

*Ring ring*


"What..the..." i move across the other side of my bed to check my alarm clock from the bed side table

I slowly opened my eyes just to be surprised by the time.

"Shit! I'm late!" I quickly ran to my closet and pick the right clothes for my interview

After picking the plaid skirt and blouse, i grabbed a piece of bread in the table and stuff it in my mouth. I have no time to bath since my interview starts at 8:30.

I look at the clock for a bit to see the time before rushing off


Luckily the building is 3 km from here


"Taxi! Right here!" The driver drove past me with an angry look

It seems the taxi was full so i had no choice but to run with my heels on

I jog from the intersection and luckily there's a shortcut

"I hope i can make it in time!"

*Bzzz bzzz*

my watch lit up and it's already 8:27

I can already see the building from here,

when suddenly....


I could see a very bright light from the side of my eye, and before i could even move..

My life flashes before my eyes

And everything went black


*"Seol hee"**


*Wake up, Seol hee**

what was that? is someone calling my name?

and ... more importantly

did i...survive the crash?

no...it's impossible...

it can't be..

the truck was huge and i hit my head hard in the ground. The last i opened my eyes, all i saw was the light coming out from the ambulance siren and my bloody hands on the ground

*i know you here me, Seol hee*

the voice... there it is again. It sounds so soft and soothing. Like an angel

the softness of the voice spark the curiosity i felt inside. I was able to open my eyes hoping i was in a hospital bed.

"Ack..it's too bright"

the place....it's....just plain white...

I covered my face with my hands because it was hurting my eyes

Someone grabbed my hands that's been covering my face.

"What the hell"

My eyes had adjusted from the bright light.. and

then...I saw this very beautiful woman holding my hand. I stared hardly at her for quite a while.. This woman looks familiar..and more importantly..

She was the most beautiful woman i have seen in my entire life!

She has long jet black hair with golden eyes and a slender body that could be even fit for a model

"Seol hee. Can you see me?" the beautiful woman smiled at me

"y-yes" i said nervously

"Before you ask questions, i want you to keep this in mind." she hesitated and opened her mouth again

"you will be taking my place."

"your...place?" i said dumbfounded.

"Your soul will be transferred in my body starting today."

"what...what the f#ck?!?"

Her body?! this doesn't make any sense

"You see... i failed in this life, I was killed by my lover. But i guess some entity decided to give me a second chance in this life so I could change my mistakes in the past. But I'm tired of it and I need someone's soul to inherit this body." she said it all so fast.

"Wait... wait, but i didn't ask you to choose me? And besides, isn't it that your 'lover' is too dangerous for me to takeover your body? he might kill me again!"

"He won't, and that's why i chose you, Seol Hee"

"What does that even mean? there's no guarantee that he wouldn't kill me." This woman is really...

"Well, he wouldn't be able to kill you if you killed him first right?"


"What I'm saying is, I want to get revenge on my lover, and all the people that helped him to kill me"

I just opened my mouth and stared at her. speechless.

"Now, do you want to sign a contract?"