

Amidst the echoing explosions and reverberating clashes, the alien breeding facility on Earth quaked as the external conflict raged on.

Lin Xia, a formidable wielder of metal elemental abilities, had only been within the facility for two months, yet the ongoing war had reached their doorstep.

"They've initiated the assault! They've come for us! Let us rise and fight for our freedom!" Lin Xia's rallying cry echoed through the confined spaces of the breeding facility.

However, the challenges faced by Lin Xia extended beyond the battlefield. Two months within these walls had transformed her once-agile form, her stomach now swollen with the presence of four unborn children.

This physical alteration rendered even the simplest movements, like standing, a formidable struggle.

Despite the encumbrance, Lin Xia refused to succumb to despair. Determined to lead the rebellion from within the confines of the breeding facility, she ingeniously repurposed the iron cage that surrounded her, fashioning it into a rudimentary wheelchair.

This adaptation would serve as a means to navigate the labyrinthine corridors, ensuring that even in her altered state, Lin Xia could continue to guide and inspire the resistance against the encroaching alien threat.

Amidst the resounding cries of her comrades engaged in the struggle, each step of the abilities users rushing to break free from their constraints resonated with determination.

Lin Xia, in the midst of this chaos, took a moment to divert towards a stretcher that had returned to the infirmary less than an hour ago.

"Wu Xiayi, don't faint. Come on, get up. Everyone outside is fighting for us! Let's fight for the freedom of everyone," Lin Xia shouted to Wu Xiayi, her cousin who had just been brought back to the breeding facility after giving birth to six twins a few hours earlier.

Wu Xiayi regained consciousness right as the first wave of the rebellion's assault was launched outside. This triggered panic, causing the attendants responsible for her care to abandon her in the turmoil.

Wu Xiayi shook her head weakly. "Go, go with all the power users. I, just an ordinary person, can't move after giving birth to six heads. I can't even feel if my legs are still in their place."

With a compassionate pat on Wu Xiayi's head, Lin Xia said, "Alright, rest. When you wake up, we'll be free, and we'll have driven those alien scoundrels out of Earth."

Lacking understanding of her cousin's medical needs and equipment, Lin Xia could only hope for the success of the rebellion and a stable situation, allowing Wu Xiayi to receive the proper care she required once she woke up.

"Yes, yes, I'll help you with prayers," mumbled Wu Xiayi, consciousness flickering.

"The world is getting worse and worse. We haven't even finished dealing with flesh-eating zombies, and now we have baby-farming aliens. When will my power reach the king level? I really want to destroy this chaotic world..."

Unaware of Lin Xia's muttered frustrations, Wu Xiayi, with fading consciousness, could see the colorful lights emanating from the abilities users.

Fire, wind, earth, metal, water, lightning, ice, and more scattered across the night sky, battling fiercely against the invading aliens.

Ignoring the imminent danger and the ongoing struggles, Wu Xiayi managed to find a moment of respite, captivated by the enchanting and vibrant display of lights that adorned the night sky.

It was a beauty so profound that it allowed the minds of those amidst chaos to momentarily escape into realms of imagination.

In her reflections, Wu Xiayi couldn't help but recall the grim onset of the zombie virus six years ago, a plague that brought forth death and terror, casting a long and haunting shadow over the world.

Then, just two years past, a new menace emerged with the arrival of aliens. Their invasion seemed calculated, driven by an eerie understanding that humans possessed a unique and profound ability to bring forth new life.

The terror unleashed by the zombie apocalypse, spanning six long years, now seemed almost trivial compared to the profound and far-reaching consequences of human exploitation at the hands of these extraterrestrial invaders.

The juxtaposition of these two calamities painted a grim portrait of a world caught in a relentless spiral of cataclysmic events.

Suddenly, a massive explosion reverberated through the air,

Wu Xiayi felt her body jolt as if the very foundation of the building could no longer withstand the pressure.

Dust and shards of debris began to cascade, and the structure itself seemed to groan under the strain.

As a fragment of rubble grazed Wu Xiayi's head, she opened her eyes.

In the haze of confusion, everything appeared to tremble violently.

The once-sturdy edifice now quivered under the impact, and the air was thick with the impending collapse.

"Xiayi, the building is collapsing. We need to get out now."

Wu Xiayi recognized the urgency in this anxious voice. It was Yan Shu, her childhood friend known for being overly emotional.

Wu Xiayi thought there was nothing that didn't make Yan Shu cry.

In the quiet recesses of her thoughts, Xiayi couldn't help but let a smile play on her lips as she reminisced about Yan Shu's unexpected transformation into a user of dimensional powers.

Once dismissed by many as seemingly useless, he had often been regarded as little more than a walking bag by those around him, a perception only exacerbated by his propensity to cry at the slightest provocation.

The night-and-day change occurred when Xiayi's uncle, a knowledgeable professor, shed light on the untapped potential within Yan Shu's abilities.
