
I Want To See You

Aurora, a bad tempered girl who knows how to fight back. Problems seem to find her though she runs from them. All she wants is to lead a peaceful, happy life and become photographer but her family is forcing her to marry some rich man. After disagreeing with her family who despise her, they discipline Aurora by sending her to a military camp for a year. To rebel against her family, Aurora decides to cause as much trouble as she can. During this time she meets a nasty sergeant who scolds her at any possible moment. Making a lot of enemy's and friends, how will Aurora survive a whole year full of drama?

GrapeFairy · 若者
28 Chs

Bidding Farewells.

Even though Aurora felt that going to a military camp was going to be horrible, she wanted to try and not to think about it. When sitting down on the train, Aurora took out her phone and searched up the military camp she was heading to.

She looked at pictures of it and it looked very run down. Aurora read on and the military was called Highland and it was located in a place called Loracre, she had never heard of this place and thought that it would be fun to explore, if she can leave the camp that is.

After riding the train for 2 hours, Aurora finally reached the town of Loracre. As soon as she stepped off the train, she felt as if this was a new beginning. When exiting the station Aurora thought to herself, "Where the heck is this camp anyway." It was already 1:30pm and registration was at 2pm. Aurora looked around and tried asking people if they knew where the camp was, and no one knew where it was. "What is wrong with this place, how come no one knows where it is?" She said to herself.

That's when someone tapped on her shoulder, "Are you lost darling?"

Aurora turned around and saw a boy who was about her age standing there. "Yes I am actually."

"Where are you heading to?" The young man asked.

"Highland military camp." Aurora answered.

"Oh, that's interesting." He said with a smirk.


"Not many beauty's go to a place like that." He said as he got closer to Aurora.

"It's not like I want to go." She said in a mad tone. "So, do you know where it is cause if you don't please stop wasting my time."

"I do know where it is." He answered.

"Can you tell me where it is?" She asked nicely.

"Even better, I can't take you there personally."

"No need for that, just point me in the direction and I will be on my way." Aurora said confidently.

"It takes about 30 minutes to walk there, and isn't registration soon?" He said slyly.

"How can we get there quicker!" She panicked.

"By car of course." He pointed infront of them where an expensive sports car was parked.

The young man took Aurora's suitcase and placed in the back of the sports car, he then sat down in the drivers seat. Even though Aurora didn't know who he was, is was an emergency and she had to trust him, so she sat down in the passenger seat and they took off.

While they were driving the young man said, "My name is Evan, what's yours?"

"I'm Aurora."

"That's a pretty name for a pretty woman." Evan said enthusiastically.


Aurora was a beautiful person but she hated getting hit on and this would happen a lot especially since always went to the club.

After 10 minutes of driving they stopped outside a huge brick building, it looked like one of those from a drama.

Aurora stepped out of the car and said to Evan, "Thanks for the lift."

"No problem!" He smiled.

Aurora took her suitcase and approached the building, she looked around and saw many people with their parents bidding farewells. She was kind of jealous, Aurora wanted a family that would miss her when she's gone.

Shrugging her shoulders, Aurora walked inside the building and there was a line. She tapped the back of the person at the back of the line and asked, "Is this the registration line?"

"Yes." The person answered.

Finally Aurora had made it in time, all she had to do now was wait in line.