

Gwen is your average girl . She's in her early 20's , loves her mom and baby brother , works to support her family and everything else your average person does.

Every morning , she has the same schedule. She gets up at 6.30 am , sleep walks to old Mr.Mcrane's shop , gets a bottle of milk, lies down on a bench till 8 , then drags herself back home. Gwen doesn't know she's a sleepwalker. She always thinks her day starts at 8.30 am .

She kisses her mom goodbye before dropping her younger brother , Louis, to school . Then she drives her red convertible to work.

Forgot to mention...she works in a community gang and her family has no clue about it and she prays they never do.

"Ey....Gwenie! It's good you came early. "Bain motioned for her to take a seat next to him . She obeyed . " I've got a deal. Its hot .You just have to deliver the goods to Siron hotel...The one next to the cinema." He put his huge hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer. He leaned in and his lips were touching her ear.She stiffened .This was uncomfortable.

"The bag you're delivering has goods worth 10 fucking million. Don't screw this up." He pulled away and threw a black briefcase to her. She could barely hold it . She was shaking. 10 million !She couldn't get that much even if she sold herself five times over ! Hell..she could not get that even when she sold her entire family!

Later that day , Gwen walked into hotel Siron. It was vast and expensive. " Hmmm...must be where all the rich guys snob around . " she thought to herself. She was in a red dress that caressed her body and brought out her curves and she wore stiletto heels with a gorgeous diamond necklace around her neck . She always had to look presentable during such deals hence Bain would always put the effort in getting her decked up . For once she was grateful . Atleast she was fitting in. " Might as well play the role. " She mumbled under her breath .She held her chin up and strutted to the cafeteria.She ordered a latté and waited ... patiently. One hour later the client wasn't present.She called up Bain .

"Yo...Gwenie...Mr.Frinee says that....." she couldn't get what he was saying clearly. She turned to the table behind her . A group of men were laughing uncontrollably. She'd always been known for her hot temper. She hang up on Bain and stood up to face these pimps.

She slammed the black briefcase on their table causing some of their drinks to spill .

" What the fu....." Alec looked at his drenched pants. " Shit !!... lady...do you know how much this suit costs ? " He lifted his glance and his lips were left hanging.This woman before him was just breath taking . Her eyes were hazel and her lashes were thick bushes .Then his gaze fell on her lips . They were full and rosy. They were moving but he couldn't understand what was coming out of them.

He always thought that red was an over rated colour but on her...it looked ravishing. Then...Bang!!!!!!!!

His face suddenly felt hot and he could taste blood in his mouth .Then he realized that he'd been slapped. "Wait ...did you just..." he was cut off .She grabbed his chin with her petite hands and made him face her.

" What were you doing ? Were you checking me out ? " Her voice was like music to his ears. And she came off as cute when she was angry . He couldn't help but smile .Her eyes widened in shock " Pervert....How dare you smile? Look at you... " She tilted his face and her eyes glided along his features. He was good looking. She had to admit. " You look...decent...yet you're everyday scum."

Alec kept his calm and slowly freed himself from her grasp.He threw a quick glance at the Japanese investors seated next to him.They just sat there quietly enjoying the scene. Damn , he'd never been so humiliated so much before.

"Miss beautiful , how have I offended you. " He shot her a cold glare.The coldest he could manage. "Please , do tell. "

Gwen moved back a few steps.She had to be sophisticated after all and she'd already created such a scene.

and people were already looking at her. "Mmh...well...I..I...was on a phone call and...your laughter was too loud . " She paused as if waiting for her point to to sink in. " Then I got pissed_ "

" Im sorry for the disturbance. " He simply stated . He had sincerity in his Ocean blue eyes. She was taken a back at first because...well she expected a fight . She wasn't used to people giving in so easily.

" Well ...ok....thanks. " She smiled and reached for the briefcase but it slipped and fell .She bent to pick it the same time as Alec.They bumped their heads. " Ouch!!! Son of a b...." She stopped herself . " I mean...sorry. " She smiled and turned to leave . " Asshole . " she mumbled to herself.

She called Bain and he told her the client decided to meet In a room.She approached room 996 and knocked. She put her business face on as soon as the door knob turned.

"Ah...I've been expecting you. Sorry for the abrupt change of location . " Mr.Frinee was a middle aged round man.His checks were so flabby that they touched his chest.He almost looked adorable. "Come in."

The door shut .He offered her a seat but she declined politely. Business was business.She offered him the briefcase.He opened it and his face turned sour." Where are my goods?"

He turned the briefcase . It was filled with papers.He grabbed her arm. "Where are my goods!!!??"

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