
I Transmigrated Into Another World And Became The Strongest Swordsman!

There are different ways to die in this world. Some die by accidents, Murder or even suicide, but my question is, what is the most painful way to die. Is it being tortured or beating to death? Is it being sentenced to death for something you didn't commit or is it being poisoned by the one's you love? Well whatever it is, I myself had my own share of a painful death and what is more painful than to be killed by the love of your life. I was born weak and died weak but when I finally thought that I could go to the place they all called, 'The afterlife' Instead I woke up in an whole new world and if that isn't the most shocking thing, I Transmigrated Into the body of the strongest and most powerful swordsman who is exactly the complete opposite of me. And this world isn't an easy one as it's literally the brother of hell, what I'm I gonna do when I am tasked by to accompany the locked princess to the Soul keeper who can save her kingdom and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an easy journey. "Why me!!!"

BLVixen · ファンタジー
14 Chs


Just as Xenia reached the top floor and was about to escape, she heard a loud voice behind her, "Hey!!....a prisoner is about to escape."

Saying that, the wolf looking solder, rang the alarm and Xenia could hear the foot steps of other solders coming get way.

She quickly ran for her life, she knew that if they caught her she was totally done for.

She ran as fast as her legs could take her, five solders were at her back trying to get her.

They finally cornered her and now she had no where to go. she looked at her left and saw a small window.

She looked at it and analyzed it, it was big enough for her to pass through it, and without wasting anymore time.

She used her spiritual fire to blast away the window railings and quickly slipped through the window.

She solders knew they couldn't pass through the window, so they went downstairs to catch her Instead.

She was in the top of the tower and she could see whole of hellborn clearly.

She felt the breeze that blew on her face and when she inhaled, she started climbing down the tower as carefully as she could.

She knew that one small mistake and she was done for.

She managed to climb down the tower, and with a massive jump she was outside their territory.

She had to find shelter but she didn't know much people here, so where could she go.

She walked slowly while using her hand to support get arm.

Her injuries haven't fully healed so it was still hard for her to move. As she walked the pain felt like it was piercing her ever moment.

Suddenly she heard the loud voice of the soldiers once again, "There she is....catch her!"

Saying that, the soldiers with their arms started chasing after once again.

Now she had to run really fast, main while after that shocking conversation with Azure, Niko still couldn't believe that he had died and his soul as entered the body of a man named 'Lutin'.

But he wasn't completely sure, according to what Azure said, The only person that have all the answers to his question is the 'soul keeper' whoever that his.

So he needed to find her if her want to go back home and leave this terrifying World.

Niko thought was later interrupted when he bombed Into someone.

The person was really strong, and the both fell down on the ground.

He looked down at the person but was surprised to see it was a girl.

She was dressed in a shaggy way and her black Raven hair was so enchanting. her eyes alone was beautiful, with it's blood red color and her pale white skin. he had totally never seen a girl as beautiful as her.

She checked her as she held one of her arms which was bleeding. that wasn't the only thing he noticed, she was messy and injured almost everywhere in her body.

He couldn't imagine what had happened to her for her to end up like this.

Xenia looked at him and before she knew it, she fainted from exhaustion.

Niko was confused, who was this beautiful girl and where did she come from....he had alot of questions but he didn't have time to ask when he heard voices and footsteps approaching them.

"I'm sure she went this way, come on."said one of the soldiers.

Although Niko didn't know what was going on, his instincts told him that he should help the pretty girls and he did.

she carried her and hid them both In small place where the soldiers won't be able to find them and they didn't.

the soldiers passed them and didn't see them, after the soldiers passed. Niko took the girl in his arms and left that place.

He had no where to go except from where Lutin lived and thanks to Lutin's memory he knew where the place was.

Lutin lived with 'Fiji and giji' and a girl named 'Zera'.

They lived underground and it was located In an isolated area. there weren't too much or there so it was really a nice place to lay low.

She took her in his arms and carried her there, he knew that if she was being followed by soldiers she was in danger so he didn't let anyone see her.

he finally reached his location and he opened a round iron that looked like a sewer. he used the handle and opened it.

He then climbed the ladder down with Xenia still in his arms.

He finally landed down and walked further inside. he then saw a big Door, he walked towards it, opened it and the next thing he received was a huge hit on his head.

"You idiot.....where have you been all day." saying that Zara looked at him and the girl in his arms and then said, "how many times have I told you now to bring any of your girlfriend's here do you want to get kicked out."

Niko regained his scenes and he then looked at Zara. he took Xenia inside and placed her in a comfortable chair he then turned to look at Zara.

Zara was one of Lutin's friends, she was beautiful, but very energetic and always liked to beat lutin any chance she got.

The old Lutin also figured out that she liked him but he just acted like he was clueless because he knew he totally didn't deserve her.

off course she was angry that the guy she liked brought another woman home once again. but will she be able to take it when she found out who the woman was and that the man standing in front of her, who looked like the man she love isn't really him.

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