
I Want To See You

Aurora, a bad tempered girl who knows how to fight back. Problems seem to find her though she runs from them. All she wants is to lead a peaceful, happy life and become photographer but her family is forcing her to marry some rich man. After disagreeing with her family who despise her, they discipline Aurora by sending her to a military camp for a year. To rebel against her family, Aurora decides to cause as much trouble as she can. During this time she meets a nasty sergeant who scolds her at any possible moment. Making a lot of enemy's and friends, how will Aurora survive a whole year full of drama?

GrapeFairy · 若者
28 Chs

I'm in Hell!

Aurora looked at Theo blankly, "Are you sure about that?"

"Oh I'm very sure." Theo smirked and then walked to the front of the line.

Aurora was disbelief, she had to spend a whole year with the devil. After Theo got to the front of the line, he started to lead everyone away. They walked for a couple minutes until they reached a place that Aurora had never seen before.

"This is the place I expect to see everyone here at 8AM everyday." Theo firmly said. "If that is all good, I need everyone to get into pairs. For the next month you will be training intensely with your partners and will receive and evaluation, this will determine if you get to move up or stay here."

Aurora felt light above her, this would be her chance to escape this devil! Or was it? Everyone started getting into pairs, but Aurora didn't know anyone and it seemed like everyone already knew each other.

"There goes my chance." Aurora's soul left her body.

"Hey, I see that you're alone, wanna be my partner?" Aurora looked up and saw someone standing infront of her.

"Thank you! You are my life savior!"

"Hey, you forgot me already?" He said.

"What do you mean?" Aurora looked closer at the boy and got surprised, "Ah! You're...uh what's your name again?"

"It's Evan."

"Oh right, Evan, sorry I forgot." Said Aurora.

"It's alright, so we are partners now?" Evan asked.

"Sure." Aurora became, now she had a way to escape hell.

"Everyone stand in line!" Theo yelled.

Quickly everyone stood in a line next to their partners.

"Today we will start in the facility behind me, it has many different machines used for training. In your pairs, you will pick one machine and work on it for the next hour and then you will change. is that clear?" Theo shouted to everyone.

"Yes sir!" Most people shouted back. Theo then went to the building behind him and opened the doors, everyone then walked in. It was huge, and filled with a lot of gym equipment.

"Wow these guys must be rich." Aurora said to herself.

"Of course they are." Evan whispered to her.

"You heard what I said?" Aurora asked him

"Yeah, you're not very good at whispering." Said Evan.

"Crap! I've been whispering to myself this whole time, that means someone must've heard what I say." Aurora felt embarrassed.

"Anyway, what machine do you want to use?" Evan asked.

"Hmm, let's pick something hard, we need to train ourselves so we pass the evaluation and move out of this hel- I mean group." Aurora was determined to train to move up and out of this class.

"Which is it anyway?" Evan looked at all the equipment. It seemed like he had never been to a gym before.

"How about weightlifting?" Aurora suggested.


They both went towards the weights and Aurora started looking at the dumbbells'.

"What's the most you can carry?" Aurora asked Evan.

"Uhh I'm not quite sure, since I've never lifted weights before." Evan said nervously.

"That's all right, you should probably start from the lowest." Aurora took the small weight and handed it to Evan.

"Isn't this a bit too small? I'm still a man and I need to maintain my image."

"It's not my fault you can't lift weights." Aurora said mockingly.

"I can! Give me the most heavy one!" Evan said confidently while placing his hands on his hips.

"Okay." Aurora laughed to herself.