
I Transmigrated Into Another World And Became The Strongest Swordsman!

There are different ways to die in this world. Some die by accidents, Murder or even suicide, but my question is, what is the most painful way to die. Is it being tortured or beating to death? Is it being sentenced to death for something you didn't commit or is it being poisoned by the one's you love? Well whatever it is, I myself had my own share of a painful death and what is more painful than to be killed by the love of your life. I was born weak and died weak but when I finally thought that I could go to the place they all called, 'The afterlife' Instead I woke up in an whole new world and if that isn't the most shocking thing, I Transmigrated Into the body of the strongest and most powerful swordsman who is exactly the complete opposite of me. And this world isn't an easy one as it's literally the brother of hell, what I'm I gonna do when I am tasked by to accompany the locked princess to the Soul keeper who can save her kingdom and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an easy journey. "Why me!!!"

BLVixen · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Good morning! Master

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It was as early as day could be and waking up was Niko which body ached alot but one thing that got him confused was the amount of weight that was on his lower abdomen.

He remembered 'Sky' Laying on him yesterday but it couldn't be the little rabbit that could put so much weight on him.

Rising, Niko furrowed blue eyes widened in shock at what or should I say who he say ahs the next thing he heard was the cute and pleasant voice of someone, "Good morning! Master."

And before we knew it, his loud scream was heard which made all the birds fly away from their trees.

Xenia who was busy getting herself cleaned at the river heard his scream and quickly wore her clothes and ran towards his destination and upon getting there she was also shocked to see a stranger laying on Niko.

Quickly getting up, Niko summoned his sword 'Zul' as he asked shakily, "W-who are you? What do you want?"

He asked and hearing that, the tall girl tilted her head as she said, "Master, don't you recognize me?" She asked cutely and that's when her appearance got both Xenia and Niko's eyes.

She was tall, Maybe at the same height as Xenia and ah had the most fairest skin, like that of snow.


Her short skirt was like a white soft fur with a nice pink and white short shirt which made her cute bellybutton visible.

Her white hair with pink strends which was styled in a nice ponytail. Hed eyes were as blue as the sky with that round and majestic face of hers combined with that beautiful rose lips that screamed seduction.

"S-sky..is that you?" Niko asked and hearing that, sky nodded as she replied, "Yes! Master, it's me...your sky!"

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"W-what happened to you... weren't you a rabbit?" he asked and hearing that, Xenia said, "She was until she generated to Level 10 and was able to become human and rise from her spiritual beast which is a rabbit!"

Xenia said and Sky nodded to her words, "She's right master!" she said and hearing that, Niko said awkwardly, "Well I'm happy for you sky but why do you keep calling me master, I'm not your master!"

Niko said feeling a little awkward about how she called him and hearing that, Sky said, "What are you talking about? You are my master and my savior! If not for yiu treating my wounds then I would be dead by now. And you even allowed me to tag along with you and you fed me also. So I've dedicated myself to you and automatically become you pet and you will be my master!"

Sky said with a wide grin and hearing that, Niko justed sighed.

"Anyway, Enough with the master and pet whatever, we need to start going Niko!" Xenia said and hearing that, Niko nodded before the. asking, "So where are we going next?"

Hearing that, Xenia said, "According to the map, we have to go the bridge of Flames!" She said and hearing that, Niko was a little taken aback.

"The bridge of Flames? What's that?" He asked a little confused and hearing that, Xenia replied, "It's the bridge that passes through the demonic realm...and it will lead us straight to the next part of the map!"

She said but she herself still didn't know how to get there, "Even with the map, it's still a little confusing to get round the forest!"

She said nut just then,the cute voice of Sky was heard as she said, "I can help! I know where crook and corner of this forest!" She revealed and hearing that, Niko and Xenia stared at each before a slay smirk appeared on Xenia's lips.

"Ok then little rabbit, if you can show us the way to the bridge of Flames then we might just let you tag along!"

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"Ok then little rabbit, Show us the way to the bridge of Flames!" Xenia said with a smile and hearing that, Sky grinned as she hopped and they followed behind her.

{The bridge of flames was one of the strongest boundary and separated demons from hellborn from the other demonic realm. During the last reign of the Demon King, hellborn was one of the most powerful Demonic kingdoms which worked under him And that's why other demon's from their realm felt threatened by hellborn and so the bridge of Flames was created and was also guarded by one of the most mightiest dragon, "The Red-Flame Dragon" and it seems like it won't be easy for them to get pass that bridge without confronting that mighty dragon!"


After few hours of walking, They finally reached a huge land filled with streamed green grasses and wondering fragrance.

"Where are we?" Asked Xenia and hearing that, Sky replied, "We are at the goblins village!"

"The what?!" Niko said a little taken aback.

"The goblins Village! Wait! do you think I'm really gonna take you to the bridge of flames! that's totally ridiculous, I like you guys I don't want you to die!"

She said as she made her way to the tiny village afar and hearing that, Xenia said, "And what do you mean by that?"

Sighing, Sky explained, "The bridge of flames is a dangerous place, only five people have been able to pass it and no one else."

"And why is that?" Niko said.

"Well... Because of the Mighty dragon guarding the Bridge. She is Strong and can't be easily killed or tamed. She has guarded the Bridge for almost Three hundred years, she totally can't be defeated and not by the likes of you too...No offense master, I know you are strong but she is a level 45...Way above your level and that of this fox!"

.Sky said as she turned around and started walking Away but the angry Xenia shouted, "Hay! You... little rabbit, how dare you call me a fox... I'll show you whose a fox!"

Xenia said as she brought out her claws and charged at Sky and seeing that, sky managed to Dodge her attacks and the little cat and rat chase began between them leaving Niko to just sigh.

And upon seeing his reaction, Sky said, "Don't worry master! I have a friend here at the goblin Village...if there is anyone who knows a a way to tame the Dragon then it will be him so we should get going now before it starts to get dark!"

Saying that, Sky ran Away from Xenia as she made her way to the goblins village.


The Goblin Village was small since they were short in height. As they walked paced the tiny houses, they were very well noticed since to the goblins they were like Giants.

Meanwhile, Niko was fascinated by the little goblins. They were white, pink, green, as yellow in color. They had ears of that of dog and a nice small tail which well visible.

They were cute and only few looked ugly but the females were somehow pretty looking.

After walking around, Sky finally led them to a brown colored, small house and with that, she bent down as she knocked on the small door with her middle finding and few seasons later, coming out was a much older Goblin with a white, long hair and a wrinkled face. Oh! let's not forget about his stick.

Upon seeing the three individuals who stood before him, The goblin chief said, "To what do I owe this gigantic visit?" He said And hearing that, Sky smiled as she said, "Grandpa Goblin! It's me... White-Rabbit!" she called out to her nickname and hearing that, the goblin widened his eyes in shock as he said, "White rabbit is that really you?"

"Yes Grandpa Goblin, I've finally reached level 10, that's why I'm in my human form. I'm no longer a rabbit!" she explained with a wide grin and hearing that, the Chief nodded.

"That's good! I'm proud of you. Now, Tell me who these people her and why you guys have come to my humble village.

"Well Grandpa Goblin, We need help with something! my friends here are on an adventure and they need to pass the bridge of flames but because of the dragon, it won't be easy!' Sky explained and hearing that, the goblin nodded.

Just then, Xenia said, "Please Goblin chief, help me! I really need to pass that bridge!" She pleaded and Niko backed, "Yes! Do help us sir!"

He said and hearing that, the Goblin chief sighed as he said, "You aren't the only people who came to me for help but I'll continue to tell you all the same thing and there is nothing else I can do!" Stated the Goblin chief and hearing that z the three nodded.

.With with their attention on him, he then said, "If there is anyone who knows about the dragon and how to stop it and that's no other other that the 'Dark Witch'."

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