
I Was Not Supposed To Fall In Love !

Delicate as a flower, innocence of a newborn child, beauty that could put angels to shame and the kindest of all. That's who Veneesa Des Flazear is, or thats who I, Bella Ser Mosique, am supposed to be. The sole purpose of existence is to seduce the crown prince, become the future mistress, destroy the order of this nation and then finally pave way for my people to invade this kingdom. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been trained for this mission. Comabt training, acting, geographical knowledge, expertise in herbology, weapon knowledge, social psychology and manipulation, financial knowledge and what not. I was raised to tackel anything thrown at me. This mission is more important to me than anything, and nothing shall ever come between me and my goal. All the efforts that I have done will become fruitful. If I survive throughout the mission then I will become the hero of my kingdom. I most probably will die. And I have mentally prepared myself for that as well. I was raised to become emotionless, so that I do not bond with anyone during the mission. The only emotion I ever felt was passion. Passion to see this kingdom to burn in front my very eyes. --------------------------------------------- " This is NOT how it was supposed to happen. " She said in a trembling voice. Tears threatening to fall. " Then how was it supposed to be. " He chuckled as he caressed her head. " I was supposed to seduce you. I was supposed to use you. Thats what the plan had always been. And once everything was done, I was supposed to kill you. " She said, her head hung low. Daring not to meet the eyes of the prince. " But, what happened ? Why did you go against the mission ? " He asked, his hand gently lifting her face to look into her diamond eyes. " I- " She was at a loss for words. " Hmm? You ? " " I... I " Tears fell. She could not understand why he looked at her with such a soft gaze when she said she was supposed to kill him. She sobbed uncontrollably. " Oh dear, alright I am sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you. " He chuckled as he pulled her into his soft embrace. His hand rubbed her back as she soaked the nape of his fine satin shirt.

tiqvan_3874 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Hero

" HELP ME !! HELP MEEEE !! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP MEE !! " The woman's voice echoed through the forest as she restlessly ran inside the forest. 

After all, that's what anybody's reaction would be if they were being chased by a cold-blooded killer running after them with a knife.

She was running away from a serial killer who had been terrorizing the city for a few months now. He was notorious for killing people, especially targeting women. For only but one reason that women were an easy target and easier to kill. 

The poor woman was strolling the forest edge to collect flowers when the man started stalking her from far away. When she wandered just a little further away, he started chasing her at full speed. 

If she had not turned back to look at what the oncoming voice was, she would have been dead by now.

But, her feet were not going to save her. The man was faster than her and she knew that once she was within the reach of his hand, it was over for her.

She needs to hide somewhere.

She looked around to see if there was anywhere she could hide but in the process tripped over nothing.

Yes, she was running in a forest full of things that can make her fall but she is a classy lady and for the plot, she shall trip over nothing.

Squirming to move forward, she tried to keep running. But the fear has already taken over her and now her body is frozen. But, the killer has already reached her.

" Finally, " The killer said, his eyes looking like a predator. 

" You ran a long way, lady. " He smiled creeply as he said those words.

" Please, " She quivered in fear, she had lost all hopes.

" ITS TOO LATE FOR THAT NOW LADY. " H screamed as he lifted his knife, ready to slash the woman in front of him.

" SAY YOUR LAST WORDS WOMAN. " Upon hearing those words, the woman tightly shut her eyes and accepted her fate.

But, to her surprise, she heard the man scream. It sounded like it was a scream of pain. Slightly opening her eyes, she saw that the man was no longer of top of her but on the ground.

An arrow has pierced his right shoulder.

" UGH, " He groaned in pain holding the arrow. Where did the arrow come from ?

" YOU LITTLE- DID YOU PLAN THIS !? " He spoke midst groans.

" I-I DI-DDIN'T-" Suddenly another arrow came through and pieced his left shoulder.

Looking up in the direction from where the arrow came.

' Is that an angle ? ' She thought as she saw an elegant figure standing on a big stone, holding a bow in the hand and hand near the string.

The long silky black hairs danced along with the wind. The agile slim body had such an elegant stance that it seemed like she was a statue. The komorebi coming from behind made her face dull in contrast.

The woman was in a state of trance when she got startled by a distant scream.

" MY LADYYYY !!!!! " A middle-aged man emerged from behind her. Standing beside her, the man started huffing and puffing. 

" PLEASE ... huff ... DON'T... huff... WANDER OFF... huff... LIKE THAT... huff... MY LADY. " The man spoke amidst the huff and puffs.

Putting her bow down, the elegant lady jumped down the stone. Allot of other men in armour and uniforms emerged. All of them ran towards her.

The elegant lady walked towards the woman, who just stayed in her spot. Wondering who this person is ?

As she came closer to her, the woman could see the face. And my oh my was it not the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. 

A face carved out of jade. Eyes the gems envy. Crimson red lips. Roses embedded in her cheeks. It looked like god took their sweet time to carve that face out, making sure there was no room for imperfection. 

(This is the best description I can write to explain that basically, she is really beautiful.)