really!? Yay! I love tasty and sweet things!"

"Then let's all go to the dining room."

"Yes, let's do that."


And so, our family headed to the dining room and made French toast together. The French toast we made as a family tasted even better than the one we had in the city center.

By the way, the French toast was a big hit, and Marie became obsessed with sugar.

Whenever I go to the city center, I have to buy sugar as a souvenir for the house. Well, it's fine because she's really happy about it.