
I Want To See You

Aurora, a bad tempered girl who knows how to fight back. Problems seem to find her though she runs from them. All she wants is to lead a peaceful, happy life and become photographer but her family is forcing her to marry some rich man. After disagreeing with her family who despise her, they discipline Aurora by sending her to a military camp for a year. To rebel against her family, Aurora decides to cause as much trouble as she can. During this time she meets a nasty sergeant who scolds her at any possible moment. Making a lot of enemy's and friends, how will Aurora survive a whole year full of drama?

GrapeFairy · 若者
28 Chs

Spoiled Princess

Aurora went and got the biggest weight she could find.

"Here you go, since you're so strong lift it up." Aurora said sarcastically.

"Of course!" Evan looked at Aurora and saw that she wasn't struggling picking up the weight. He thought that it would be easy to carry.


As soon as Evan took the weight from Aurora it fell to the floor.

"Hmm where did all your strength go?" Aurora laughed at him.

"It's because I didn't stretch!" Evan felt embarrassed.

"Sure Sure, why don't you stretch then?" Aurora acted like she believed him.

"Now I don't want to lift it since you ruined my mood!" He acted bratty.

"You act like a spoiled princess." She laughed at Evan.

"Pass me the small weight, maid." Evan joked around with Aurora.

Grabbing the small weight Aurora said, "Yes, your highness."

"Thank you." Evan grabbed the small weight and started lifting it up. On the other hand, Aurora picked up a slightly bigger weight and started to get to work.


"Everybody swap over!" Theo shouted from some part of the gym.

"What shall we do next?" Evan asked Aurora.

"How about we go on the treadmills?" Aurora suggested.

"Whatever you say."

"Okay let's go." Aurora and Evan arrived at the treadmills. "We should take turns using it." She suggested.

"Sounds good to me. So who will go first?" Evan asked.

"I can."


After 15 minutes of running, Aurora got tried and made Evan run. They continued this for the rest of the hour.

1 hour had passed and Theo made another announcement, "Everyone to the yard for 10 laps."

Everyone sighed.

"After completing 10 laps, you may use the rest of the day to relax." Theo added.

"Not so bad demon king." Aurora said to herself. "Don't you love to torture kids."

Everyone went outside to do their 10 impossible laps. This was probably his plan, since everyone had been doing hardcore exercising for 2 hours it would practically be a death invite to run 10 laps.

"This demon expect no one to finish, but I'll prove him wrong." Aurora laughed to herself.

While everyone was speeding around the filed, Aurora kept her pace slow.

'What idiots, you're going to get tired easily running like that.' She thought to herself.

Around 45 minutes had passed and everyone was already huffing and puffing but Aurora wasn't. 10 more minutes had passed and Aurora was finished with her laps. She was sweating from her head to toes. Aurora decided to take off her jacket, reveling her see through white shirt. You could her bra since she sweated so much, but Aurora didn't notice it until she saw a couple of the boys staring at her. Aurora didn't have any normal looking bra's, she only had laced and provocative looking ones. Since she never had a mother figure, Aurora had never been bra shopping and just wore what her mum had bought her.

"What are you looking at?" Aurora said to the boys.

One of them whistled and another responded, "What a beautiful sight to my eyes."

This caught the attention of Theo. He walked towards them which scared off the boys. Theo then took off his jacket and threw it onto Aurora's head.

"Cover yourself up, we're in public." He lectured her.

Aurora took the jacket off her head and threw it back to Theo, "You want me to thank you or something?"

"You're in a military camp so you should act disciplined." Theo said to her.

"I haven't been disciplined since the day I was born." Aurora snapped at him.